
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, May 4, 2024

LaSalle ESD board approves 2017 budget


The LaSalle Elementary School District 122 Board of Education met Sept. 20 to approve the 2017 budget.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

"The Board's role is to develop and adopt goals and policies that meet state and local requirements and provide the resources necessary to pursue these goals. The Board also monitors District performance to see that results are consistent with the goals and policies."

LaSalle Elementary School District 122 Board of Education Agenda Regular Board Meeting Lincoln Jr. High Media Center September 20, 2016 6:30 P.M.

Budget Hearing called to order President Faletti called the budget hearing to order at 6:32 p.m. He then directed the Secretary to call roll. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti were in attendance. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Discussion and public comment Mr. DeBernardi reviewed the FY17 district budget. The beginning balance was $4,683,907 with total revenues of $15,345,595 and total expenditures of $12,170,047 for a projected ending balance of $7,859,455.

Adjourn Budget Hearing It was moved by Mr. Senica and seconded by Mr. Hicks to adjourn the budget hearing at 6:39 pm. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Regular Meeting called to order President Faletti called the regular meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. He then directed the Secretary to call roll. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti were in attendance. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Consent Action Items It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Senica to approve the August 16, 2016 regular board meeting minutes, the August 16, 2016 closed session meeting minutes, the September 2016 regular bills, October 2016 payrolls, August 2016 Treasurer’s Reports, August 2016 Activity Fund reports and current Workshop, Conference and Travel Reimbursements for employees and elected public officials. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Public to address the Board of Education Visitors in attendance were Superintendent Brian DeBernardi, Principal Karen Steindorf, Principal Jon Fox, Assistant Principal Mary Mauck, Curriculum and PreK Director Derek Kilmartin, Samantha Carpenter, Kristin McDonald, Karla Konieczki, Cathy Smudzinski, Brian Pett, Karen Sudaj, John Balzano, Sandra Sorrentino and Jeff Dankert.

New Staff Introductions – Mr. DeBernardi introduced new staff members to the board of education. Samantha Carpenter, Kindergarten teacher, and Kristin McDonald, 5th Grade teacher, were both present.

Action Items

Approve final FY17 District budget It was moved by Mr. Hicks and seconded by Mr. Senica to approve the final budget. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.



10 EDUCATION 8,547,134 8,497,572 49,562 2,021,742 2,071,304

20 OPERATIONS & MAINT 425,138 723,296 -­298,158 1,206,700 908,542

30 DEBT SERVICE 747,816 748,266 -­450 2,870 2,420

40 TRANSPORTATION 249,164 286,211 -­37,047 89,522 52,475

50 IMRF 352,104 291,954 60,150 190,455 250,605

60 CAPITAL PROJECTS 4,803,307 1,440,000 3,363,307 81 3,363,388

70 WORKING CASH 47,337 4,000 43,337 1,069,662 1,112,999

80 TORT 130,708 135,948 -­5,240 90,689 85,449

90 FIRE PREV & SAFETY 42,887 42,800 87 12,186 12,273


Total Beginning Balance July 1, 2016



15,345,595 Expenditures

12,170,047 Excess/Deficit


Total Ending Balance June 30, 2017


Approve Resolution declaring the intention to issue $5,100,000 Funding Bonds for the purpose of paying claims against the District, and directing the notice of such intention be published in the manner provided by law. It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to approve the RESOLUTION setting forth and describing in detail claims heretofore authorized and allowed for proper school purposes which are presently outstanding and unpaid, declaring the intention to issue $5,100,000 bonds for the purpose of paying claims against School District Number 122, LaSalle County, Illinois and directing that notice of such intention be published as provided by law. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve the Strategic Plan It was moved by Mr. Hicks and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to approve the district’s strategic plan. One component of the plan that has been updated is Human Resources. With the development of the facilities plan and additional district initiatives, it is best if Human Resources is a stand-alone objective of the strategic plan. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve Resolution to Adopt a Risk Management and Schools Safety Program It was moved by Mr. Senica and seconded by Mr. Hicks to approve the resolution to adopt a Risk Management and Schools Safety Program. This plan authorizes a portion of salaries to be tied in with Tort expenses. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits (ATSB) It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Hicks to approve the Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits (ATSB) for FY16. This is an annual requirement by the State of Illinois that we must post on our website. This provides additional transparency for school districts. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve Application for School Recognition (Lincoln) It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Senica to approve the Application for School Recognition (Lincoln). This is a routine annual filing that is required by state statute for each school. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve Application for School Recognition (Northwest) It was moved by Mr. Senica and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to approve the Application for School Recognition (Northwest). Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve first reading of certified staff seniority list It was moved by Mr. Hicks and seconded by Mr. Senica to approve the first reading of the certified staff seniority list as presented. The final reading will be at the January 2017 meeting. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve first reading of noncertified staff seniority list It was moved by Mr. Senica and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to approve the first reading of noncertified staff seniority list as presented. The final reading will be at the January 2017 meeting. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve the first reading of PRESS policies It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Hicks to approve the first reading of PRESS policies. 2:70 – Vacancies on the School Board – Filling Vacancies – minor changes to policy and footnotes. 6:100 – Using Animals in the Educational Program – the policy was updated to include two subheading titles: Animal Experiments and Animal Dissection. The district also updated its Application and Guidelines for Using Animals in School Facilties for Educational Purposes. 6:235 – Access to Electronic Networks – The policy, footnotes, cross references and administrative procedure references were updated. 7:10 – Equal Educational Opportunities – A new footnote was added to the policy that directs boards to consult their attorneys if they

want to provide specific policy language or adopt a policy specific to accommodations and inclusion of transgender students in the educational program. 7:270 – Administering Medicines to Students – The law permits school boards to maintain a supply of undesignated opioid antagonists in the name of a district and allows a school nurse or trained person to administer them to a person believed to be having an opioid overdose. 7:340 – Student Records – Footnote updates. 8:90 – Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs – change made to include language for school boards that want to require all parent organizations and booster clubs to have 501(c)(3) status. 8:110 – Public Suggestions and Concerns – amended to clarify “the Board encourages, but does not require, individuals to follow the channels of authority prior to filing a grievance.” Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve snow removal contract with J. Mauro Ator Trucking It was moved by Mrs. Spangler and seconded by Mr. Hicks to approve the snow removal contract with J Mauro Ator trucking for the 2016-17 school year. The only change is a slight increase in salt, $10 per ton. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Accept resignation from Lori Tipton as Cheerleading Sponsor It was moved by Mr. Senica and seconded by Mr. Savage to accept the resignation from Lori Tipton as Cheerleading Sponsor. Mrs. Tipton has done a great job with the cheerleading team and started the Lil’ Kickers program which helped fund new uniforms for the team. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve employment of Amanda Harty as Scholastic Bowl Coach It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Hicks to approve the employment of Amanda Harty as Scholastic Bowl Coach. Mrs. Harty has big shoes to fill as we have been conference champions two of the past three years. We hope she can continue this level of success. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Accept employment of Harvey Chance Blumhorst as History Fair Coordinator It was moved by Mr. Hicks and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to accept the employment of Harvey Chance Blumhorst as History Fair Coordinator. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve employment of Ray Bailey as the 6th grade Boys’ Basketball Coach It was moved by Mrs. Spangler and seconded by Mr. Hicks to approve the employment of Ray Bailey as 6th grade boys’ basketball coach. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve employment of Elizabeth Winkel as Cheerleading Sponsor It was moved by Mr. Senica and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to approve the employment of Elizabeth Winkel as Cheerleading Sponsor. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve retirement provisions for Cheryl Maggio It was moved by Mrs. Spangler and seconded by Mr. Hicks to approve the retirement provisions for Cheryl Maggio. Mrs. Maggio has worked for LaSalle Schools since 1980. She will be eligible for medical coverage until she is Medicaid-eligible. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve board conference estimated expenses It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Hicks to approve estimated expenses for the board conference. The board will be attending the IASB 2016 Joint Annual Conference in Chicago November 18-20. This conference provides an opportunity for board members to receive necessary professional development and training. Estimated expenses for this conference have been approved. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve hourly rate change for substitute custodians It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Hicks to approve an hourly rate increase for substitute custodians. The substitute custodian rate will increase from $11.60 to $12.00 per hour. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve L.E.A.S.E. 10-year life safety survey It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to approve the LaSalle/Putnam County Educational Alliance for Special Education (L.E.A.S.E.) 10-year life safety survey. LaSalle Elementary is a part of L.E.A.S.E. and therefore must approve their life safety survey. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve staff technology purchase of Chromebooks It was moved by Mr. Hicks and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to approve the staff technology purchase of Chromebooks. We have many staff members request to purchase Chromebooks. This allows us to purchase Chromebooks and the staff will pay for the device through payroll deductions. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Approve disposal of records as authorized by the Local Records Commission It was moved by Mr. Senica and seconded by Mr. Savage to approve the disposal of records as authorized by the Local Records Commission. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

Authorize Superintendent to begin contract discussions with the architect It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Hicks to authorize the superintendent to begin contract discussions with the architect. As part of the facility planning process, we will need to establish a contract with an architect. This allows the superintendent to begin that discussion.

Discussion Items Update on Facilities – Mr. DeBernardi discussed the work of the Facilities Planning Committee. He displayed tentative blueprints of Lincoln Jr. High and Northwest Elementary and discussed the initial plan of moving preschool to Northwest and 5th grade to Lincoln Jr. High. Jackson would be closed. Mr. DeBernardi explained we were in the very early stages of these plans and everything was tentative and open for discussion.

Principals’ Reports

Northwest Elementary Report – Dr. Steindorf

• Lunch program is so far extremely successful. A representative from the Dairy Council visited the building on September 14 to see how the program was working. The building

is quiet, students are eating more and enjoying extra time with their teacher. Dr. Steindorf shared with the board some writing assignments from 5th grade students who commented how much they enjoyed their lunch and corresponding recess.

• PTA met on September 6 and there was a large turnout. We can’t thank PTA enough for all they do for the school.

• We currently have seven clinical students from ISU who will be until the holiday break.

• Dr. Steindorf discussed a donation from Fairmount Santrol. This company goes above and beyond in their support for our district. Not only do they supply snacks throughout the school year, but also donate money for supplies, etc.

Lincoln Jr. High Report – Mr. Fox

• Average Daily Attendance – 275

• Perfect Attendance – 154

• Baseball season wrapped up with a defeat in the regional against Peru Parkside. The season ended with a 1-7 regular season record. This was a very young team who shows a lot of promise.

• The girls’ basketball season is just getting underway with the girls first game being held on Monday, September 19.

• The cheerleading team held tryouts last week. 43 students attended tryouts. The two teams will consist of 22 members.

• The band has formed a “Jazz Band” that rehearses during study hall. The students split the week between rehearsing and a normal study hall. Currently there are 22 students involved. The Jazz Band will be playing at the Fine Arts festival in March, the spring concert in May and also may perform at some sporting events.

Special Ed Report - Mrs. Mauck

• Special Ed numbers compared to last year – 182 last year, 165 this year. The decrease was mainly in IEP students in the lower grades (Grade 2 and below). The number of IEP students in other grades remained consistent from last year.

• Mrs. Mauck commended the parents, staff and administration who helped in organizing a celebration for a parent stricken with cancer.

• There will be 5 pre-education students from IVCC who will observe in classrooms at Northwest.

• Partners in Education are working hard to increase the number of parent volunteers in the district. The district volunteer process has been updated to make it as simple as possible for volunteers to complete paperwork and obtain background checks in a timely manner.

Jackson School & Curriculum Report – Mr. Kilmartin

• Jackson School received Silver Circle of Quality recognition from ExceleRate Illinois. Illinois developed a universal Quality Rating and Improvement System for all Early Learning and Development Programs serving children in groups. Silver Circle of Quality

means we have verified scores on Learning Environment, Instructional Quality and other standards; and we meet higher standards for staff qualifications. The recognition is a testament to the hard work being done by the very young staff at Jackson.

• Full day preschool is going well. This class has 17 of our most at-risk students.

• We are working with Illinois Central to hopefully begin transporting students to/from Jackson School. Transportation seems to be one of the reasons our numbers have dropped. This year three students have already dropped for this reason. It is very difficult for working parents to be able to drop off and pick up their students. We are hoping to offer transportation services to the preschoolers next tri-mester.

• The Parenting At Our Best program begins next week. Linda Petelin has been working hard to prepare for its start.

Superintendent’s Report and Information –

• Budget Update – Mr. DeBernardi discussed the Illinois Evidence-Based Funding for Student Success Model and played a video about the model.

• PARCC - Our new state superintendent of schools, Dr. Tony Smith, sent a press release and a letter to superintendents telling everyone not to expect to see great results from PARCC test. He emphasizes that this is a new test to a new set of standards and the test results will become the baseline on which we measure ourselves in the future. We do not yet have the results as the State Board reviews them first before the general release. We should see them soon and may have them in time for the meeting. Typically scores are reviewed in October along with our school report card data.

• IASB Alliance Legislative Report

• IASB Alliance Legislative Conference – Justin Hicks explained the conference as he had attended 2 years ago. It was very valuable and he was able to meet directly with Congressmen at the conference.

• State Superintendent Weekly Report

• Upcoming Important District Dates/Board Activities – Mr. DeBernardi discussed upcoming Facilities Planning meetings. Kelly Rolando volunteered for the Labor Management Committee.

Adjourn It was moved by Mr. Senica and seconded by Mr. Hicks to adjourn the meeting at 8:46. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Spangler, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mr. Ossola and Mrs. Reeland were absent.

____________________________________ __________________________________ Jodeen Guisti, Board Secretary Charles Faletti, Board President


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