Village of Dalzell
Recent News About Village of Dalzell
The Registry shows no new sex offenders living in Bureau County as of Feb. 16
The Illinois Police Sex Offender Registry shows there are no new registered sex offenders living in Bureau County as of the week ending Feb. 16.
Bureau County has no new registered sex offenders in week ending Feb. 2
There are no new registered sex offenders living in Bureau County in the week ending Feb. 2, according to the Police Sex Offender Registry.
Registered sex offenders: no new living in Bureau County as of Jan. 19
The Illinois Police Sex Offender Registry shows there are no new registered sex offenders living in Bureau County as of the week ending Jan. 19.
6,733 LaSalle County farmers received agricultural subsidies in 2021
Farms in LaSalle County received $21,983,418 in taxpayer-funded subsidies in 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
How much did farmers in Bureau County receive in taxpayer-funded subsidies in 2021?
Farms in Bureau County received $14,406,508 in taxpayer-funded subsidies in 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
$1,251 in Municipal Sales Tax collected in July for Dalzell
This is an increase over the month before.
Dalzell residents pay $1,065 in Municipal Sales Tax in June
This is an increase over the month before.
Dalzell taxpayers give $823 in Municipal Sales Tax in May
This is a decrease from the month before.
Dalzell collects $1,171 in Municipal Sales Tax in April
This is an increase over the month before.
$657 in Municipal Sales Tax collected in March for Dalzell
This is a decrease from the month before.
$11,290 in Municipal Sales Tax collected in 2021 for Dalzell
This is an increase over the year before.
Dalzell residents pay $864 in Municipal Sales Tax in February
This is a decrease from the month before.
$1,495 in Municipal Sales Tax collected in January for Dalzell
This is an increase over the month before.
Dalzell taxpayers give $1,362 in Municipal Sales Tax in December 2021
This is an increase over the month before.
$2,102 in Municipal Sales Tax collected in 2020 for Dalzell
This is a decrease from the year before.
Most frugal cities in Illinois Valley
Village of De Pue, Village of New Bedford and Village of Neponset top the list in Illinois Valley with the lowest spending per capita in 2017, Illinois State Comptroller financial reports show.
Biggest spenders: What Illinois Valley cities rank highest?
City of Princeton, Village of Mark and City of Peru top the list in Illinois Valley with the highest spending per capita in 2017, Illinois State Comptroller financial reports show.
The price of local government in 2017: Village of Dalzell
The Village of Dalzell budget was $1.19 million for its 2017 fiscal year, or $4,220 per household.
Offender paroled in zip code 61320 in June
One offender released on parole in June lives in Illinois zip code 61320, according to Illinois Department of Corrections data obtained by Illinois Valley Times.
Income tax hike will cost Dalzell residents $156,867.19 more this year, ranked 13th in Bureau County
Dalzell taxpayers will pay an additional $156,867.19 in income taxes this year, according to an analysis by Local Government Information Services (LGIS).