Organization Directory
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1 (lasalle, Lasalle County)
Political Geographies | City Wards / Council Districts
Most recent 07/22/20 - LaSalle County Health and Safety Committee met July 2
1 Cent for Children of Lasalle County Schools
Political Committees | Committee - Candidate
Most recent 03/13/19 - Unpaid fines for Ottawa-based campaign committees totaled $6,575 in August 2018
2 (peru, Lasalle County)
Political Geographies | City Wards / Council Districts
Most recent 08/30/22 - Grades 7 to 12 invited by LaSalle County native 'Aurora Divine' at Drag Queen Bingo for teens
2017 Ohio Township Trustees Election
Political Committees | Committee - Candidate
Most recent 04/28/17 - Ohio Township 2017 Consolidated General Election Results