On Oct. 12, 2018, Romero Doreen E. and Romero Richard A. sold their home at 510 N. First Ave., Coal City to Gilbertson Christine A. and Wharrie Beth for $222,000.
The home at 3030 N. Jugtown Road, Morris was sold on Oct. 12, 2018 by Eilertson Jacob and Eilertson Lana for $490,000. The buyers were Jiskra Joshua M. and Goulding Jackie L..
The home at 746 Armstrong St., Morris was sold on Oct. 12, 2018 by Ordonez Benjamin Indep (executor) and Ordonez Maria A. Dweceased for $97,000. The buyer was Cummings Caroline.
On Oct. 12, 2018, Avery Powell Properties 810 W. Daisey LLC sold their property at 810 W. Daisy Place, Coal City to Provance Steven and Provance Jane for $55,000.