
Illinois Valley Times

Monday, June 17, 2024

Deer Park trustees hear presentation on Rue Vallee drainage issue

At a recent special meeting, the Deer Park Board of Trustees heard a presentation on the Rue Vallee drainage study, which included possible solutions.

The board consists of the village president and six trustees. Members meet regularly at the Village Hall, 23680 W. Cuba Road.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.

Special Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Monday, March 21, 2016 — 6: 00 p.m.

Deer Park Vehe Barn

23570 W. Cuba Road, Deer Park, Illinois 60010

1) Pledge of Allegiance

A Special meeting ofthe Board of Trustees of the Village of Deer Park was held on

March 21, 2016, 6: 00 p.m. at Vehe Barn, 23570 W. Cuba Road, in the Village of Deer Park, in the Counties of Lake and Cook, Illinois. President Kellermann called the meeting to order at 6: 05 p.m.

Roll Call and Determination of a Quorum

Upon Roll Call, the following were present: President Kellermann and Trustee Olson, Pietro, Sands and Michalski. Trustee Van Ryne was absent.

Other Village officials present included Treasurer VanZant, Clerk Iriarte, Building, Zoning and Development Coordinator Doniec and Village Engineer Morand.

i) Approval to allow Trustee Thomason to join by phone

Motion: Trustee Olson moved and Trustee Pietro seconded to allow Trustee Thomason to join via phone.

Upon Roll Call.

Ayes: Kellermann, Sands, Olson, and Pietro

4) Ayes/ ( 0) Nays/ (1) Absent Motion Carried 410

2) Approval of Agenda

3) Public Comments — Sign up prior to meeting on sign -in on podium; 5 minutes time

no public comments

Trustee Michalskijoined the meeting at 6.•10 p.m.

4) Presentation of Rue Vallee Drainage Study

Engineer Morand presented the recent study to the Board. He noted that one possibility was to create a drainage basin in D' Angelo Park similar to the Quentin wetland that was created North of Long Grove during the Quentin Road widening. He noted that it was a large project and similar to the Village Road Program, he presented a solution where the project was broken into 5 phases that would be completed annually.

Grants for the project were discussed and matching EPA grants were available ranging from 50K to $ 1 mm. Engineer Morand commented that working with Lake County Storm

Management Committee would give the Village a better chance of securing a grant. The

submission deadline for the Grant discussed is this August. The drainage basin in D' Angelo Park Special BOT 03 -21 -16 Minutes


Special Board of Trustees Meeting

March 21, 2016

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is the only portion ofthe project that would qualify for a grant. The basin would provide

approximately 5. 6 acres of water storage; all rainwater and drainage from upstream.

President Kellerman noted that this project would take planning and input from the residents.

Trustee Sands asked how limiting the project to repairs of ditches and culverts would impact costs. Engineer Morand noted that it would significantly reduce the cost, but may not fix all drainage problems. Trustee Sands then asked for breakdown of costs between design and construction. Engineer Morand commented that the break down was similar to the road program; 8% design, 8% construction observance and the rest construction.

Engineer Morand and Trustee Sands explained to those present that over time ditches fill in and siltation occurs preventing drainage. It was noted that other areas of the Village have drainage problems as well. The Board indicated that it would like to proceed with applying for the grant.

President Kellerman asked that Carrie Groeller, a resident of Rue Vallee, be a contact point for the subdivision.

5) Fiscal 2017 Budget Workshop III

This agenda item was tabled and resumed after the regular scheduled BOT meeting

Motion: Trustee Michalski moved and Trustee Sands seconded to delay the budget meeting until after the regular scheduled Board meeting beginning at 7.00 pm.

Upon Roll Call.

Ayes: Olson, Pietro, Sands, Thomason andMichalski

5) Ayes/ ( 0) Nays/ (1) Absent Motion Carried 510

Motion: Trustee Olson moved and Trustee Michalski seconded to reenter the Special Board of

Trustee meeting to discuss agenda item 5 at 8:50 p.m.

Upon Roll Call:

Ayes: Olson, Pietro, Sands, Thomason andMichalski

5) Ayes/ ( 0) Nays/ (1) Absent Motion Carried 510

Trustee Michalski started the discussion by commenting that the budget was in good shape except for salary items. He noted that anticipated revenues were around $5 million and the current version of the budget would use $ 500K in reserves. This would make the reserve balance $ 1.7 million. The Village' s policy is to maintain a 25% reserve or $1. 4 million (FY 2017). Thus, the Village is exceeding its policy threshold. The current budget also takes into consideration the loss ofthe red light camera revenue. Trustee Michalski asked to amend the Rue Vallee Drainage item to be more general and say just drainage.

The Board then discussed the cost and placement of a light at the entrance to the Vehe Bam property. Next, Trustee Michalski asked that the Board discuss that raises for the staff should be a pool of 2.5% in line with current figures for CPI (Consumer Price Index). Trustee Sands commented that the 2. 5% pool should exclude any promotions.

President Kellermann commented that he would like staff to research adding a food and meals tax as the Village currently does not have one. Attorney Cahill noted non -home rule municipalities may have restrictions on taxing food and meals.

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Special Board of Trustees Meeting

March 21, 2016

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Treasurer VanZant noted that the current version of the budget had estimated impact fees for the Deer Park Crossing Apartment project, but did not include Palazzo.

Trustee Michalski wrapped up the discussion by noting he and Treasurer VanZant continue to work on a more usable financial report for the Board.

6) Executive Session — if required

Motion: Trustee Olson moved and Trustee Michalski seconded to close the Special Board

Meeting and enter into executive sessionfor the purposes ofdiscussing personnel.

Upon Roll Call.

Ayes: Olson, Pietro, Sands, Thomason and Michalski

5) Ayes/ ( 0) Nays/ (1) Absent Motion Carried 510

Motion: Trustee Sands moved and Trustee Pietro seconded to reopen the Special Board

Meeting at approximately 10: 00 pm.

Upon Roll Call.

Ayes: Olson, Pietro, Sands, Thomason andMichalski

5) Ayes/ ( 0) Nays/ (1) Absent Motion Carried 510

7) Adjournment

Motion: Trustee Pietro moved and Trustee Olson seconded to adjourn the Special Board

Meeting at 10:30 pm.

Upon Roll Call.

Ayes: Olson, Pietro, Sands, Thomason and Michalski

5) Ayes/ ( 0) Nays/ (1) Absent

Respectfully Submitted,

7frlthleen J. Mart

Village Clerk

SBOT03 - 21 - 2016 Minutes

Motion Carried 510

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Village President


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7frlthleen J. Mart

Village Clerk

SBOT03 - 21 - 2016 Minutes

Motion Carried 510



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