At a recent meeting, the Ottawa City Council approved a collective-bargaining agreement between the village and the American Federation of State, Federal and County Employees (AFSCME) Local 2819.
Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the council.
Special meeting of the Council of the City of Ottawa, Illinois.
Present: Daniel F. Aussem, Thomas G. Ganiere, Wayne A. Eichelkraut Jr., James J. Less, and Robert M. Eschbach.
Absent: None.
Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that a Resolution authorizing the execution of the renewal of a customer service agreement between the City of Ottawa and Call One Inc., which has been on file for public inspection since May 17, 2016, be adopted. Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a bus lease agreement between the City of Ottawa and OSF St. Elizabeth Medical Center, regarding NCAT, which has been on file for public inspection since May 17, 2016, be adopted.
Second by Less.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
Commissioner Eichelkraut presented Resolution. Moved by Commissioner Eichelkraut that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Ottawa and AFSCME Local 2819 effective May 1, 2016, through April 30, 2019, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach. Nays:
None. Motion carried.
Commissioner Eichelkraut asked about the trees that need to be planted that are located on the old Advanced Asphalt property. City Planner, Tami Huftel, responded that she called for JULIE locates the day before and that Brent Barron had given her his list. Trees are to planted in Kiwanis park, Peck park, and Hollywood Park.
Commissioner Aussem presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Aussem that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an engineering services agreement between the City of Ottawa and Renwick & Associates Inc., regarding the elimination of the James Court and Dairy Lane lift stations, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
Commissioner Aussem presented Change Order.
Moved by Commissioner Aussem that Change Order #1 from Gensini Excavating for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Flood Wall block outer wall finish in the increased amount of $17,500.00 be approved.
Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
Commissioner Ganiere presented Resolution.
Moved by Commissioner Ganiere that a Resolution authorizing and approving an unpaid leave of absence for Officer James Bell for a period of 6 months, be adopted. Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
Commissioner Less awarded Bid.
Moved by Commissioner Less that the Bid received from Fowler & Landers Concrete Inc. in the amount of $57,501.00 for the Main Fire Station Driveway Replacement Project, be accepted and paid for from the bond proceeds.
Second by Aussem.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach. Nays:
None. Motion carried.
A discussion was held regarding the City Hall roof coping replacement that needs to be done. Commissioner Less noted it’s a safety issue and isn’t currently budgeted. He asked for everyone’s input regarding bids vs. informal quotes due to the specialty of the work. It was decided that quotes will be sought after.
A second discussion took place regarding the Veterans Bridge light replacement. IDOT would like all new heads installed. This is a 10 year investment and the heads cost around $1,000.00 per head. There are 38 heads and installation would cost around $20,000.00, so $58,000.00 total for the project. In 2000, the light poles were replaced. City Engineer, Dave Noble, added that their thickness needs to be verified. This could be done with the “hammer test”.
Mayor Eschbach presented Resolution.
Moved by Mayor Eschbach that a Resolution authorizing the execution of a settlement agreement between the City of Ottawa and Richard H. Heiss as Trustee of the Shirley S. Heiss Trust dated July 6, 1995, regarding a sanitary sewer easement and a temporary construction easement, which has been on file for public inspection since May 17, 2016, be adopted. Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
Mayor Eschbach presented Resolution. Moved by Mayor Eschbach that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an amended agreement between the City of Ottawa and the Illinois Grape Growers and Vintner’s Association, regarding the 2016 Wine and Jazz Fest, which has been on file for public inspection since May 17, 2016, be adopted.
Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
Mayor Eschbach presented Resolution.
Moved by Mayor Eschbach that a Resolution of Support and Commitment of Funds from the East TIF Fund for the Columbus Street Streetscape project from Lafayette Street to Lincoln Place, be adopted. Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
Mayor Eschbach presented Resolution.
Moved by Mayor Eschbach that a Resolution authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental cooperation agreement between the City of Ottawa and Ottawa High School, regarding hazard mitigation assistance, which has been on file for public inspection since May 3, 2016, be adopted.
Second by Less.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
Mayor Eschbach presented Resolution.
Moved by Mayor Eschbach that a Resolution authorizing an agreement for application services for an Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) Grant with NCICG, regarding a proposed pedestrian bridge over I-80, be received and placed on file for public inspection. Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach. Nays:
None. Motion carried.
Mayor Eschbach presented Resolution.
Moved by Mayor Eschbach that a Resolution authorizing an agreement between the City of Ottawa and Central States Fireworks, for the 2016 4tth of July fireworks, be received and placed on file for public inspection.
Second by Aussem.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
Discussion Items;
1. Old Hulse Funeral Home property. The back portion of the property needs to be taken down. Dave estimates that will cost around $8,000.00 and there is approximately $3,000.00 worth of yard cleanup that also needs to be done. Eichelkraut asked how much we have into it. Dave replies $3,000.00. Less wondered why it wasn’t removed a year ago when Council approved it. Dave responded that it wasn’t budgeted. Ganiere added that the only value is the land. Dave noted that we are going to leave the concrete under the area that needs to be demolished and fill it in.
2. ITEP Grant for the pedestrian bridge over I-80. Dave told the Council that people are walking or riding bikes North a lot more recently. We have applied for a grant with IDOT which will provide 80% of the funding. We have a new contact at IDOT, Steve Sneree. The City’s application scored high, but 3 other bridges had priorities due to fatalities. In 1993, our bridge was made into 4 lanes. We already have sidewalks in place from Aldi’s to Thornton’s and this would tie everything together. The project’s estimated cost is $2.5M to $3M.
3. Reddick Mansion. Christina Cantlin has been asked to start drafting documents for the Reddick Mansion Association (RMA) to take over ownership with the agreement of a 10 year funding component. The RMA would take title right now and the property would revert back to the City, if the RMA disbanded. By giving the RMA $35,000.00 each year for 10 years, possibly out of Hotel Motel Tax, that would help with the $700,000.00 of outside work that needs to be completed. Lorraine McAllister, RMA Board member was present and noted that the RMA Board has not agreed yet.
4. LaSalle Street Streetscape/Sidewalk Cuts on Jefferson and Madison Streets. The Mayor let the group know that this plan includes 18 more bump outs from Superior Street to Madison Street. Aussem questioned the need for more bump outs. The Mayor replied that they improve safety, will finish our Botanical theme, and provide a bigger turning radius. Aussem is fine with trees and grass but not the bump outs and added that no one else has them. The Mayor noted that Earlville and Sycamore have them. Aussem wondered if we are losing any parking spots to which the Mayor replied no. Aussem thought that LaSalle Street was done last year. Less asked if we could correct the ADA parking spaces. Mayor would like the huge asphalt corners to be made more consistent with the rest of the downtown. Less wondered who is going to maintain all of these bump outs and how much was this project? Staff and volunteers was the answer and Tami Huftel said $100,000.00. The Mayor added that we need IDOT’s approval. Aussem thought we should only do Lafayette Street to Main Street, since those blocks are the ones included in the Columbus Street Streetscape project. Mayor added that we will be bidding it out and McClure Engineering is designing it. Less asked if there was a planting plan. Huftel responded that Stephanie Stacy and her Staff are reviewing that. Mayor asked if he had a consensus. Less said no, he is in favor of more green but needs more details. Aussem said he was only a yes if the same streets were done as the Columbus Street Streetscape project. Mayor noted that the whole project is TIF funded.
5. I & M Canal Rewatering Project Update. The project includes 7-8 blocks between Guion Street and the railroad tracks. The National Guard, who is looking to help with this project will be available in 2018. We will need to build a pump station to recirculate the water and a local contractor is willing to volunteer to do that. It was noted that Jack Novotney, Gary Pike and Arnie Bandstra are donating their time. IDNR is issuing the permit and we should have the document within 6 months. The City will have to maintain this project after its completion. Less questioned running a waterline from US Silica to Chestnut Street, since that is about 900 feet or 2 miles. Eichelkraut asked where it was starting. Mayor said by the Cheese Shop and it will be 3 foot deep to Canal Street. Ganiere was concerned with the grass, plantings, and maintenance and asked if we are going to need more employees. Mayor added that we could always lower it to one foot. Noble noted that the bank and/or slope is a safety concern and OHS asked about remote control boats. Mayor thought the Toll House would be a perfect rental location. Noble said the next step is an archaeological study. Less told Noble to call the U of I extension office, as they do a reasonable study and only charge for time and materials. 6. Neighborhood redevelopment. This concerns houses that are dilapidated. Operation Phoenix was a pilot project used in other communities. It’s known as a small town movement. Small lots and small houses.
7. Fields Hill annexation status. Aussem responded that we will be annexing everyone at the same time. This is around 52 houses.
8. Downtown parking. Mayor thinks that we can fit more cars possibly by Carlson’s, the Ottawa Boat Club, and Al Ruhland’s Main Street parking lot. Ganiere wondered about parking by Corner 230, Ottawa Savings Bank, and on Jackson Street.
9. Zoning Ordinance for land use/diesel filling station. This is currently not in our Zoning Ordinance, so will be sent to Plan Commission. We have a pending request from Thornton’s. They are looking into the Starbucks property. Noble noted that we need to update some Ordinances.
Mayor Eschbach presented motion to recess. Moved by Mayor Eschbach that this Council recess into Closed Session to discuss matters of personnel, collective bargaining, real estate acquisition and sale of real estate. Second by Eichelkraut.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
Council recessed at 9:55 a.m.
Mayor Eschbach presented motion to reconvene.
Moved by Mayor Eschbach that this Council reconvene from Closed Session. Second by Ganiere.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
Mayor Eschbach presented motion to adjourn.
Moved by Mayor Eschbach that this regular meeting be adjourned.
Second by Less.
Ayes: Aussem, Ganiere, Eichelkraut, Less, and Eschbach.
Nays: None. Motion carried.
Council adjourned at 10:13 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Shelly L. Munks, City Clerk