
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Ottawa Recreation Board discusses construction, bike-path projects

Webp meeting 07

At a recent meeting, the Ottawa Playground and Recreation Board discussed the effect of summer construction projects on the development of planned bike paths.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.

May 19, 2016 Playground and Recreation Board minutes regular meeting

Recreation Board Members Present: Phil McNally, Steve Kuhn, Randy Bretag, John Levy,

Austin Monroe, Maribeth Manigold, Kevin Quick, Danielle Piagentini, Brian Porter (Mark Astle,

Director of Recreation, Tracy Bianchi, Riordan Pool Manager)

Others attending the meeting: Commissioner Less

Guests: none

Recreation Board Members Absent: None

1. Phil moved and John second to approve April minutes. Motion passed

2. Maribeth moved and John second to accept April Recreation financial statement. Roll

call: all AYES. Motion passed.

3. John moved and Kevin second to accept April Pool financial statement. Roll call: all

AYES. Motion passed.

4. Pool:

a. Financial – Lifeguard uniforms ordered

b. Operations

i. First clean up day completed.

ii. Three Rentals already scheduled

iii. Tentative opening day is June 6

iv. All hiring completed. Twenty-one total guards, 6 new guards.

v. Intending to bring hot food back to pool concession stand. Will be

ordering some equipment.

c. Calendar Diary – Tracking daily tasks on a Google Calendar. Board members

should contact Tracy for a link to view the calendar.

5. Commissioner’s report:

a. Commissioner Less reported that Mr. Thornton was not impressed with clean-up

and maintenance work was being done at Thornton Park.

b. Commissioner Less reported that all current board members had been reappointed

and Brian Porter and Danielle Piagentini had been appointed to the board.

c. Commissioner Less reported that construction was proceeding on handicapped

playground at Lincoln Douglas Park.

d. Commissioner Less reported on a USDA free lunch program running through the

summer at Kiwanis and Ridgen Parks.

e. Commissioner Less reported that on July 16 the city was hosting an appreciation

picnic for Dayton Bluffs Park volunteers

6. Director’s Report:

a. Summer Recreation

i. Programs and special events for summer were arranged and brochures


ii. Brochures delivered May 16, 17.

iii. Park and Tennis Supervisors hired and all hiring packets sent.

iv. Packets for coaches sent.

b. Mark reported that Adult Softball season began with a total of 42 teams. No

leagues are larger than 8 teams, so games will start at 6:30.

c. Mark reported that the AED for Adult athletics had been ordered and would be

delivered mid-June.

d. Phil reported on repairs and upgrades to the electrical system in the adult softball

concession stand.

7. Old Business

a. The board discussed emergency weather signs designs. Arrangements were made

to order the signs.

8. Long Range Planning and Board Goals

a. Construction in Progress – Phil reported on the progress of new field.

b. Park Inspections – The board discussed inspection goals

c. Long Range Plans –

i. No new information regarding the Pool and Rec center.

ii. Tammy will provide new aerial photos of parks.

d. Bike Paths – The board discussed summer construction that will affect timing of

creating new bike paths.

e. New Subdivisions and city acquisitions – none

9. Committee Reports

a. By-laws (Maribeth)– new language regarding spending – in progress.

b. Financial (Austin) – none

c. Parks (Kevin and Randy)

d. Programs (Phil) –

i. Phil moved that the board approve $2500 maintenance money for Pony

League. Maribeth second. Roll Call: All AYES. Motion Passed.

ii. Kevin moved that the board approve $2500 maintenance money for

Ottawa Baseball Boosters. Maribeth second. Roll Call: All AYES.

Motion Passed.

iii. Phil reported all weather radios delivered.

iv. Phil suggested the board consider redesigning the west plaza of the north

side little league.

v. Phil reported on bleacher prices for Whitney Field and the minor league

field for north side little league. Phil moved that the board spend no more

than $3500 for bleachers for the two fields. John second. Roll Call: All

AYES. Motion passed. Phil will be in charge of this project.

e. Pool (Steve) – See earlier discussion.

10. New Business –

a. The board discussed AARP costs

b. Steve asked each board member to create a list of what the board does, oversees,

and plans. The list can be given to or emailed to Steve.

11. Meeting adjourned.