
Illinois Valley Times

Friday, November 22, 2024

LaSalle Elementary School District 122 Board OKs concussion protocol

At a recent meeting, the LaSalle Elementary School District 122 Board approved a concussion protocol, as mandated by the state.

Below are the minutes from this meeting as provided by the board.

LaSalle Elementary School District 122

Board of Education Agenda

Regular Board Meeting

Lincoln Jr. High Media Center

June 21, 2016

6:30 P.M.

Regular Meeting called to order

Mr. Faletti called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. He then directed the Secretary tocall roll. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica and Mrs. Spangler were in attendance.

Consent Action Items

It was moved by Mr. Senica and seconded by Mrs. Reeland to approve the May 17, 2016

regular board meeting minutes, June 2016 regular bills, July 2016 payrolls, May 2016 Treasurer’sReports, May 2016 Health Insurance Reports and the May 2016 Activity Fund reports. Mrs.Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr.Ossola were absent.

Public to address the Board of Education

Visitors in attendance were Superintendent Daniel Marenda, Principal Dr. Karen Steindorf,

Lincoln Principal Brian DeBernardi, Assistant Principal Mary Mauck, Curriculum Director DerekKilmartin, News Tribune reporter Jeff Dankert, Karla Konieczki and Cathy Smudzinski.

Action Items

Approve Concussion protocol

It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to approve the concussion

protocol. Per state legislation, all school districts are required to update or create a

Concussion Protocol that outlines training and identification of concussions in students. As asecondary element of the protocol, the district is required to identify procedures for Return toPlay. Return to Play outlines a series of benchmarks that every student who has beendiagnosed with a concussion must complete before returning to participate in a physicalactivity. The first step is to receive a doctor release. This is followed by incrementalbenchmarks a student must complete before returning to compete at full capacity. Anothercomponent of the protocol is Return to Learn. Return to Learn is a series of academicmodifications or accommodations that is established for students diagnosed with aconcussion. The concussion protocol was prepared by school nurse Amy Stone and AthleticDirector Brian Shaver. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savagevoted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Approve Emergency Medical Policy

It was moved by Mr. Senica and seconded by Mr. Savage to approve the emergency

medical policy. The Emergency Medical Policy coincides with the Concussion Protocol. Thepolicy outlines the steps the school takes in emergency medical situations. The design of theemergency medical policy is to provide preventative measures for student and staff injuries. Inthe event of an injury or severe illness, the policy provides guidelines for managing the situationto provide the safest and most non-restrictive environment to address the emergencysituation. The policy will cover Jackson school, Northwest Elementary and Lincoln Jr. High. Mrs.Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr.

Ossola were absent.

Approve Parent/Student Handbook

It was moved by Mr. Senica and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to approve the Parent-StudentHandbook. The revision of the handbook includes language that is consistent with new boardpolicies, updates in staffing, calendars, and school days. There are a few sections of thehandbook where changes in policy or practice have affected the language. First, thelanguage under Concussions references the change in our board policy and addresses theReturn to Learn and Return to Play, which is outlined in the Concussion Protocol that was justapproved. Second, SB100 (School Discipline), which has been approved under board policyfor the upcoming school year, is outlined in the handbook. Third, the 1:1 technology programhas been revised to support the initiative to allow all students to take the devices home.

Finally, the Responsible Use/Internet Safety Agreement has been revised to support the

changes in the use and offering of technology and supportive services. Mrs. Reeland, Mr.

Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola wereabsent.

Approve Substitute Handbook

It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to approve the Substitute

Teacher Handbook. This is an annual item that assists in the operation and management ofthe district. Changes in the substitute handbook were limited to building schedules, calendar,

and contact information. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savagevoted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Approve Staff Handbook

It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Senica to approve the Staff Handbook.

The handbook changes support the transition to Google classroom, updates to handbook

language to be consistent with contractual language, and edits to the Staff Responsible

Use/Internet Safety Agreement. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr.

Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Approve Volunteer Handbook

It was moved by Mr. Senica and seconded by Mrs. Reeland to approve the Volunteer

handbook. The Volunteer Handbook had minimal changes, mainly to the opening

superintendent statement and highlights the process for fingerprinting and background

checks. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr.Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Review and approve Wellness policy

It was moved by Mrs. Spangler and seconded by Mrs. Reeland to review and approve the

Wellness Policy. The policy remains as was stated for last year. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr.Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Approve Prevailing Wage Resolution

It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Senica to approve the Prevailing Wage

Resolution. The Illinois Compiled Statutes (30 ILCS 00/25-60) pertain to prevailing wage.

Responsible bidders of State contracts (including schools) shall perform work that is not lessthan prevailing wage. Prevailing wage pertains to hourly wages, benefits, and working

conditions. The conditions of prevailing wage are set by the Illinois Department of Labor. Thelink to the Illinois Department of Labor prevailing wage rates is available on the district website.

Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks andMr. Ossola were absent.

Approve extension of application for life safety work at all buildings

It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Senica to approve the extension of

application for life safety work at all buildings. The district will again ask for an extension to theLife Safety work at all eligible buildings. Northwest has no open life safety items. Lincoln hastwo outstanding life safety projects: 1) Cafeteria univents, and 2) Soil grading in west parkinglot. Jackson has numerous items still remaining: From Amendment 8, items 1, 2, 12, 19, 20, and21 remain. From Amendment 9, all items remain. Research into the life safety work at Jacksonprojected life safety work carries over from a 10-year renewal in 2009 (1999 origin). The cost ofcompleting the life safety work in 1999 was $763,762.80. Those figures were calculated using

prevailing wage and materials cost estimates from 1999, and are severely underestimated

using 2016 figures. In addition, the amount of other significant work required at Jackson is alsocompounding. The Jackson building was abandoned when the life safety work was first

presented. Several years later, the district needed to reopen the building and extensions othe life safety projects have been requested every year. All these factors will need to be

reviewed when discussing the long-term facility planning. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr.

Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Approve contract agreement with Environmental Safety Consultants, Ltd

It was moved by Mr. Spangler and seconded by Mrs. Reeland to approve the contractagreement with Environmental Safety Consultants, Ltd. As part of the Asbestos ManagementPlan, the district is required to have bi-annual checks of the asbestos books/documentation.

The plan also requires a three-year annual review. In the past, the contract has continued tomeet all the regulations set forth in the plan. Authorization extends the contract moving

forward with ESC, LTD. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage

voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Approve TORK Dispenser contract

It was moved by Mrs. Spangler and seconded by Mr. Senica to approve the TORK Dispenser

contract. The contract basically states that the school district will be provided paper towel

dispensers and the installation of the dispensers with the agreement that the TORK brand willbe used in the district. The change moves to a superior product and, based on our

consumption, provides the district a savings of $6 per case. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr.

Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Approve district participation in a Special Olympics Project UNIFY

It was moved by Mrs. Spangler and seconded by Mr. Senica to approve district participation ina Special Olympics Project UNIFY. Following last year's invitation from the LP Special EducationDepartment, special education students from Chris Hauge's life skills classroom and regulareducation students from our peer group participated in LP's Unified Sports Day (LP is a UnifiedSchool) Chris Hauge was interested in becoming an official Unified School. She invited Project

UNIFY's director, Jennifer Marcello, to come speak to us explaining the requirements and

benefits. This movement and branch of Special Olympics basically fosters “respect, dignity,and advocacy for people with cognitive disabilities” meanwhile including regular education

students to together “promote positive school climate, develop physical fitness, build

character, prevent bullying, enhance student engagement, and build student leadership

skills”. This movement has gained momentum due to the inclusion of regular education

students. The feeling that competitions, such as the Special Olympics, were still leaving a voidwithin our education system separating students with IEPs and the regular education student

population. This program pairs students with cognitive disabilities with willing, positiveregulareducation students in trainings and opportunities. The project allows for possible expansion to

lower grades, and the possibility of IESA association. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica,

Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Transfer accumulated interest from Working Cash Fund to Education Fund

It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Senica to approve the transfer of

accumulated interest from Working Cash fund to Education fund. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage,

Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Transfer accumulated interest Debt Service to Operation/Maintenance Fund

It was moved by Mr. Senica and seconded by Mr. Savage to approve the transfer of

accumulated interest from Debt Service fund to Operation/Maintenance fund. Mrs. Reeland,

Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossolawere absent.

Accept resignation from Cynthia Gedraitis as School Board Secretary

It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Reeland to accept the resignation from

Cynthia Gedraitis as School Board Secretary effective July 31, 2016. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage,Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Appoint Jodeen Guisti as School Board Secretary

It was moved by Mrs. Spangler and seconded by Mrs. Reeland to appoint Jodeen Guisti asSchool Board Secretary effective August 1, 2016. In April, when the Board reorganizes, theposition will be extended to cover the time period between the differential as to when theBoard reorganizes again. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage

voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Appoint Jodeen Guisti as district Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer

It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to appoint Jodeen Guisti as

district Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs.Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Approve change in information access to district bank accounts from Cynthia Gedraitis to

Diane Mertel

It was moved by Mrs. Reeland and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to approve the change in

information access to the district bank accounts from Cynthia Gedraitis to Diane Mertel. Mrs.Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr.Ossola were absent.

Approve change of signature on district bank accounts

It was moved by Mr. Senica and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to approve the change of

authorized signatures on district bank accounts as follows:

Hometown Bank Money Market, Imprest fund, Activity fund, Health Insurance and

McGinnisScholarship fund accounts – authorized signatures Francis G Bichl and Diane Mertel.Hometown Bank General Account - authorized signatures Francis G Bichl and Charles Faletti.LaSalle State Bank Money Market Account - authorized signatures Francis G Bichl and CharlesFaletti. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr.

Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Approve maternity leave for Jamie Walker for the 2016-17 school year

It was moved by Mrs. Spangler and seconded by Mr. Reeland to approve maternity leave forJamie Walker. Mrs. Walker is a first grade elementary teacher at Northwest. She is requesting amaternity leave from late August through January 9, 2017. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr.

Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Approve maternity leave for Jessica Weber for the 2016-17 school year

It was moved by Mrs. Spangler and seconded by Mrs. Reeland to approve the maternity leavefor Jessica Weber. Mrs. Weber is a third grade elementary teacher at Northwest. She is

requesting a maternity leave from early October through January 9, 2017. Mrs. Reeland, Mr.Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were


Approve activity account for Lynx Club

It was moved by Mrs. Spangler and seconded by Mr. Senica to approve an activity accountfor the Lynx Club. The Lynx Club has been in operation for a few years now and requested ahactivity account for fund raising to support their projects. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr.Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Approve full-day Preschool option

It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mrs. Spangler to approve full-day preschooloption. The administration team made contact with the Preschool for All Liaison at ISBE about

the appropriate methods of fulfilling our grant opportunity with the preschool. During the

conversation, the decline in numbers in the preschool program was detailed. For years, thedistrict had been able to fully enroll the program to 120 students. Last year, the district found it

difficult to enroll 100. Projecting forward, reaching a benchmark of 80 students may prove

difficult. The district identified that one of the major obstacles in reaching enrollment

projections was that we were losing students to full day preschool options. The liaison

declared that ISBE would be supportive of offering full day preschool at Jackson. The districtwill need to provide lunch and transport food from Lincoln for the full day class. The full day

option will begin with a class of 20 students who are at-risk students. The district will need to

reapply for the preschool grant next year so this would give the application a competitive

edge for approval. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage

voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Approve employment of Sally Kulak as ELL Preschool teacher pending state certification

It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Senica to approve employment of Sally

Kulak as ELL Preschool teacher pending state certification. Mrs. Kulak previously worked in ourdistrict as a preschool paraprofessional at Jackson school and recently completed her BA

degree in Early Childhood Education and she should be receiving her state certification soon.

Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and

Mr. Ossola were absent.

Discussion Items

• Summer Maintenance Update – The district purposefully cleared the calendar for major

maintenance projects this summer. This is the first summer in a while that no significant

project is occurring, and the janitors are moving at an accelerated pace as they do

not need to work around other construction. Our first insurance observation listed only

the slightest revisions (mostly mulch levels). Ms. Steindorf had a group of volunteers

paint at Northwest. The painting included the painting of playground equipment on

the west playground.

• Qualified School Construction Bonds - In late December, the district approved the

superintendent to submit an application for the QSCB. The Q-bonds are federally

funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). The

bonds offer eligible school districts the opportunity to repair, or renovate existing

facilities (including health, fire, and life-safety), acquire land related to construction, or

build a new facility (cannot be a stand alone facility whose purpose is not education of

students). The bonds offer eligible districts the opportunity to issue bonds for little to no

interest. In the application, the district requested to maximize its bonding authority, and

submitted a request for $5.48 million dollars. In the early months of the new year, the

district received notification that it was awarded $5.1 million dollars of bonding authority

under the program. This is a great opportunity for the district, and the selection process

was competitive. In all, over 250 districts applied for the Q-bonds. Of that number, only

29 school districts in the state received funding allocations. The stimulus program set a

specific timeline for the authorization of the bonds, and project completion. With an

initial authorization date of March 1, 2016, school districts must authorize the bonds no

later than 18 months after having been awarded. The district has until September 1,

2017 to do this. Once the bonds are initiated, the district is obligated to designate

expenditures of 10% of the grant in the first 6 months, and must complete all

expenditures within 3 years. In order to qualify for the Q-bonds, districts must have

shovel ready projects, which we have. The current project would address safety and

security issues; make buildings ADA compliant; abate asbestos; and renovate space at

Northwest and Lincoln. Initial plans would transfer preschool students to Northwest, and

would transfer 5th grade to Lincoln. Since the award in March, John Vezzetti of Bernardi

Securities has been working with us to determine borrowing options. He has provided

examples of borrowing options. The options were updated to reflect the current

market. All but one option demonstrates interest free options. The interest free options

save the district’s taxpayers approximately $1.9 million in interest fee over the course of

the bond. If the district were to move forward, the first step would be authorizing a

debt certificate. I think it is important to note that the absence of the state budget

does not impact our ability to borrow the Q-bonds.

• Facilities Planning – Facilities planning has been a topic of discussion for a number of

years. Several years ago Mr. Marenda put together a facilities planning committee.

The recommendations of the committee are still being adhered. The plan proposed to

transfer the preschool program to Northwest, and to transfer 5th grade to Lincoln. This

would reduce the educational programming from 3 building to 2 buildings. In recent

board meetings, the board was presented with documents from the district’s architects

demonstrating the portions of the buildings that would provide opportunity for

renovation. The architect’s renderings proposed cost estimates for renovation. At this

present time, the renderings only demonstrate the existing portions of the buildings that

can be redesigned or remodeled to support the plan. If the district were to move

forward in the process, the next step would be to authorize the assembly of a facility

planning committee. This would consist of 5-7 people who guide the programming

phase of the project. The programming phase will categorize and prioritize the

essential needs of the project. The programming phase will also create a layout of all

spaces in the building to meet the educational needs within the district. The district

would need to enter into a contract with an architect in order to move forward the


Principals’ Report

Northwest Principal’s Report – Dr. Karen Steindorf

• A special thank you to all of the Northwest donors this year donations to Northwest school:

Joanne Fabrics – from 7/29/15 through 5/24/16 Northwest received $16,034.84 in donations

for the Rocky Cart and for staff members to use in their classrooms; Fairmont Santrol –

Northwest received $20,000 donation in November for snacks; CF Industries – Northwest

received $1628.00 for classroom projects in Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 3, Linda Petelin

and Bill Bowers garden; Area church volunteers – About 30 church members worked for

three days painting the inside of Northwest.

• Field Day – The PBIS team did an excellent job once again of putting on an end of the year

Field Day

• ELL Success – 35 students out of 148 exited from the ELL program this year. Compared to

the years past – 5 students exited last year, 2 the year before, 0 previously. In addition,

there were 22 students who did not pass only due to the speaking portion of the test. We

introduced the ACCESS test on the computers and students had to speak into a


• Looking into how to make lunch better for students next year. The project is to build

cultural change by piloting this innovative way of providing lunch in amore relaxed and

welcoming and welcoming atmosphere. 1) improve upon the way students interact with

each other by providing a 30 minute recess prior to eating lunch 2) build rapport with their

teacher in a more relaxed atmosphere. Students will return from recess, hang up their

coats, hats, etc. and enter the cafeteria line. They will get their trays and walk to the

classroom 3) Students will be able to eat in relative quiet, with a teacher present, and take

their time to eat their meal. Teachers will be able to read to students as they eat, provide

interventions to students who are done faster than others and provide instruction on how to

eat meals properly. Eating in the classroom is a cultural change. The overall goal is to have

more students eating and drinking their milk, allowing more time for them to eat in order to

increase consumption and have a decrease in behavior problems during lunch and

recess. In addition, lunchtime will serve as an educational tool. There is research to show

that students who eat lunch after recess behave better in the classroom, eat more and

waste less. Finally, teachers will have opportunities to teach social awareness, i.e. hot to

eat properly and how to take responsibility for their own messes they create.

• Review of report card data collection form – Attendance rate for 2015-2016 – 94.7; chronictruants 26; chronic truant rate 4.5%; mobility rate 23%

Lincoln Principal’s Report – Brian DeBernardi

• Review of report card data collection form – Mobility rate per report card was 17.5%. Thatrate is actually much higher but the state doesn’t include September and May. District

attendance rate was 94.9. Class sizes were all right around 25 with 4 sections of each

grade level.

Jackson and Special Ed Report - Mrs. Mauck

• End of the year PBIS celebration and classroom celebrations along with a slide show wereheld during last few weeks of school of report card data collection form

• The state report was completed and verbally approved

• Plans to survey parents for full day preschool next year – one class of twenty at risk students

Curriculum Report – Mr. Kilmartin

• End of year meetings with Mrs. McLendon and Lincoln teachers regarding the 1:1 tech


• Addressed the needs at Northwest School for more chromebook carts. The amount of thetech lease will make monies available for those. Some technology can be rearranged.

• Reviewing to expand the math curriculum and science curriculum professional

developmental when state and federal monies become available

Superintendent’s Report and Information –

• FY 16-17 Budget – The state budget remains the biggest concern going into the next fiscalyear. Our FY 15-16 budget appears to be ending in better shape than we had originally

projected. The Loss Limitation Grant certainly was one factor in this. Projected ending fundbalances for June 30th are close to 4.66 million. This is much better than the original budgetprojected fund balance of 3.97 million. An additional $2.8 million in local taxes should bereceived during the course of the first semester with a majority of the funds being paid inthe first couple of months of the fiscal year. Financially, the district should be able to getthrough the first semester. The part of the budget that is unknown at this time is the stateportion of the funding as well as the federal dollars as they require an appropriation bill tbe in place before those dollars can flow. It appears the earliest that there will be any

kind of state budget will be late July or early August and that depends on a number of

things. Neither Madigan nor Rauner want a full budget in place until after the election.

That being said, Rauner is racing around the state asking for a stopgap budget for

education and for essential services that will fund us through January. The education

budget would fully fund schools at the 2010 level ($6119 Foundation Level) and would hold

schools harmless so that no district receives less than they did last year. For LaSalle

Elementary, that would mean about an additional $100,000 over last year. That is better

than nothing. Madigan will most likely agree to something like that, although he will try to

add some special funding for pet projects in, if he can’t get the Senate to agree to the

budget that he presented and passed in the House. Since the Senate only gave him 17

votes the first time it was voted on, it is doubtful it will get it passed. That will force him to

the negotiation table to pass a stopgap six-month budget.

Old Superintendent Last Report –

Mr. Marenda’s last words to the board and staff “I want to thank you for allowing me to

be a part of this truly fantastic school district. I have been fortunate in my career to

have worked with a number of very competent and caring people in a number of

districts. LaSalle Elementary ranks in the top of the list. My office staff, Cindy and

Jodeen, have been fantastic. They are truly assets to the district and responsible for

much of the success we have had over the last year. My administrative staff have also

been top notch and will continue to move the district forward toward the goal of

educational excellence. The dedicated staff who do the actual work with the children

each day have worked with us to keep the district fiscally responsible by helping to put

in place reasonable contracts to help us sustain our programs during this

unprecedented state funding crisis. The parents and community, PTA, and Excellence

Foundation have shown tremendous support for all that we do at LaSalle Elementary

Schools. They are without question a vital part of our school. Last, but not least, all of

you, present and past board members, who generously give of your time and effort to

the education of our children. Superintendents know the value of having a caring and

supportive Board of Education to work towards the difficult decisions that often have to

be made in order to move the district forward. You have been the best of the best. I

leave the district knowing that together, we have made every effort to do what is right

for children. Our finances are sound, especially considering the challenges we have

faced from the lack of state support coupled with the shrinking local resources. You

have chosen an excellent educational leader in Brian DeBernardi. I have great

confidence in your continued success and wish you all the best.”

Board Member Audit Questionaire

District auditors, Newkirk & Associates, will be mailing all board members a questionnaire

regarding fraud. This is a standard questionnaire required for the annual district audit.

Closed Session

It was moved by Mr. Senica and seconded by Mrs. Reeland to adjourn the meeting to closed

session at 8:10 p.m. for appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance ordismissal of a specific employee to the public body and for discussion and semi-annual reviewof minutes of meetings lawfully closed. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler

and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Come out of closed session

It was moved by Mr. Senic and seconded by Mr. Savage to come out of closed session at 9:10p.m. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr.

Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.

Consider Letter of Intent to Retire from Dr. Karen Steindorf

The letter of intent to retire from Dr. Karen Steindorf was considered and tabled by the Board.

Consider Principal Contract for Dr. Karen Steindorf

The principal contract for Dr. Karen Steindorf was considered and tabled by the Board.

Consider Assistant Principal Contract for Mary Mauck

The assistant principal contract for Mrs. Mary Mauck was considered and tabled by the Board.

Consider Assistant Principal Contract for Derek Kilmartin

The principal contract for Mr. Derke Kilmartin was considered and tabled by the Board.

Consider retirement request from Cheryl Maggio

The retirement request from Cheryl Maggio was considered and table by the Board.

Consider opening closed session minutes

It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Senica to keep the closed session minutesclosed. Mrs. Reeland, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr.Hicks and Mr. Ossola were absent.


It was moved by Mr. and seconded by Mr. to adjourn the meeting at 9:16 p.m. Mrs. Reeland,Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, Mrs. Spangler and Mr. Savage voted aye. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Ossolawere absent.

____________________________________ __________________________________

Cynthia Gedraitis, Board Secretary Charles Faletti, Board President