At a recent meeting, the Peru Committee of the Whole discussed the results of a structural review of LaSalle Peru Township High School, which needs asbestos removed, as well as new boilers.
The Committee of the Whole consists of all members of the Peru City Council, who review and discuss proposals and decide which should be advanced to the full council.
Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the committee.
A Committee Of A Whole meeting was called to order by Deputy City Clerk Stephanie Piscia in the Peru City Council
Chambers on Monday, June 27, 2016 at 5:30 p.m.
Deputy Clerk Stephanie Piscia called the roll with Aldermen Potthoff, Ferrari, Waldorf, Lukosus, Radtke, Mueller,
Sapienza and Payton present; Mayor Harl present.
Deputy Clerk Stephanie Piscia presented the Committee Of A Whole Minutes of June 16, 2016. Alderman Potthoffmade a motion that the minutes be received and placed on file. Alderman Ferrari seconded the motion; motion carried.
Alderman Potthoff reported the reserve fund ordinance will be ready to adopt at the next regular meeting.
Alderman Potthoff reported on significant savings for the Boiler and Machinery Insurance coverage. Alderman Paytonstated that River Valley Insurance Agency presented several insurance agencies that submitted quotes. Alderman Paytonstated that the city will be saving $22,000 by switching from Travelers Insurance to Liberty Mutual Insurance.
Alderman Payton reported that Liberty Mutual was a very aggressive company with better coverages and it was an easydecision to switch carriers. Corporate Counsel Doug Schweickert reported Liberty Mutual has $40 billion in annualrevenue and carries an A rating (Moody’s).
Corporate Counsel Doug Schweickert also reported on performance bond for the Northern White Sands project.
Alderman Payton stated that AIG is coming out to do a risk assessment at the airport.
Alderman Potthoff reported the Committee will continue to discuss township consolidation.
Alderman Potthoff stated sales tax is up 4% from last year. Alderman Potthoff also reported according to thedisbursements, the City received $17,000 in gambling revenues. Alderman Radtke reported that unless the budget ispassed, the state will probably withhold the city’s portion of sales tax and gambling revenue. Alderman Lukosus statedthat the state announced that unless a budget is passed, construction jobs will be put on hold and the City may have topay for the striping and crack sealing at the airport. Alderman Potthoff reported the airport project cannot be put offmuch longer. Alderman Lukosus agreed it’s a priority and needs to be addressed immediately. Alderman Waldorf askedCity Engineer Eric Carls what the estimated cost of the crack sealing/striping project is. City Engineer Eric Carlsreported it would cost approximately $175,000 with hopes of being reimbursed by the state 90/10. City Engineer EricCarls reported the crack sealing and re-striping airport job will be unaffected since it is not a state job. Finance OfficerJustin Miller reported all monies received from the state on current jobs are safe, it’s just future jobs that will beaffected if a budget isn’t passed.
Superintendent Steve Wrobleski and Mr. Matt Baker of LaSalle Peru Township High School addressed the Committeeand handed out a FAQ sheet. Superintendent Wrobleski provided a brief history on how LP arrived on a facility plan.
Superintendent Wrobleski reported the board approved a 5 year strategic plan focusing on the following:
· Facilities study
· Engineers were brought in to look at structure. Engineers stated the structure is good butis outdated.
· Boilers are in need of replacement; asbestos is present
· Development plan initially started with $96 million plan; scaled back to $67 million
Mr. Baker thanked all who responded to the surveys and phone calls. Mr. Baker reported they worked with architectsand looked into how the space was being used and reported the following:
· Repair and maintenance has been done on the math and science section but needs to be brought up to modernstandards
· Boiler system along with old windows make the building energy inefficient
· Renovate classrooms to meet modern standards
· A lot of maintenance work being done all the time. $300,000-$600,000 in repairs each year
· Pointed out projected energy savings
Mr. Baker asked for question by the Committee.
Alderman Lukosus inquired as to when the school was built and if it was built for 1800 students. SuperintendentWrobleski reported additions were completed in 1927, 1938 and 1963 and was at its peak student capacity in the mid1970’s with 2200 students with no special ed or computer classes. Superintendent Wrobleski stated attendance can goup to 1400 students in the existing facility but will need to use more rooms and updates to existing rooms as 85% of therooms were built in the 1930’s. Alderman Payton asked if they took into account of the older people who have thehomestead exemption. Superintendent Wrobleski state yes. Mr. Baker stated that the community will ultimately voteyes or no on the issues. Superintendent Wrobleski stated the goal is to get a handle on what the community needs andwants. Alderman Mueller asked if they looked into scaling back on athletics. Superintendent Wrobleski stated thatgoing down from the initial $96 million plan to the $67 million plan was due to taking out the east gym renovation.
Alderman Potthoff inquired about adding agricultural and vocational programs as IVCC is doing it now and is it aduplication? Superintendent Wrobleski stated that those classes provide duel credit with IVCC putting kids on anadvanced tract with 8-12 credit hours for IVCC and stated students are more likely to finish post high school credit ifthey start with high school college credit. Alderman Radtke commended the board for its STEM program, getting kidsearly direction. Superintendent Wrobleski stated that with new elementary schools like Dimmick and Parkside theywant to ensure the kids have an upgraded STEM facility. Alderman Ferrari asked about the new roof put on about 10years ago on the area vocational center. Mr. Baker stated he was correct but the area vocational center is tied into themain boiler system. Mr. Baker stated with the current proposal, the east gym and area career center will stay the samebut the rest of the campus will be updated. Superintendent Wrobleski welcomed the committee to attend future meetingsor can contact Superintendent Wrobleski or Mr. Baker to see first-hand what will be done. Mr. Baker reported the Boardof Education will be meeting in July with the citizen task force and making decision to move to recommendation.
Alderman Waldorf asked for input on a proposed sewer relief policy due to getting weekly basis. Alderman Waldorfsuggested that residents requesting sewer relief must wait 12-24 months before asking for relief again and urged that apolicy needs to be in place sooner than later. Alderman Mueller referenced residents that do not want to pay sewer whenwatering lawns. Alderman Mueller also reported on landlords not checking on properties. Alderman Potthoff reportedthat citizens need to take responsibility and can’t always be rewarded. Alderman Radtke stated that residents fillingpools shouldn’t be rewarded as well. Committee agreed that sewer won’t be forgiven for watering lawns and filling ofpools.
Mayor Harl initiated a discussion to renew the contract for lobbyist Tim McAnarney. Mayor Harl referenced the 40million facility coming to Peru and that Mr. McAnarney is working on the enterprise zone that hasn’t been renewed.Mayor Harl also stated that Mr. McAnarney is working on an ITEP grant for walking paths. Mayor Harl stated that youcan’t put a firm and steadfast value to it. Mayor Harl stated he sees Mr. McAnarney as our “salesman”. AldermanPayton reported on issues in Springfield and asked what good is it to have a lobbyist if the state hasn’t passed a budget.
Alderman Payton stated that he cannot pursue grants until the state gets its house in order. Alderman Sapienza statedthat although there are problems in Springfield, things do get done. Alderman Sapienza stated that if we didn’t renewthe contract, we would eventually see a downfall since he is the closest person for us in Springfield. Alderman Ferrariasked why we need McAnarney since we have Representative’s Rezin and Skoog. Mayor Harl stated they havethousands of constituents and McAnarney works for us.
Resident Mike Hart stated he agrees with Alderman Payton and inquired as to how many other lobbyists are working inSpringfield.
Alderman Ferrari made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Alderman Potthoff seconded the motion and motioncarried. Meeting adjourned 7:02 p.m.