
Illinois Valley Times

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Peru Parks and Recreation Board approves horse-riding fees

Webp meet

At a recent meeting, the Peru Parks and Recreation Board approved $100 horse-riding fees for Peru residents, and $150 for non-residents.

The board oversees all matters related to the creation, preparation and management of both public parks and recreation programs in the community.

Peru Parks and Recreation Board

05/10/2016 Meeting, City Hall

The meeting was called to order at 6:33 pm by Board Chairman, Ray Zborowski. Board members in attendance were Steve Michelini, Larry Weide, Bill Steve, Janice Grabowski, and Linda Dzierzynski.

Absent was Simon Kampwerth jr. Recreation Director Lynda Kasik and Alderman Mike Sapienza werealso present.

Guests: Paul Gozder from Park Creations. Ray and Simon met with Paul a few weeks ago at WashingtonPark to discuss the potential location of new playground equipment. Paul took some pictures and notes.

Paul said they represent Little Tikes commercial playground equipment and a few other brands. Paulnoted we had allot of scattered playground equipment already there with some being old and some alittle newer. He recommended we might want to remove some of it at a later date since most childrenwould be drawn to the newer items. He put together three concepts in the $30,000.00, $40,000.00, and$50,000.00 range. He said since it was a longer area a zip line might be a nice addition. It would be about100 feet long. Ray said it would be dome by volunteers. He said his company has been doing this for 18or 19 years and done a few local installations. He passed out some catalogs to look at. He was asked afew questions and he explained what material the items were made of and also how children would usesome of the equipment. He said most of the items were modular and could be modified. He said wecould mix and match items. He said there are some 2 to 3 year old items but in his experience they tendnot to get used much so he tends to look more at the 5 to 12 year old range. He explained the popularityof some of the items. He said if you dig down and fill in the area with wood chips you create an area forwater to sit which will decompose the wood chips. You would have to first build it up with gravel or youcould build it up. A one percent pitch works the best. Some questions were asked about the equipmentand he explained how they would work and why some were laid out in a certain place or direction. Hewas asked where the closest cable ride installation was and he said in Joliet at a park would probably bethe closest. This is a relatively new Little Tikes item. He was asked about the warrantee. He said themain plastic items was 15 years, the steel is 15 years and 100 years for the steel posts against corrosion.

He was asked if self-installation affects the warrantee and he said it is inspected after installation tomake sure it is installed correctly then they sign off on it. He said they warrantee the part but on mostitems not the labor to repair it. There are a few exceptions where they have a contractor come to repairthe item. He was asked about handicap accessibility and he said the items are installed to make themaccessible. He was asked about the rubber surface which is expensive and has a 5 year warrantee. Healso noted that some colors fade faster than others. Red and orange faded the worst and blue holds upthe best. There are UV inhibitors put in the plastics but they will fade. He was asked about the postinstallation and he said the hole would be 39” below grade. Steve asked about the next step and Raysaid the board will have to look over the proposals possibly at the next meeting and put it out for bid. Itwill be put on the June agenda.

Reports: A motion to accept the minutes from the 04/12/2016 meeting was moved by Janice, secondedby Steve and passed unanimously. A motion to approve the Treasurer’s report dated 04/30/2016 wasmade by Steve, seconded by Linda and passed unanimously.

New Business:


Janice received a letter from Zachary Giovanni for the Tennis Instructor position.

There were no additional applications for this position.

Lynda was not sure if the brochures went out to print. Lynda said she gave it to Stephanie a month agoand she was in charge of sending it out to print. Lynda said the grade schools already have it.

Ray asked Janice if there were any more applications and she said Jill Urban-Bollis and Mason Clarkecompleted an application and Kim Reese was supposed to have them. Janice made a motion to hire Jill

Urban-Bollis as 2016 Tennis Director, Zachary Giovanni as Tennis Supervisor, and Mason Clarke as Tennis

Assistant, seconded by Bill and passed unanimously.

Janice made a motion to award a 2 percent wage increase to the 2016 tennis personnel setting hourlywages for Tennis Director at $17.20, Tennis Supervisor at $13.80, and Tennis Assistant at $9.00,seconded by Steve and passed unanimously.

Janice asked who we have for handicraft employees. Lynda said Lyric, Mary Jo, and Ali Zeman. Lyric willdirect the program, Mary Jo will be the assistant, and Ali the helper. Janice made a motion to award a 2 percent wage increase to the 2016 handicraft personnel setting hourly wages for Director at $13.00,

Supervisor at $10.00, and Assistant at $8.60, seconded by Larry and passed unanimously.

Ray explained that the fireworks contract on the agenda was actually the Mall contract. Ray emailed thecontract to all of the board members. Ray and Steve met at the mall with Phil Heilmann and Rich. Theygave a proposal Ray and Steve did not agree with. Ray and Steve countered and the mall agreed. Rayand Steve went over a few of the changes. The mall fee will be $2,000.00 which is down from theoriginal mall proposal of $2,880.00. It will be a contract between the City of Peru and the mall. Janicemade a motion that the Peru Parks and Recreation Board approves the promotion agreement with thePeru Mall for the use of the parking lot and that that the Peru Parks and Recreation wants to inform theCity Council that we will pay the $2,000.00 for the usage, seconded by Steve and passed unanimously.

Ray explained the specifics of the Albert Tomaszewski land use for the fireworks. Larry made a motionto pay Albert Tomaszewski $1,000.00 for the use of his land for the 2016 fireworks, seconded by Bill andpassed unanimously.

Alderman Sapienza informed the board that the structural change to the Dog Park for the shelters wasapproved at the committee level and they could be built whenever we are ready. Linda will contact Jeff

King with the go ahead on this.

Lynda informed the board the movie in the park needed to be paid for.

Unfinished Business:

The dog Park clean-up day was discussed. They had six people show up. The painting and trimming wentwell. It was noted that the grass cutting was not being kept up with and the barrels were missing thegarbage bags which makes it quite messy. Alderman Sapienza noted the complaints and will address it.

The court resurfacing was discussed and Janice asked if it could be tabled until the next meeting. She isworking on getting another bid.

Touch a Truck and Fireworks bounce house workers were discussed. Ray said he had two volunteers forcommunity service hours. They would work both events. Lynda did not have any more volunteers linedup at this time. Finding more volunteers was discussed instead of paying workers. Lynda will also look at

Gold Court for volunteers. A motion to pay workers was tabled until the next meeting.

A discussion was held on Horseback riding. A lengthy discussion was also held on the Recreationprogram. Janice made a motion to approve horseback riding fees, $100.00 for residents of Peru with the Peru Parks and Recreation board subsidizing the remaining $50.00 and $150.00 for Non-residents of Peru, seconded by Larry and passed unanimously.

Public Comment: None

Adjournment: At 8:20pm Steve made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Linda. Meeting


Respectfully submitted,

Bill Steve, Secretary