
Illinois Valley Times

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Bureau County Board approves auditing-services contract

Webp chairs

At a recent meeting, the Bureau County Board approved a three-year auditing-services contract with WIPFLI.

The Bureau County Board includes 26 members elected from each of the county’s districts. The board meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at the Bureau County Courthouse.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.



MINUTES ? JUNE 14, 2016

Regular Meeting Bureau County Courthouse 6:30 PM

700 South Main Street, Princeton, IL 61356

Bureau County Page 1 Updated 7/11/2016 11:43 AM


- Mr. Dale Anderson


- Mrs. Hieronymus

PRESENT: Albrecht, AndersonD, AndersonR, Baracani, Cain, Dobrich, Donarski, Entwhistle,Humpage, Jacobs, Kohr, Lilley, Marini, McCook, Piccatto, Rabe, Rediger, Robinson, Stetson, Thompson,

Volker, Warren, Whited

ABSENT: Feeney, Maynard, Thacker


- Marsha Lilley



Approval of Board Minutes from May 10, 2016

It was moved by Mr. Baracani, seconded by Mrs. Stetson, that the minutes be approved. On vote, motioncarried.


- Mrs. Hieronymus read the following communications:

1. A letter from Ameren advising of tree trimming in and around the LaMoille area in the near future.Maps and common addresses were enclosed of the areas affected. Ameren is mailing a notice tocustomers affected by the tree trimming work, and a public notice will be provided in the newspapercovering the area.

2. A letter from IDOT requesting a certificate be completed and returned to their office by June 20, 2016,if the townships or road districts within our County wish to continue receiving motor fuel tax allotments.

The completed certificate was sent on May 31, 2016.

3. A letter from IDOT stating the revised County Estimate of Maintenance Costs for $943,037.50 and theMaintenance Engineering Statement were approved by the department on May 31, 2016, with theunderstanding that any claims for labor and equipment for day labor and routine maintenance will be onfile and available for compliance review.

4. A letter from IDOT stating the contract in the amount of $54,758.23 between Bureau County andMcDonald Trucking & Paving was approved on May 26, 2016.

5. A letter from IDOT stating the contract in the amount of $152,554.05 between Bureau County andAdvanced Asphalt Co was approved on May 26, 2016.

6. A letter from IDOT stating the contract in the amount of $46,739.00 between Bureau County andUniversal Asphalt & Excavating, Inc was approved on May 26, 2016.

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Resolution approving the Village of Hennepin Fireworks

Mrs. Hieronymus presented the Resolution for approving the Village of Hennepin Fireworks. Mr.Dobrich moved for approval, seconded by Mrs. Piccatto. On vote, motion carried.

Signed Resolution for the Permitting of Public Fireworks Display by Village of Hennepin

Approve of setting the Prevailing Wage rates in Bureau County

The Ordinance Establishing the Prevailing Wage Rates was included in the Board packet. Mr.McCook moved for approval, seconded by Mr. Dobrich. On vote, motion carried.

Signed Ordinance Establishing Prevailing Wage Rates


Bureau County Board of Review

Appoint Bill Lane to a 2 year term on the Board of Review

Appoint Dennis Miscevic to a 2 year term on the Board of Review

Mr. Anderson made those appointments and asked for the Board's approval. On vote, motioncarried.

Signed Appointments to the Board of Review

Bureau County ETSB

Reappoint E911 board members - Keith Ackerman and Kevin Sangston

Mr. Anderson made those appointments and asked for the Board's approval. On vote, motion


Bureau County Housing Authority

Approve re-appointment of Marc Wilt to the Housing Authority Board. Appoint Mr. Wilt for a 5-year term as Commissioner. Mr. Anderson made that appointment and asked for the Board'sapproval. On vote, motion carried.

Mineral-Gold Fire Protection District

Re-appoint Wade Blackert as Fire District Trustee for Mineral-Gold Fire District

to a 3-year term. Mr. Anderson made that appointment and asked for the Board's approval. Onvote, motion carried.

Signed Appointment to the Mineral-Gold Fire Protection District

Ridge Cemetery Association in Selby Township

Appoint Dorothy Coble to succeed Marla Marple as Trustee

Appoint Denise Burkman to succeed John Camp as Trustee

Appoint Jennifer DeRose to succeed Norma Jean Camp as Trustee

Mr. Anderson made those appointments and asked for the Board's approval. On vote, motioncarried.

Signed Appointments to the Ridge Cemetery Association


BPART to present the Maintenance Manual and Policy Manual for approval

1. Approve of the BPART Maintenance Manual Resolution

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Michelle Spears, Transportation Supervisor for BPART, was present for approval of their twoResolutions. Mr. Rabe moved for approval of the Maintenance Manual Resolution, seconded by Mr.Baracani. On vote, motion carried.

2. Approve of BPART Policy Manual Resolution

Mr. Donarski made the motion to approve the BPART Policy Manual Resolution, seconded by Mr.Rediger. On vote, motion carried.

Signed Resolutions for the BPART Maintenance Manual and Policy Manual

WIPFLI auditor here to present the latest Financial Audit for fiscal year 2015

Matt Schuler, partner, and Sarah McKenna, manager, our WIPFLI auditors, were present to report onthe 2015 audit for year ended November 30, 2015. Mr. Schuler said they had gone over the financialstatements with the County Clerk, the Treasurer, and the Fees & Salaries Chair in detail, so he waspresenting an overview of the statements to the Board and invited questions.

Pages 1-3, the Independent Auditor's Report, was their actual opinion. Page 2 is where they statetheir opinion. It is an unqualified, unmodified opinion; it's a passing grade. Below the opinion, is an"Emphasis of Matter" paragraph which relates to the fact that the County implemented new pensionstandard reporting for our IMRF pension plans, and he will go over the impact as he moves forwardwith the statements. They do some additional compliance testing for our Federal dollars. The Countyreceived and expended $1.2 million of Federal awards, and they are required to do specific testing onthose dollars. They had an internal control question that they had to report for our WIC dollars; noquestion on cost, just some approval authority needs to be changed a little bit.

They are also required by statute to test our Circuit Clerk, and they are happy to report they had noissues so they had a clean opinion there, too.

Pages 4 through 14 is the Management Discussion and Analysis. Two years of information providessome good summarized information which he encouraged the Board to look over.

Page 15 is the Statement of Net Position which consolidates the County into a business stylereporting. This is where you start to see the impact of the new pension standards. There is a captionreferred to as deferred outflows of pension resources for $1,595,380. Under noncurrent liabilities,there's a line called net pension liability for $531,582. The impact of the new pension standard, whenyou net the $1,595,000 and the $531,000, was an increase to the net position so it was favorable thatthis standard was adopted for the County. He pointed out that overall the County has about$41,000,000 of total assets and deferred outflows. There is $14,000,000 of capital assetsand $17.6 million of cash and investments on hand at the end of the year. The number to look at isthe total net position; there are three captions of net position: net investment in capital assets,restricted, and unrestricted. Restricted means we have property tax levies where we use thoserevenues for a particular reason. We also have fees and fines that are in special revenue funds like ahighway fund or health department fund. We have $10.8 million of unrestricted compared to last yearof $9.1 million so that amount has improved in the current year.

Pages 17 and 18 report information by our major funds, which are: County General, IMRF, LiabilityInsurance, and County Highway, and then Other Governmental Funds. He said the key numbers onthis page were under Fund balances, which are: nonspendable, restricted, committed, assigned, andunassigned. He said what we want to focus in on is, of the $18.2 million, $5.8 million is unassigned,which is really the General Fund balance at the end of the year.

Pages 20 and 21 are the income statements of the major funds. The net change in fund balance isthe income for each of those funds. Overall the County's funds grew $158,286. The General Fundincreased $740,541. There are transfers that come into the County's General Fund. Prior to thosetransfers the County General Fund decreased $804,000 but we had a significant transfer from publicsafety sales tax and the liability insurance fund.

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The key footnotes begin on page 34. He referred to Note 3 and said that every year the County'sdeposits are to be covered by FDIC or pledged collateral. At the end of the year the County had$1,018,000 that was not properly secured and collateralized. He explained that there was a timingdifference in monies being transferred by the County Treasurer's office from one bank account toanother. It was transferred the last day of the year so the bank was not able to catch up quickenough because they pledge collateral based on the day before, so they were a day late.

On page 37, Note 6, are the new disclosures on the County's pension plans. The County has three:

IMRF Regular, SLEP, and ECO. The first disclosure is for the Regular Plan. He said he wanted tofocus in on page 39 where there is a reconciliation of the regular plan's net pension liability. It showsthat at the beginning of the year, January 1, 2014, it was fully funded by $2.8 million. At the end ofthe year it was fully funded by $2.1 million. So overall the Regular plan is funded at 108%. He doesnot have a lot of counties that are fully funded of the nine counties that he audits.

On page 43 is the information for the SLEP plan. At the beginning of the year it had $787,000unfunded, and at the end of the year it was $998,000 unfunded. That plan is still funded at 92%.On page 46 is the information for the ECO plan. At the beginning of the year it was $1.8 million andat the end of the year it was $1.6 million. Overall that plan is funded at 73%. He pointed out that foreach plan, the middle column has the Plan Fiduciary net position which are the cash investments thatthe IMRF Board of Trustees is holding for Bureau County employees for those pension obligations.

When the three plans are added, IMRF has over $46,000,000 of cash and investments that they areholding for current workers, retirees, and those yet to vest.

The last item Mr. Schuler reviewed was on page 56, which is the County General Fund, and what itreports is overall what we anticipated the County General Fund to do versus what actually happened.

It was anticipated the County General Fund would increase, after all the transfers, by $695,000. Itactually increased by $753,000 in the current year. A lot of it has to do with expenditures being less.

We spent $652,000 less than what we had anticipated. Mrs. Entwhistle had distributed a one-pagesummary handout which gives some five-year information. The thing to point out is that things arevery comparable on a five-year basis. He said there are three lines at the very end which include theGeneral Fund Revenues, and the General Fund Expenditures. He said they could see how they havechanged over the past five years. The revenues in the General Fund have only increased 4% overthe five-year time frame. Expenditures have increased 13% so it is requiring more transfers to comein from the public safety sales tax and the liability insurance fund as the revenues have stayed prettyflat over the five-year time frame.It was asked how the ECO plan compared to other counties at 73%. Mr. Schuler said that is thelowest funded percentage of the counties he works on.

Approve of Resolution to Modify Boundary of North Central Illinois Economic Development


Add the County of Livingston to the Economic Development District. Mr. Cain moved for approvalof adding Livingston County, seconded by Mr. Kohr. On vote, motion carried. It will help Streatorbecause they are sitting on two counties.

Signed Resolution for NCIED District Boundary Modification



1. Resolution of Recognition of Bureau/Putnam Citizens Corps

Approve of resolution recognizing the Bureau/Putnam Citizens Corps. Ms. Lilley moved

for approval of the Resolution, seconded by Mrs. Volker. On vote, motion carried.

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Signed Resolution Recognizing Bureau/Putnam Citizen Corps

2. Summary of Zoning Hearings

Approve of Rezone from B-1 to R-2, Concord Twp, Sec 34,

Northwest Corner of High St/Pine St in Buda, Christine Weidner

Ms. Lilley presented the Resolution for rezone, it was recommended by all committees, therewere no objections, and she moved for approval, seconded by Mrs. Stetson. On vote, motioncarried.

Approve of Rezone from B-3 to R-1, Princeton Twp., South side

of Rt6/34, first house east of Park Ave., Jamie Williams

Ms. Lilley presented the Resolution for rezone, it was recommended by all committees, therewere no objections, and she moved for approval, seconded by Mr. Baracani. On vote, motioncarried.

Signed Resolution to Grant a Rezone, Christine Weidner

Signed Resolution to Grant a Rezone, Jamie Williams

Zoning Committee Report

EMA Report


1. Annual Report distributed for 2015

The Report to the Community, Bureau & Putnam County Health Department 2015, as well as theFamily Connections Spring/Summer 2016, were distributed to the Board. Mrs. Volker said theHealth Department is blessed by people who serve on their Board. Pat Schou, President of theBureau County Board of Health, was raised on a farm so she knows what health services areneeded in the rural area. Laboratory Services, page 6, are needed, and examples of their labservice prices were given. The importance of vaccinating children on time to protect them againstserious illnesses and the number given was found on page 7. The dental clinic is one of theirmore difficult programs to run, and they rely on volunteer dentists and dental specialists toprovide services for low-income families and families qualifying for Medicaid. Training foodhandlers and enforcing health regulations keeps people safe. Last year 241 people were trainedin food safety and 567 food establishment inspections were conducted. Page 16 coveredEmergency Preparedness in the event of a large scale emergency. The Bureau & Putnam

County Health Departments FY2015 Financial Report was shown on Page 19. It includes

revenues, expenditures, and the net increase. The Health Department just became a threecountydepartment with the addition of Marshall County.


There was no report for Animal Control.

Animal Control Report


1. Continue process with hiring new County Administrator

Approve of hiring new County Administrator. Mr. Cain, chair of the ad hoc committee for

hiring an Administrator, said there were a couple of issues to bring up in Executive Sessionregarding the process.

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2. Approve and place on file the 2015 Financial Audits including Circuit Clerk audit and

Federal grants audit

Mrs. Entwhistle moved for placing the 2015 Financial Audits, including the Circuit Clerk audit andFederal Grants audit, on file, seconded by Mr. Robinson. On vote, motion carried.

3. Approve and accept the 13th Judicial Circuit Court Holiday Dates for 2017

Mrs. Entwhistle moved to approve and accept the 13th Judicial Circuit Court Holiday dates for2017, seconded by Mrs. Piccatto. On vote, motion carried.

4. Approve of hiring the assistance of WIPFLI to compile the Budget for fiscal year 2016-

2017 at a cost of $5,950

Mrs. Entwhistle moved for hiring WIPFLI for compiling the budget for fiscal year 2016-2017 for$5,950, seconded by Mr. Cain. On vote, motion carried.

WIPFLI Letter of Engagement

5. Taxes Received Report for June

Approve of the transfer of Public Safety Sales Tax to General Fund

Mrs. Entwhistle moved for the approval of the June tax report as presented, seconded by Mr.Baracani. On vote, motion carried.

Mrs. Entwhistle moved for the transfer of $70,867.28 from Public Safety Sales Tax to the GeneralFund, seconded by Mrs. Stetson. On vote, motion carried.

6. Place on file - Circuit Clerk Report, Sheriff Report, County Clerk Report

Mrs. Entwhistle reported that the Sheriff received a check from the Circuit Clerk's Office in theamount of $60 to be deposited in the Vehicle Procurement Fund. It is court-funded incomederived from fees gained through court supervision cases. She moved to place the report on file,seconded by Mr. Dobrich. On vote, motion carried.

Mrs. Entwhistle presented the Sheriff's Earnings Report for May of $8,906.80 and moved to placeit on file, seconded by Mr. Robinson. On vote, motion carried.

Mrs. Entwhistle presented the Circuit Clerk's Receipts and Disbursements Report for May whichshowed earnings of $18,851.01, Interest Traffic/Criminal/Civil checking of $9.06, Interest/Savingsof $.21, Interest/CD Savings of $152.85, and May Passport Fees of $725. She moved to placethe report on file, seconded by Mrs. Marini. On vote, motion carried.

Mrs. Entwhistle presented the Circuit Clerk's Semi-Annual Receipts and Disbursements Reportwhich showed earnings of $120,249.78, Interest Traffic/Criminal/Civil checking of $141.42,

Interest/Savings of $1.76, Interest/Savings of $4.33, Interest/CD Savings of $458.64, and

Passport Fees of $5,450.00. She moved to place the report on file, seconded by Mr. Donarski.

On vote, motion carried.

Mrs. Entwhistle presented the County Clerk's Earnings and Expenditures Report for May of$11,121.59 and for the half-year of $57,973.56. She moved to place it on file, seconded by Mr.Whited. On vote, motion carried.

Sheriff, Circuit Clerk, and County Clerk Reports

Fees and Salaries Comm Report


1. Resolution Appropriating TBP and CAB Funds for replacing structure in Milo Twp

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Approve of Resolution appropriating TBP and CAB funds for Milo Twp

Mr. Rabe presented the Resolution appropriating TBP & CAB Funds and Township Participationfor Replacing Structure carrying TR 154 over Fox Creek in Milo Township. The Board agrees toexecute BLR 5310 and authorize use of STP-BR Funds in the amount of $188,000, Township

Bridge Program Funds for $37,600 and Local Agency Funds in the amount of $9,400 forconstruction and construction engineering costs. Mr. Rabe moved for approval of the Resolution,seconded by Mr. Baracani.

AYES: Albrecht, Ralph Anderson, Baracani, Cain, Dobrich, Donarski, Entwhistle, Humpage,

Jacobs, Kohr, Lilley, Marini, McCook, Piccatto, Rabe, Rediger, Robinson, Stetson, Thompson,

Whited, Volker, Warren, and Dale Anderson. ABSENT: Feeney, Maynard, Thacker.

Signed Resolution Appropriating TBP & CAB Funds for Replacing a Structure in Milo Twp

County Highway Report


1. Place on file Building Appraisal update from Universal Valuation

Mr. Kohr presented the updated building appraisal from Universal Valuation for our seven

buildings located at various locations in Princeton. The values have been brought up to date fromthe original appraisal dated July 14, 2015. Mr. Kohr said the Soldiers and Sailors monument hasnot been included but will be discussed at the next meeting and added. He said that it ispresently covered, though, under Errors and Omissions. He moved to place the report on file,seconded by Mr. Robinson. On vote, motion carried.

2016 Building Appraisal Update from Universal Valuation Inc.

Insurance Committee Report


1. Place on file Coroner's Report, Public Defender Report, Assessor's Report

Mrs. Marini presented the Coroner's Report, which showed 27 coroner's cases, 6 death

investigations, 14 cremations, no autopsies, and income of $200. She moved to place the reporton file, seconded by Ralph Anderson. On vote, motion carried.

Mrs. Marini presented an income report for the Assessor's Office in the amount of $467 andmoved to place the report on file, seconded by Mrs. Piccatto. On vote, motion carried.

Mrs. Marini did not have a Public Defender's report for the month.

Assessor Report

Law Committee Report


1. Mulch done in Soldiers and Sailors Park by Ray Mabry

Mr. Mabry will prepare a proposal to repair retaining wall and do landscapingaround courthouse. The committee has not received the proposal yet, so it is planned todiscuss the landscaping work next month.

2. Roof is done. Oldeen to be paid $150,111.90

Mrs. Warren reported that the roof is finished, and when Willett Hofmann gets done with thepunch list, the final $51,938 will be paid.

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3. Squad car to be purchased from Putnam Co. for $6,800. It is a canine unit

The squad car from Putnam County is a canine unit with 40,000 miles. It is felt that the

equipment is well worth the $6,800, and the money is in the Sheriff's budget. Mrs. Warren movedfor approval, seconded by Mr. Rabe. On vote, motion carried.

4. Approve hiring Combined Cleaning to do main part of courthouse two days a week at


Mrs. Warren moved for approval to hire Combined Cleaning to help clean the common areas ofthe courthouse two days per week for $153.00, seconded by Mr. Baracani. On vote, motioncarried.

5. Approve Ordinance to Amend Sheriff Fees previously approved in April

Mrs. Warren presented the Amended Ordinance for Bureau County Board Action Raising theSheriff's Fees. The ordinance was approved in April but two items were struck regarding sex

offender fees. Mrs. Warren moved for approval, seconded by Mrs. Entwhistle. On vote, motioncarried.

Amended Ordinance for Raising the Sheriff Fees

6. Soldiers and Sailors Park Request

Approve the request from Festival 56 to use the park on Sundays and Wednesdays from

June 26 through July 24. Mrs. Warren moved for approval, seconded by Mr. Dobrich. On vote,motion carried.

Printing and Stationery Committee Report

Building and Grounds Committee Report



12 Liquor Licenses issued. A liquor license renewal meeting was held on Thursday, May 26, andall of the County liquor licenses were renewed.




Mr. Cain reported that the Economic Development Corporation of North Central Illinois (EDCNCI) hashired Ivan Baker as the Chief Executive Officer for the new organization, and he will start the jobshortly. The committee was happy to find someone with his experience.


Mr. Donarski presented the semi-annual Financial and Statistical Report for Probation and CourtServices for the period of December 1, 2015, through May 31, 2016.


Mrs. Entwhistle said the cookies at their desks were a thank you from Cooperative Extension for the

Board's continued support.

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Approve All Claims for Month of June. Mrs. Entwhistle moved for payment of all claims includingpayroll, $2,193.66 for meetings and mileage, $4,000 for the Bureau County Senior Center, and $400 for

Two Geek Web Design, seconded by Mr. Thompson.

AYES: Albrecht, Ralph Anderson, Baracani, Cain, Dobrich, Donarski, Entwhistle, Humpage, Jacobs,

Kohr, Lilley, Marini, McCook, Piccatto, Rabe, Rediger, Robinson, Stetson, Thompson, Whited, Volker,

Warren, and Dale Anderson. ABSENT: Feeney, Maynard, and Thacker.


Litigation, Personnel, and Negotiations

Mr. Anderson said the Board needed to go into Executive Session to discuss employee compensationaccording to 5 ILCS 120/2c1 and litigation according to 5 ILCS 120/2c11. Mrs. Entwhistle so moved,seconded by Mr. Baracani.

AYES: Albrecht, Ralph Anderson, Baracani, Cain, Dobrich, Donarski, Entwhistle, Humpage, Jacobs,

Kohr, Lilley, Marini, McCook, Piccatto, Rabe, Rediger, Robinson, Stetson, Thompson, Whited, Volker,

Warren, and Dale Anderson. ABSENT: Feeney, Maynard, and Thacker.

Upon conclusion of the Executive Session, it was moved by Mr. Robinson, seconded by Mr. Baracani, toreturn to regular session.

AYES: Albrecht, Ralph Anderson, Baracani, Cain, Dobrich, Donarski, Entwhistle, Humpage, Jacobs,

Kohr, Lilley, Marini, McCook, Piccatto, Rabe, Rediger, Robinson, Stetson, Thompson, Whited, Volker,

Warren, and Dale Anderson. ABSENT: Feeney, Maynard, and Thacker.


Approve possible settlement agreement with Sheriff employee

Mr. Dobrich moved that the County continue discussions and negotiations on a settlement agreement,seconded by Mr. Robinson. On vote, motion carried.


Approve three year contract with WIPFLI for auditing services

Mrs. Entwhistle had amounts that were paid to WIPFLI for the past three years. It is time to renew thecontract for the next three years. The County Treasurer and the County Clerk would like to rehire WIPFLI.

There was confusion on how the new numbers were presented, so the actual yearly increases werequestioned. Mrs. Entwhistle moved for re-hiring WIPFLI, seconded by Mr. Baracani. A motion to tableuntil July for a better explanation was made by Mrs. Volker, seconded by Mr. Dobrich. On vote, motion



To July 12th, 2016 - It was moved by Mr. Donarski, seconded by Mr. Baracani, that the meeting

be adjourned. On vote, motion carried.



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