At a recent meeting, the Peru Finance and Safety Services Committee discussed whether to extend the economic development rate cap.
Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the committee.
"The City of Peru is located at 1901 4th St, Peru, IL 61354, USA".
DATE OF MEETING: July 20, 2016 TIME: 4:00 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING: Executive Conference Room, Peru Municipal Building
1901 4th Street, Peru, IL 61354
Aldermen Potthoff, Ferrari, Radtke and Payton present; Mayor Harl present.
OTHER PERSONS PRESENT: City Clerk Dave Bartley, Alderman Lukosus, Alderman
Mueller, ASM/Police Chief Doug Bernabei, PSM/Fire Chief King, City Engineer Eric Carls,
Finance Officer Justin Miller, Treasurer Jackson Powell Economic Development Director Bob
Vickrey, Ben Hohenstatt of the News Tribune, Jim Kelly of Metokote, Jeff Wagner of Eakas,
Doug Lannert of Canam Steel Corp, Jim Loveland of Maze Nail, Roelif Loveland of Maze Nail
and John Gugliemetti of American Nickeloid Company
Alderman Ferrari made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 6, 2016 Finance & Safety
Services Meeting. Alderman Radtke seconded the motion; motion carried.
The Committee reviewed and approved the disbursements for payment on July 27, 2016.
Finance Officer Justin Miller provided the following update:
Finance Report- 07/20/2016
1. Taxes Received
Type of Tax Year to Date Prior Year % +/(-)
Sales Tax $6,008,241 $5,768,579 4.15%
Home Rule Tax $3,984,292 $3,942,156 1.07%
Video Gaming $171,544 $132,114 29.85%
2. City Audit Update
ÿ Winkle Parker Foster, CPA PC
o 08/01/2016 - 08/05/2016
ÿ Foster and Foster (Actuaries)
o Need Department of Insurance Reports from Pension Boards
o GASB 67 and 68
3. Police and Firefighters Pension Audit
ÿ Stewart Tax
o Police IDOI ready to file (need interrogatories)
o Fire IDOI waiting on Hometown
ÿ Hopkins & Associates, CPAs
o In progress of audits
o Finalize after GASB 67 and 68 footnotes received
4. Concur
ÿ Soft rollout
o Start with a department to test process and usability
o Keep payment method and council approval method the same
o Trial period until December and no long-term contract
5. Azavar
ÿ Update
o References and contract
Committee discussed the request to authorize filling police officer vacancy in the police
Mayor Harl initiated a discussion regarding the $.10 economic development rate cap and stated
the current agreement expires July 2016. Alderman Potthoff gave the floor to the economic
development group in attendance.
Mr. Doug Lannert of Canam Steel Corp. stated he would like to see the rate cap extended. Mr.
Lannert stated the elimination of the rate cap would result in a 63% rate increase which would
amount to $200,000 more per year.
Mr. Jeff Wagner of Eakas stated that the rate cap does not affect their business but potential
changes could affect them in the future. Mr. Wagner stated that he supports the group overall and
asked to consider the net effect Mr. Wagner reported the rate is.072 in Wynne, Arkansas.
Mr. Jim Loveland of Maze Nails thanked the Committee for taking the time to address the issue
and re-asserted the sentiment of Mr. Lannert that the City commit to extended the $.10 cap. Mr.
Loveland noted that the market for power has increased but it would still be possible to secure
rates between.08 and.09 if not in the IMEA.
Mr. Jim Loveland spoke on behalf of Unytite and their potential plan to move a high demand
machine to LaSalle. Mr. Loveland stated the City of Batavia is in a similar type co-op and
potential litigation.
Mayor Harl asked if the group would gain data on for Unytite.
Alderman Potthoff thanked the group for coming.
Alderman Payton made a motion to go into closed session to discuss appointment, employment,
compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or
legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an
employee or legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity; meetings operating
utility, power or natural gas agency to discuss contracts for the purchase, sale or delivery of
electricity or natural gas and the results of load forecast studies. Alderman Radtke seconded the
motion. City Clerk Dave Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Potthoff, Ferrari, Radtke, and
Payton voting aye; Mayor Harl voting aye; motion carried.
Closed session began at 5:25 p.m.; ended 5:28 p.m.
Alderman Ferrari made a motion to re-open the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Alderman Payton seconded
the motion. City Clerk Dave Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Potthoff, Ferrari, Radtke, and
Payton present; Mayor Harl present
Alderman Potthoff made a motion to adjourn. Alderman Payton seconded the motion. Meeting
adjourned at 5:32 p.m.