Republican candidate for the 75th state representative district David Welter recently received an endorsement from the Illinois Farm Bureau (IFB) Activator.
"The ACTIVATOR Trustees agreed unanimously that David Welter is the candidate for the job," Activator Trustee Committee Chairman Ken Beck said. "We look forward to helping him get elected as State Representative for the 75th State Representative District."
IFB's political involvement fund endorsed Welter for being an advocate of Illinois farmers which includes supporting the preservation of the agricultural sales tax exemption on items such as fertilizer and farm equipment. He is credited with having a full comprehension of the huge effort that farmers make every day to meet the food, fuel and fiber requirements in Illinois and around the globe.
Activator elects pro-farm individuals regardless of their party affiliation. Those elected understand the important role that agriculture plays in the state and its benefits.
Agriculture is the largest economic sector in Illinois.