The Illinois Valley Regional Dispatch Board (IVRD) will approve its final IVRD hiring list at its next meeting 10 a.m. Thursday at the Peru Municipal Building, 1901 Fourth St.
Below is the agenda for this meeting, as provided by the board.
Illinois Valley Regional Dispatch (IVRD)
C/O City of Peru
P.O. Box 299 | 1901 Fourth Street
Peru, IL 61354
The Illinois Valley Regional Dispatch Board (IVRD) will hold a meeting at 10:00 a.m.,
Thursday, August 25, 2016 at the Peru Municipal Building located at 1901 4th Street,
Peru, Illinois.
1. Call to order by Chairman Doug Bernabei
2. Roll Call: Chairman Bernabei, Harl (Miller), Hogan, King, Grove, Aleksy, Uranich, Bacidore, Finley, Porter, Knoblauch, Popurella, Boelk (Hunt), Smith, Rutishauser, Fisher
3. Minutes – Approve IVRD Meeting Minutes of August 10, 2016
4. Communications
a) Receive and Place on File Letters of Appointment of Board of Directors from LaSalle, Peru, Oglesby and Mendota
5. Public Forum (Citizen Comments)
6. Committee Reports
a) Fire/EMS Operations (Bacidore/King/Popurella/Rutishauser)
b) Law Enforcement Operations (Uranich/Bernabei/Knoblauch/Smith)
7. Old Business
o Approve Final IVRD Hiring List
o IVRD Financial Report
o Motion to Approve Report & Pay Bills in the Usual Manner
8. New Business
o Motion to Approve an Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Execution of Addenda to the Intergovernmental Agreement that Established the “Illinois Valley Regional Dispatch” to Approve the City of Earlville, the City of Spring Valley, the Earlville Fire Protection District, the Utica Community Fire Protection District and the Village of Leland as Associate Members and to Provide Dispatch Services to the City of Earlville, the City of Spring Valley, the Earlville Fire Protection District, the Utica Community Fire Protection District and the Village of Leland
o Motion to Approve a Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of Jail Facility Use Agreements to be Entered into by the “Illinois Valley Regional Dispatch” with the City of Peru, the City of LaSalle, the City of Oglesby, and the City of Spring Valley
o Motion to Award Property and Casualty, Liability and Workers Compensation Insurance to Recommended Company and Agent
o Motion to Hire PCS PSAP Concepts and Solutions for TriTech Liaison in the Amount of $2,788.00
o Motion to Purchase from Oglesby the Existing TriTech Phone System in the Amount of $64,720.47 subject to the recommendation of PCS PSAP Concepts and Solutions
o Motion to Purchase Oglesby 911 Phone System Upgrade and Three Positions for Peru from TriTech at a Price of $108,372.45 subject to the recommendation of PCS PSAP Concepts and Solutions
o Motion to Appoint IVRD Secretary and Set Compensation for Work Outside of Regular Business Hours
9. Public Forum (Citizen Comments)
10. Executive (Closed) Session
11. Schedule Next IVRD Meeting
12. Adjournment
BY: Douglas P. Bernabei – Chairman
Distribution LaSalle, Peru, Oglesby & Mendota City Clerks, and all IVRD Board Members