
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Brookfield Public Library Board of Trustees discuss general election

The Brookfield Public Library Board of Trustees met June 22 to discuss the general election.

ere are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

Regular Library Board Meeting – June 22, 2016

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Journal of the Proceedings of a


June 22, 2016

Library Board President Jennifer Perry called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Upon roll call a quorum was determined.

Members Present: President Perry, Trustees Carol Kissane, Dianne Duner, Adam Burghgraef, Lisa Knasiak, Linda


Members Absent: None

Others Present: Library Director Kimberly Coughran, Administrative Assistant Fran Montoro, Dan Creek ( 8:05 p.m.)


Motion by Trustee Lisa Knasiak and seconded by Trustee Carol Kissane to approve the Agenda of the Regular Library

Board meeting of June 22, 2016. Ayes: President Perry, Trustees Kissane, Duner, Burghgraef, Knasiak and Kampschroeder.

Nays: None. Absent: None.


A. Consent agenda approval

B. Approval of minutes of April 27, 2016 Regular Board of Trustees meeting

C. Approval of minutes of May 16, 2016 Special Board of Trustees meeting

D. Approval of minutes of June 9, 2016 Special Board of Trustees meeting

E. Approval of minutes of June 20, 2016 Special Board of Trustees meeting

F. Acceptance of financial statements of April and May 2016

G. Acceptance of statistical report of April and May 2016

H. Acceptance of Director’s report for May and June 2016

Motion by Trustee Carol Kissane and seconded by Trustee Dianne Duner to approve the Consent Agenda of the Regular

Library Board meeting of June 22, 2016. Ayes: President Perry, Trustees Kissane, Duner, Burghgraef, Knasiak and

Kampschroeder. Nays: None. Absent: None.


A. Written Correspondence - None

B. Comments of Visitors - Dan Creek, (Brookfield Resident) joined the meeting at 8:05 p.m. at which time Mr. Creek

was allowed to present his questions and concerns to the Board of Trustees.


President Perry reported that due to illness she was absent from the most recent Facility Advisor Board meeting.

Additionally she discussed the issue with the Grand Avenue entrance doors on Sunday, June 12. President Perry was

notified by the police that the alarm was set off. Upon her arrival along with Director Coughran, it was discovered that

members had indeed accessed the library due to a defect in the doors.


Director Coughran provided Trustees with preliminary survey results.

Regular Library Board Meeting – June 22, 2016

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Liaison Reports

Trustee Kampschroeder reported the FOL continue to have Taste meetings. The Taste appeal letter will be mailed in July.

Gesture will be returning to facilitate the auction. Also reported is the fact that Jo Day will be spearheading an effort to

have some of the bigger auction prizes available ahead of the event with the hope of increasing bids from non-attending


Trustee Kissane reported that she attended two Advocacy meetings and there are three new members. Trustee Kissane

will also be attending a meeting in Bloomington in July. The FOIA hotline is now open.

Trustee Knasiak reported that there was a RAILS meeting held last week. Additionally she mentioned the resignation of

State Library Director Ann Craig effective June 30th as well as a lot of changes being made at both RAILS and SWAN.

Action and Discussion: Finance Committee – Monthly Bills

Motion by Trustee Carol Kissane and second by Trustee Linda Kampschroeder to approve the Warrant dated June 22, 2016

in the amount of $125,294.61. Ayes: President Perry, Trustees Kissane, Duner, Burghgraef, Knasiak and Kampschroeder.

Nays: None. Absent: None.

Action: Resolution 2016-01 In Appreciation to Representative Michael J. Zalewski

Trustees discussed and approved the resolution. Motion to approve by Trustee Kissane and second by Trustee


Action: Resolution 2016-02 In Appreciation to Senator Steven M. Landek

Trustees discussed and approved the resolution. Motion to approve by Trustee Kampschroeder and second by Trustee


Action: Resolution 2016-03 To Discharge the Facility Advisory Committee

Trustees discussed and approved the resolution. Motion to approve by Trustee Kissane and second by Trustee


Action: Resolution 2016-04 Approving a plan and estimate of cost and determining financing for a new library

building and related expenses for the Brookfield Public Library, and requesting that the Village of Brookfield,

Cook County, Illinois, submit a proposition to issue $10,300,000 Library Bonds to the voters of said Village at the

general election to be held on the 8th day of November 2016

Trustees discussed and approved the resolution. Motion to approve by Trustee Kissane and second by Trustee


Action: Resolution 2016-05 Approving Ballot Form

Trustees discussed and approved the resolution. Motion to approve by Trustee Knasiak and second by Trustee Duner.

Action: Authority of Library Trustees, Budget and Finance and Consent of Program Participants policies

Trustees discussed and approved. Motion to approve by Trustee Knasiak and second by Trustee Kissane.

Action: Semi-Annual Review of Executive Session Minutes

Trustees discussed and approved to keep the minutes sealed. Motion to approve by Trustee Burghgraef and second by

Trustee Kissane.



There was a discussion regarding meeting options with Unicom Arc’s Rod Wright, final date to be determined.

Regular Library Board Meeting – June 22, 2016

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Motion by Trustee Kissane , second by Trustee Knasiak to adjourn the Regular Library Board meeting of June 22, 2016 at

8:14 p.m. Upon roll call, the motion carried as follows: Ayes: President Perry, Trustees Kissane, Duner, Burghgraef,

Kampschroeder and Knasiak. Nays: None. Absent: None.

Lisa Knasiak, Secretary

Brookfield Public Library

Board of Trustees
