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The Brookfield LaGrange Park School District 95 Board of Education met Sept. 22 to implement full day kindergarten classes.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:
The board typically meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of most months during the school year. Meetings are held at the S.E. Gross Middle School in the Second Floor Conference Room, 3524 Maple Ave.
The meeting of the Board of Education, School District No. 95, Cook County, Illinois was held on September 22, 2016 at S.E. Gross Middle School.
* Mrs. Maggos called the meeting to order at 7:13 pm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members present: Maggos, Garvey, Conroy, Ivan, Pencak and Winslow Zoltoski arrived at 7:20pm
A. Buildings and Grounds Committee
1. Review of Construction Project
Prior to the board meeting the Buildings and Grounds Committee met with Steve Cashman (the district architect) and ECI (construction firm) to discuss the construction project.
The board reviewed, at length, the option to use precast concrete to help reduce the cost.
All agreed that material presented by Mr. Cashman and ECI is an excellent starting point and feel we are moving in the right direction.
B. Finance Committee
1. Bonding Update
Rebecca Zoltoski, Chair of the Finance Committee, updated the board of the latest finance committee discussions.
o The redesigned structure from ECI and funding possibilities
The overall cost could not be fully determined, because the numbers for the renovation of the cafetorium were not available. The estimates of the building at Brook Park and the addition of the gym is approximately $29.5 million.
To pay for ~$35M, asking for $20M in referendum bonds ($500/year on S300,000 house) was discussed. A legislative override for this amount is necessary since it is above what can be asked for due to the district limits and current debt load.
Dr. Kuzniewski has been Working diligently with state legislators to make this happen. Should the referendum pass, it will be presented and voted on in May. If the governor takes no action in May, it will become legislation in August.
The other S15M will be in the form of an alternative bond, which is a loan using existing operating money to fund it. The district would need to be able to cover the cost of that for 25 years. With our current financial state, Dr. Kuzniewski feels this should be achievable using the current cash reserves and money that would be realized when other debts are paid off, as well as extra general state aid. The cash reserve will not grow as quickly, but it should still build.
A bonds person needs to be secured.
In the past, the district has utilized Baird however; the district would be dealing with a brand new Baird representative.
The district is also considering the bonding services of William Blair. A representative from William Blair has been introduced and provided information to the board.
The purpose of the bonds person, in addition to finding the best interest rates, will be to provide information in the appropriate formats to present before the referendum to help explain to the community.
Chapman Cutler will be the firm handling the legality issues.
O All day kindergarten
School funding from the state is going to begin using evidence based funding model: Based on what the school is providing.
" This funding model has evidence that certain factors impact student achievement and schools will get credit for that.
* These factors are assigned a number as to their relevance. All day kindergarten carries a 0.77 factor, which is the highest impact of achievement.
The district needs to consider the impact of its current situation, versus adding all-day kindergarten as the proposed building plans allow.
* There is still much that is unknown about how this will be implemented however, the state is going this way as a funding model.
o Referendum
To get the ball rolling for the referendum, the board plans to conduct community meetings. " There will be presentations to BPC and PTO about how they can help promote the plan.
Attending recorded Village meetings was also discussed.
P. The need to clearly express the great need for space in District 95, and the important fact that District 95 has been fiscally responsible, is imperative to this process.
District 95 has been a well-managed district with teachers and administrators that have assisted in the process.
C. Curriculum Committee
1. Withdrawal of D102 from LADSE
District 102 has adopted a resolution approving their withdrawal from LADSE. They have concluded that, for their particular needs, withdrawing from LADSE will afford greater future financial flexibility.
LADSE is a special education cooperative organized for the purpose of Supporting its member districts in the delivery of highly effective programs and services for students, especially those who have or are at-risk of disabilities. LADSE offers many specialized support services that help diverse learners experience success and participate more fully in their local schools and in their local communities.
District 95 is one of many schools that take part in the LADSE co-op.
Because the cost of the co-op is spread across all schools involved, the withdrawal of one district will directly affect (increase) the cost of each district remaining in the co-op.
District 102 has requested that each member district consider providing consent to the withdrawal of District 102 effective July 1, 2017.
The board discussed and will vote on the matter at the October 13" board meeting.
O NOne
o None
For the purpose to discuss appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the District.
MOTION #1 - Mrs. Garvey moved to go into closed session at 7:52 pm. Seconded by Mr. Conroy. Ayes: Maggos, Zoltoski, Garvey, Conroy, Ivan, Pencak and Winslow. Nays: None. Motion carried.
MOTION # 3 - Dr. Zoltoski moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 pm. Seconded by Mrs. Garvey. Voice vote. All Ayes. Motion carried.