
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bureau County Board grants property rezones

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The Bureau County Board met Sept. 13 to grant property rezones.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

The Bureau County Board includes 26 members elected from each of the county’s districts. The board meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at the Bureau County Courthouse.




Regular Meeting Bureau County Courthouse 6:30 PM

700 South Main Street, Princeton, IL 61356

Bureau County Page 1 Updated 9/22/2016 3:39 PM


- Mr. Dale Anderson


- Mrs. Hieronymus PRESENT: Albrecht, AndersonD, AndersonR, Baracani, Cain, Dobrich, Donarski, Entwhistle, Feeney, Humpage, Jacobs, Kohr, Lilley, Marini, Maynard, McCook, Piccatto, Rabe, Rediger, Robinson, Stetson, Thompson, Volker, Warren, Whited ABSENT: Thacker


- Mary Jane Marini



Approval of Board Minutes from August 9, 2016 - It was moved by Mr. Dobrich, seconded by Mr. Baracani, that the minutes be approved. On vote, motion carried.


- Mrs. Hieronymus read the following communications:

1. A letter from IDOT stating the department approved the construction engineering agreement for the Milo Road District so the County may proceed with the engineering work.

2. A letter from IDOT stating the resolution authorizing the transfer of $53,210.24 of Surface Transportation Program funds for partial reimbursement of the Bureau County engineer's salary was approved by the department on August 11, 2016.

3. A letter from IDOT stating the revised County Estimate of Maintenance Costs for $942,795.00 and the Maintenance Engineering Statement were approved by the department on August 30, 2016, with the understanding that any claims for labor and equipment for day labor and routine maintenance will be on file and available for compliance review by Local Roads and Streets and for audit by the Bureau of Investigations and Compliance.

4. A letter from IDOT stating the contract in the amount of $328,799.00 between Bureau County, Henry County, and Curnyn Construction Co. For the Neponset Road District and Kewanee Road District was approved on September 7, 2016.


Fairfield Drainage and Levee District

Reappoint Michael J. Glassburn as drainage commissioner for a 3-year term - Mr. Anderson made that appointment and asked for the Board's approval. On vote, motion carried.

Signed Appointment to the Fairfield Drainage and Levee District

Zoning Board of Appeals

Appoint Shirley Ann Smith as alternate member of Zoning Board of Appeals. Fill in to complete 5 year term that is vacant and expires December 1, 2017. Mr. Anderson made that appointment and asked for the Board's approval. On vote, motion carried.

Resolution to Appoint Shirley Ann Smith to Zoning Board of Appeals


BPART Employee Handbook

Mick Johnson from BPART presented a resolution to approve the addition of a procedure in the BPART employee handbook. Mr. Johnson said that the procedure was that drivers are to inspect the vehicle at the end of their shift to ensure there are no missing items or passengers left aboard. He said it was already being followed but needed approval for adding to their employee handbook. Mr. Rabe moved for approval, seconded by Mrs. Volker. On vote, motion carried.


Before beginning the committee reports, Mr. Anderson recognized the new County Administrator, Sharon Schallhorn, since this was her first County Board meeting. She was given a round of applause.

Mr. Anderson announced that the committee reports would begin with insurance since there were two representatives present from IPBC (Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative) to present information on health insurance through them.


1. Summary of Zoning Hearings

Approve of -

Rezone property to bring home into compliance, Wesley Gillan Et Ux, south side of South Ave, in Village of Cherry. The rezone to bring an existing home into compliance with the Zoning Ordinance was part of a proposed two-lot subdivision. It was recommended by all committees, and Ms. Lilley so moved, seconded by Mr. Baracani. On vote, motion carried.

Rezone property to build single family home, Todd Maynard Et Ux, West side of 800 E St approximately 5/8 miles North of 2550 N Avenue in Greenville Twp. It was recommended by all committees, and Ms. Lilley so moved, seconded by Mrs. Piccatto. On vote, motion carried.

Conditional Use to install manufactured home, Robert Decker Et Ux, East side of N. Depot St. in Village of Buda. It was recommended by all committees, and Ms. Lilley so moved, seconded by Mrs. Stetson. On vote, motion carried.

Conditional Use to operate a salvage and metal recycling business in and around existing garage, Robert Lucas Jr., North side of 2775 E St, approximately 575' West of Jct with IL Rt 29, Selby Twp. The Planning Commission said the requirement of having a fence was waived at this time with the stipulation that if conditions change at the site, e.g. accumulations of salvage and recyclable materials are being stored outside and not on the trailer, a fence would be required or the conditional use would be revoked. The Zoning Board of Appeals' stipulation was that the recycling business continues to be consistent with what has been done on the property in the past and not be expanded to include dismantling and/or crushing of cars and vehicles containing oil, batteries, tires, antifreeze and chemicals, and that a large stockpile of scrap not be accumulated on the property. The Zoning Committee's stipulation was the same as the Zoning Board of Appeals. Ms. Lilley moved for approval of the conditional use, seconded by Mrs. Piccatto. The question was asked how the business would be monitored. The business will be licensed through the state so if there were complaints, they would be handled by the state. The property is currently zoned agricultural and would not change with the conditional use. On vote, motion carried.

Signed Resolution to Grant a Rezone, Gillan

Signed Resolution to Grant a Conditional Use, Maynard

Signed Resolution to Grant a Conditional Use, Decker

Signed Resolution to Grant a Conditional Use, Lucas

2. Approve of Escrow Agreement for Walnut Ridge Wind facilitator Tim Slavin

Ms. Lilley said the next item for consideration was the escrow agreement for the existing escrow account to be used as financial surety for Tim Slavin's reimbursement in regards to the upcoming Walnut Ridge Wind Transmission Line Hearings at the Zoning Board of Appeals. Ms. Lilley moved for approval, seconded by Mr. Cain. On vote, motion carried.

Signed Walnut Ridge Agreement

3. Approve of final plat for Gillan's Creekview Subdivision in the Village of Cherry, Westfield

Twp, Sec. 34

Ms. Lilley moved for the approval of the final plat for Gillan's Creekview Subdivision, Village of Cherry, Section 34, Westfield Township, seconded by Mr. Baracani. On vote, motion carried.

EMA Report

Zoning Comm Report


There was no report from the Health Department for the month.


There was no report from Animal Control for the month.


1. Approve of States Attorney and Circuit Clerk hiring part-time help to process outstanding

traffic citations

Approve of part-time clerk hire at $10/hr for a six-month period. Mrs. Entwhistle said the part-time clerk to be hired at $10 an hour for a six-month period would be used solely by the Circuit Clerk's Office. She moved for approval, seconded by Mrs. Stetson. On vote, motion carried.

2. Approve of a $750,000 additional payment to IMRF/ECO fund for retirement investment

It was discussed at the Fees and Salaries Committee to pay an additional payment of $750,000 to the IMRF/ECO fund. Mrs. Entwhistle moved for approval, seconded by Mr. Cain. AYES: Albrecht, R. Anderson, Baracani, Cain, Dobrich, Donarski, Entwhistle, Feeney, Humpage, Jacobs, Kohr, Lilley, Marini, Maynard, McCook, Piccatto, Rabe, Rediger, Robinson, Stetson, Thompson, Volker, Warren, Whited, and Dale Anderson. ABSENT: Thacker.

3. Amend the 2016 County Budget to reflect the additional payment to IMRF

AYES: Albrecht, R. Anderson, Baracani, Cain, Dobrich, Donarski, Entwhistle, Feeney, Humpage, Jacobs, Kohr, Lilley, Marini, Maynard, McCook, Piccatto, Rabe, Rediger, Robinson, Stetson, Thompson, Volker, Warren, Whited, and Dale Anderson. ABSENT: Thacker.

4. Approve Intergovernmental Agreement to provide centralized dispatch services

Agreement is with ETSB, County of Bureau and the Sheriff, and City of Princeton and the Princeton Police Department - The Intergovernmental Agreement states that the Emergency Telephone System Board shall provide centralized emergency public safety communication services and will administer and operate the Public Safety Answering Point ("PSAP") or communication center, its employees, equipment, services, and procedures. Mrs. Entwhistle moved for approval of the Intergovernmental Agreement, seconded by Mr. Whited. On vote, motion carried.

Signed ETSB Intergovernmental Agreement

5. Resolution to sell County Property located at 14378 1745 N Ave, Wyanet

Approve of sale of property (15-04-300-006) to Joseph William Parker Jr - Mrs. Entwhistle presented a Resolution for reconveyance to the former owner of a property located at 14378 1745 North Avenue, Wyanet. It was owned by Joseph William Parker, Jr. who paid $1397.39 for the full amount of delinquent taxes involved. Mrs. Entwhistle moved for approval of the Resolution, seconded by Mrs. Warren. On vote, motion carried.

Signed Resolution to Sell County Property

6. Place on file - Circuit Clerk Report, Sheriff Report, County Clerk Report

Mrs. Entwhistle reported that the Sheriff received a check from the Circuit Clerk's Office in the amount of $40 to be deposited in the Vehicle Procurement Fund. It is court-funded income derived from fees gained through court supervision cases. She moved to place the report on file, seconded by Mr. Dobrich. On vote, motion carried.

Mrs. Entwhistle presented the Sheriff's Earnings Report for August of $7928.45 and moved to place it on file, seconded by Ralph Anderson. On vote, motion carried.

Mrs. Entwhistle presented the Circuit Clerk's Receipts and Disbursements Report for August which showed earnings of $25,755.66, Interest Traffic/Criminal/Civil/checking of $22.76, Interest/Savings of $.32, Bond forfeiture of $6,045.00, and August Passport fees of $450. She moved to place the report on file, seconded by Mr. Donarski. On vote, motion carried.

Mrs. Entwhistle presented the County Clerk's Earnings and Expenditures Report for August of $15,420.81 and for the quarter of $36,810.09. She moved to place the report on file, seconded by Mr. Baracani. On vote, motion carried.

Mrs. Entwhistle moved for approval of the August tax report as presented, seconded by Mr. Maynard. On vote, motion carried.

Circuit Clerk, Sheriff, County Clerk Reports

7. Sept Taxes Received Report

Approve of the transfer of public safety sales tax money to General Fund - It was moved by Mrs. Entwhistle to transfer $72,032.93 from Public Safety Sales Tax to the General Fund, seconded by Ralph Anderson. On vote, motion carried.

Fees and Salaries Comm Report


There was no report from Transportation for the month. Highway Comm Report

There was no report from the Highway Committee for the month.


1. Employee policy handbook change

Approve of the addition of the Child Bereavement Leave statement to the employee policy handbook. The addition reads as follows: "In the event of the death of a child (natural, adopted, foster, stepchild, a legal ward or the child of a person standing in loco parentis), employees who have worked a minimum of 1250 hours for the County during the immediately preceding 12 months are entitled to a maximum of two weeks of unpaid bereavement time and up to six weeks of bereavement time in the event of the death of more than one child during a twelve-month period." Child bereavement leave may not be taken in addition to unpaid leave permitted under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and may not exceed unpaid leave time allowed under that law.

2. Intergovernmental personnel benefit cooperative being presented by Arthur Gallagher Co.

Two representatives from IPBC (Intergovernmental Personnel Benefit Cooperative) made a presentation to the Board. They had been to the Insurance Committee meeting and were asked to appear before the Board. They were Gregg Aleman, Executive Director, who has 31 years in local government, and Shawn Hamilton, a resident of Grundy County, who has been County Administrator there and then City manager of Park Ridge. Mr. Aleman said IPBC has been around since 1979 and is an intergovernmental agency. The County gets its property/casualty insurance from CIRMA, and IPBC provides health insurance. In the past, most of their members have been municipalities but recently Kane County became the largest member of their group. They are also having discussions with several other counties around the State of Illinois. They made a presentation at CIRMA in July and have had a lot of interest. Three years ago they had 69 members but now have 113. He thought the Board would see the benefit of an intergovernmental agency and the large pooling they can provide and hopefully savings for the County. Mr. Hamilton distributed a handout, and it listed the members who are in IPBC for health insurance pooling. He said they are also talking with the City of Princeton about health insurance. Mr. Aleman said they are a member-driven organization; they consider themselves a financing vehicle, not a health provider. They have access to the biggest networks in the State, including Blue Cross Blue Shield, and other premier players in the industry. What makes them unique is the members make the decisions. Their funds are invested by professional managers, and they have over $100 million in reserves. Just as the County has a representative on the CIRMA Board, the County would have someone on the IPBC Board who makes all of the decisions. The rep said that if you look at the last five-year average trend, they have averaged 2.34% increase in their premiums while giving back a 5% dividend a year. He said if the County has not had those kinds of results, we need to look at this to see if it would work for us. He said it works for communities as small as ten or for groups as large as 1500 which is the advantage of the pooling aspect. Right now the County has about 100 members in its insurance group. One or two catastrophic claims could really impact the renewal rates. IPBC takes catastrophic claims and makes them a fixed cost. Member claims are capped at $35,000; claims over that become a pooled claim. They have 15,000 lives and statistically they know that 2% of the population, or 15% of their claims, will fall into that category. They take that amount and spread it across the membership as a whole so it takes the peaks and valleys out of the bad years. They provided a sample of what everyone's renewal rates were and they could see the 2.34%. He said the County would start seeing a monthly financial reporting on our insurance plan; things like how much is in reserves, what our claims have been, how much fund balance we are building. So this is different from the broker who walks in once a year to give the renewal rates. Instead we would get monthly reporting and could also access the reporting information of everyone else who is a member of IPBC. All of that information is published on their website. It is also possible to question other members about co-pays, what they charge their employees, etc. They believe in transparency and member involvement. Every month they provide a Member Dashboard with account summary information. The County can still use its current plan, Blue Cross, which does not change. It just morphs over to the cooperative. With IPBC, the County would be assigned a three-member dedicated service team that only does local government business. They believe in wellness and have a very aggressive wellness program. Last year they gave $360,000 back to the members as incentives for wellness programs. The County's plan year is January 1, and the County is in the process of waiting for its renewal, which will probably come in October. The program presented is something the County would consider for January 2018. They wanted to make the County aware now of what they offer.

Insurance Committee Report


1. Place on file Coroner's Report, Public Defender Report, Assessor's Report

Mrs. Marini presented the Public Defender's Report for August which showed seven cases opened, and one case closed. She moved to place it on file, seconded by Mr. Maynard. On vote, motion carried.

Mrs. Marini presented the Coroner's Report for August which showed 29 coroner's cases, 3 death investigations, 1 autopsy, 13 cremations, and income of $100. She moved to place the report on file, seconded by Mrs. Stetson. On vote, motion carried.

2. Order for Jurors

Approve of preparing a jury list and select jurors for the year. Mrs. Marini moved that the Order for Jurors, signed by a majority of the Circuit Judges, dated and presented by the Circuit Clerk, be placed on file. It was further moved that the Board prepare a jury list and select jurors for the succeeding year by the method followed by the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts and that the most recent jury list provided by the Administrative Office to the Clerk be adopted and confirmed by the Board as the Bureau County Jury list for the succeeding year. Mrs. Marini made the motion, seconded by Mrs. Piccatto. On vote, motion carried.

Law Comm Report


1. Requests for using Soldiers/Sailors park

Approve park usage on September 20th for Law Enforcement Appreciation sponsored by We the People and October 22nd requested by Freedom House. Mrs. Warren presented the two requests for use of Soldiers and Sailors Park and moved for approval, seconded by Mr. Robinson. On vote, motion carried.

Building and Grounds Comm Report

Printing and Stationery Report











Approve All Claims for Month of September. Mrs. Entwhistle moved for the payment of all claims including payroll, plus additional claims of $3732.06, seconded by Mr. Baracani. AYES: Albrecht, Ralph Anderson, Baracani, Cain, Dobrich, Donarski, Entwhistle, Feeney, Humpage, Jacobs, Kohr, Lilley, Marini, Maynard, McCook, Piccatto, Rabe, Rediger, Robinson, Stetson, Thompson, Whited, Volker, Warren, and Anderson. ABSENT: Thacker


Litigation and negotiations - There was no Executive Session.



Reschedule the November County Board meeting, which currently falls on Election Day. It was decided to move the November County Board meeting to Thursday, November 10, 2016, due to the election on Tuesday, November 8. Mr. Dobrich made the motion for that change, seconded by Mrs. Piccatto. On vote, motion carried.