
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Ottawa Playground and Recreation Board reports goals

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The city of Ottawa Playground and Recreation Board met Sept. 8 to report goals for next year.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

"There is established a playground and recreation board, which board shall possess all of the powers and be subject to all of the responsibilities under the provisions of 65 ILCS 5/11-95-1 et seq."

September 8, 2016 Playground and Recreation Board minutes regular meeting

Recreation Board Members Present: Steve Kuhn, Randy Bretag, John Levy, Phil McNally, Maribeth Manigold, Austin Monroe, Danielle Piagentini, Brian Porter (Mark Astle, Director of Recreation, Tracy Bianchi, Riordan Pool Manager)

Others attending the meeting: Tammy Huftel Guests: Tony Bianchi Recreation Board Members Absent: Kevin Quick

1. Maribeth moved and Phil second to approve August minutes. Motion passed

2. Maribeth moved and Austin second to accept August Recreation financial statement. Roll call: all AYES. Motion passed.

3. John moved and Brian second to accept August Pool financial statement. Roll call: all

AYES. Motion passed.

Tony Bianchi, president of Ottawa National Little League (south side little league), addressed the board regarding the transfer of the TBall program under their umbrella and the possible merger of ONLL and Pony League.

4. Pool:

a. Tracy reviewed August attendance, receipts, and expenditures.

b. Tracy reported that this summer the pool was more profitable than last summer.

c. Tracy is in the process of contacting a painter for the pool and attending to


d. Tracy reported on goals for next year

i. Increase staff

ii. Open sooner

iii. Stay open longer

iv. Stay open later one evening per week.

5. Commissioner’s report: none.

6. Director’s Report:

a. Summer Recreation

i. Mark discussed the summer expense report with the board. Totals were within historic norms.

b. Mark discussed details of the proposal to contract with an online registration company. After discussion, Brian moved to approve a three year contract with Active Network. John second. Roll Call: All AYES. Motion passed. Steve will sign the contract as representative of the board.

c. Adult Softball.

i. Mark reported that fall softball and kickball leagues were about halfway through the season.

ii. The board discussed the concession stand finances.

iii. Mark reported on repairs to the lights and to the Sanders announcer’s booth.

7. Old Business – John moved to reimburse Ottawa Baseball Boosters for repairs to their mower due the extra wear and tear it had undergone maintaining Whitney fields and adult softball. Randy second. Roll Call: Phil Abstain. All other votes AYE. Motion passed.

8. Long Range Planning and Board Goals

a. Construction in Progress – none

b. Park Inspections – None

c. Long Range Plans

i. Tammy had supply new aerial photographs of parks.

ii. Steve asked each Rec Board Member to take responsibility for reviewing Long Range Plans for two parks. Members should complete the review by the December meeting.

d. Bike Paths

i. New bike lane creation to be completed this fall.

ii. Letters detailing bike path plans from Adams to Peck Park had been sent to residents on Palmer Drive. Tammy had yet to receive an objections.

e. New Subdivisions and city acquisitions – none

9. Committee Reports

a. By-laws (Maribeth) -- none

b. Financial (Austin) – Austin reported on programs cost broken down by age groups.

c. Parks (Kevin and Randy) –

i. Phil and Randy reported that they had installed severe weather signs in several more parks.

d. Programs (Phil) –

i. Phil reported that neither American nor National Little Leagues had submitted the necessary documentation to receive maintenance money.

ii. Phil reported that for the September meeting he hoped to have a design for the west side of the North Side little league diamond is still in progress. The board discussed the need for North Side little league to contribute to any new construction.

iii. Phil reported that he is seeking a quote from Mayou’s to fix a leak in the Masinelli score booth.

iv. Phil elaborated on possible Pony league changes.

v. The board discussed fencing at the fourth OGFA field at Peck Park.

e. Pool (Steve) – See earlier discussion.

10. New Business –

a. Steve asked board members to consider which committee each wanted to be part of.

b. Tammy informed the board members of a September 19th meeting of Stake holders in the Dayton Bluffs development.

11. Meeting adjourned.