
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Brookfield library trustees discuss roof inspection report

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The Brookfield Public Library Board of Trustees met Sept. 28 to discuss the roof inspection report.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

"The Brookfield Public Library is governed by a Board of Library Trustees. The Board gives the mission to the library, secures adequate funding to accomplish the library's mission, sets the policies for the operation of the library, hires the director of the library, and advocates for the library in the village and in the state. The Board consists of seven Trustees. A Library Trustee must be a resident of Brookfield and must run for public election to the Board. The term of office of a Trustee is four years."

Journal of the Proceedings of a REGULAR LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING September 28, 2016

Library Board Vice President Dianne Duner called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Upon roll call a quorum was determined.

Members Present: Trustees Dianne Duner, Carol Kissane, Adam Burghgraef, Lisa Knasiak, Linda Kampschroeder,

Michelle Svendsen

Members Absent: President Perry

Others Present: Library Director Kimberly Coughran and Administrative Assistant Fran Montoro

APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Trustee Carol Kissane and seconded by Trustee Lisa Knasiak to approve the agenda of the regular Library Board meeting of September 28, 2016. Ayes: Trustees Duner, Kissane, Burghgraef, Knasiak, Kampschroeder and Svendsen. Nays: None. Absent: President Perry.

CONSENT AGENDA A. Consent agenda approval B. Approval of minutes of August 24, 2016 Regular Board of Trustees meeting C. Acceptance of financial statements of August 2016 D. Acceptance of statistical report of August 2016 E. Acceptance of Director’s report for September 2016

Motion by Trustee Carol Kissane and second by Trustee Linda Kampschroeder to approve the consent agenda of the regular Library Board meeting of September 28, 2016. Ayes: Trustees Duner, Kissane, Burghgraef, Knasiak, Kampschroeder and Svendsen. Nays: None. Absent: President Perry.


A. Written Correspondence - None B. Comments of Visitors – None

PRESIDENT’S REPORT President Perry was absent.

DIRECTOR’S REPORT Director Coughran spoke about the roof inspection and the report. Additionally she reported Emilio from Emilio’s Tapas had stopped in to discuss his presentation at the Taste this year.


Liaison Reports Trustee Kampschroeder reported the FOL has sold 235 tickets to the Taste and all gift baskets are wrapped. Additionally weather is a bit of a concern, heaters have been added. All Trustees were asked to sign up for volunteer times.

Trustee Kissane reported that the Advocacy group will host 5 meet ups in February and March, 2017. In October, she will work the Advocacy booth at ILA. Trustee Day is October 20th, 2016. Additionally Trustee Kissane reported she will host a Trustee Forum at the Brookfield Library.

Action and Discussion: Finance Committee – Monthly Bills Motion by Trustee Lisa Knasiak and seconded by Trustee Linda Kampschroeder to approve the Warrant dated September 28, 2016 in the amount of $121,532.60 Ayes: Trustees Duner, Kissane, Burghgraef, Knasiak, Kampschroeder and Svendsen. Nays: None. Absent: President Perry.

Discussion: Library Improvement Plan Michael Mackey from Studio GC discussed a rendering / video for the new library with the Board.

10th Annual Taste of Brookfield @ Your Library This year, additional restaurants will be pulled out of the storytime room and located on the public floor. Also mentioned were the several new participants: Emilio’s Tapas, Mary’s Morning Mix-up, Petey Jalapeno and Skadarliya.


A. Comments of Visitors – None


ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Kissane seconded by Trustee Kampschroeder to adjourn the Regular Library Board meeting of September 28, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. Upon roll call, the motion carried as follows: Ayes: Trustees Duner, Kissane, Burghgraef, Knasiak, Kampschroeder and Svendsen. Nays: None. Absent: President Perry.

Lisa Knasiak, Secretary Brookfield Public Library Board of Trustees