LaSalle Elementary School District No. 122 Board of Education met Friday, Dec. 2.
The Board's role is to develop and adopt goals and policies that meet state and local requirements and provide the resources necessary to pursue these goals. The Board also monitors District performance to see that results are consistent with the goals and policies.
Here are the minutes as provided by La Salle ESD No. 122:
LaSalle Elementary School District 122
Board of Education Minutes
Special Board Meeting
Lincoln Jr. High Media Center
December 2, 2016
9:00 A.M.
Special Meeting called to order
President Faletti called the regular meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. He then directed the Secretary to call roll. Mr. Hicks, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, and Mr. Faletti were in attendance. Mrs. Reeland and Mrs. Spangler were absent.
Visitors in attendance were Mr. Brian DeBernardi and Jeff Dankert.
Action Items
Approve work proposal for Lincoln Jr. High locker room demolition and renovation. It was moved by Mr. Hicks and seconded by Mr. Savage to approve the work proposal from Liebhart Construction Inc. for the demolition and renovation of the Lincoln Jr. High locker rooms. Liebhart Construction bid $32,000 for this work. Multiple bids were received. Mr. Hicks,
Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mrs. Reeland and Mrs. Spangler were absent.
It was moved by Mr. Savage and seconded by Mr. Hicks to adjourn the meeting at 9:12. Mr. Hicks, Mr. Ossola, Mr. Savage, Mr. Senica, and Mr. Faletti voted aye. Mrs. Reeland and Mrs. Spangler were absent