LaSalle-Peru Township High School District No. 120 Board of Education met Thursday, Dec. 8.
Here is the agenda as provided by LaSalle-Peru Township High School District No. 120:
Call to order
Mr. Tony Sparks, President called to order the special meeting at 4:30 p.m. The meeting was held in the board room of LaSalle-Peru Township High School, 541 Chartres Street, LaSalle, IL. 61301.
Roll call
Present: Mr. Tony Sparks, President, Dr. Rose Marie Lynch, Mrs. Carol Alcorn (entered at 4:32 p.m.), Mr. Dennis O'Keefe and Mr. Al Cherpeske
Absent: Dr. Pete Meier, Vice President, and Mrs Cathy Renk
Others present: Mrs. Steven R. Wrobleski, Superintendent, and Mrs. Julie Bleck, Board secretary.
Pledge of allegiance
The pledge of allegiance was recited
Motion to move to executive closed session
Motion by Mr. O'Keefe, seconded by Dr. Lynch to move to executive/ closed session for the purpose of a) Student discipline, with open session and possible action items and/ or discussion to follow.
Voting Aye: Mr. O'Keefe, Dr. Cherpeske and Mr. Sparks. Voting Nay: None.
The motion carried 4-0. Time: 4:31 p.m.
Motion to return to open session
Motion by Mr. Cherpeske, seconded by Mr. O'Keefe to return to open session. VOting Aye: Mr. Cherpeske, Mr. O'Keefe, Mrs. Alcorn, Dr. Lynch and Mr. Sparks. Voting Nay: None.
The motion carried 5-0. Time 4:47 p.m.
Roll call
Present: Mr. Tony Sparks, President, Mr. Alan Cherpeske, Dr. Rose Marie Lynch, Mrs. Alcorn and Mr. Dennis O'Keefe.
Absent: Dr. Pete Meier, Vice president and Mrs. Cathy Renk
Others president: Mr. Steven R. Wrobleski, Superintendent and Mrs. Julie Bleck, Board Secretary.
New business
Motion to have student #3 attend the LaSalle county regional safe schools program in lieu of expulsion effective December 12, 2016 and for no less than the period ending on December 16, 2017 consistent with the attached summary/ findings
Motion by Mr. Cherpeske, seconded by Mr. Sparks to approve of the motion to have student #3 attend the LaSalle county regional safe schools program in lieu of expulsion effective December 12, 2016 and for no less than the period ending on December 16, 2017 consistent with the attached summary/ findings as presented. Voting aye: Mr. Cherpeske, Mr. Sparks, Dr. Lynch, Mr. O'Keefe and Mrs. Alcorn. Voting Nay: None. The motion carried 5-0
Motion by Mr. Cherpeske, seconded by Mr. O'Keefe to adjourn. All in favor, aye.
The motion carried 5-0. Time: 4:49 p.m.