Peru City Council met Monday, Feb. 6.
The Peru City Council includes two members from each of the city’s four wards. Members meet at 7:30 p.m. every other Monday, except when Monday falls on a holiday, at Peru Municipal Building, 1901 Fourth St.
Here are the minutes as provided by Peru:
A regular meeting of the Peru City Council was called to order by City Clerk Dave Bartley in the Peru City Council Chambers on Monday, February 6, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
City Clerk Dave Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Potthoff, Ferrari, Waldorf, Lukosus, Radtke, Sapiens, Payton and Ballard present; Mayor Harl absent.
All joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
Clerk Bartley asked for a motion to appoint a temporary chairperson. Alderman Ferrari made a motion to appoint Alderman Potthoff as temporary chairperson. Alderman Sapienza seconded the motion; motion carried.
Friends for Peru Pool Member Claudia Mikyska announced the Bergner’s Day coupon book fundraiser and encouraged all to purchase as a portion of the proceeds go to the pool fund.
City Clerk Dave Bartley presented the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 23, 2017. Alderman Radtke made a motion that the minutes be received and placed on file. Alderman Waldorf seconded the motion; motion carried.
Mayor Pro Tem Potthoff presented the Treasurer’s Report for December 2016; City Clerk’s Report of Cash Received for December 2016 and General Fund and Miscellaneous Funds Report for December 2016. Alderman
Ferrari made a motion that the reports be received and placed on file. Alderman Payton seconded the motion; motion carried.
Mayor Pro Tem Potthoff presented the Water & Wastewater Treatment Plants Report for December 2016. Alderman Waldorf made a motion the reports be received and placed on file. Alderman Lukosus seconded the motion; motion carried.
Alderman Radtke presented the following disbursements for payment on February 8, 2017:
General Fund $631,136.29
Garbage Fund 16,038.83
Recreation Fund 476.02
TIF I 406,415.07
TIF II 92,203.07
TIF III 44,783.19
Utility Fund 585,000.19
Landfill Fund 8,039.79
IV Regional Airport Fund 8,946.69
Total $1,793,039.14
Alderman Radtke made a motion that the report be received, placed on file and the bills be paid in the usual manner. Alderman Waldorf seconded the motion. City Clerk Dave Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Potthoff, Ferrari, Waldorf, Lukosus, Radtke, Sapienza, Payton and Ballard voting aye; motion carried.
Alderman Radtke reported on the presentation by the auditor noting a clean audit and outstanding finances. Noted Moody’s upgraded our rating to A with positive outlook. Alderman Potthoff noted the savings to the City by having a positive outlook from Moody’s.
Alderman Sapienza made a motion to authorize sale of 50,538 renewable energy credits for $0.40 each for a total of $20,215.20 to Blue Delta Energy, LLC. Alderman Lukosus seconded the motion. City Clerk Dave Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Potthoff, Ferrari, Waldorf, Lukosus, Radtke, Sapienza, Payton and Ballard voting aye; motion carried.
Alderman Lukosus reported on an upcoming meeting for the Recycle My Fridge Program through the IMEA (Illinois Municipal Electric Agency).
City Engineer Eric Carls gave a 2017 infrastructure project update:
· Splash Pad
· Mausoleum
· Sewer Separation/Peoria Street
· MFT/General Fund Street Program
· Speedway construction
· Marathon Gas demolition
· EPA mandated GIS of sewer system (April completion)
Police Chief Doug Bernabei reported that IVRD/VALCOM savings are exceeding expectations.
City Clerk Dave Bartley presented a letter from Carus Corporation requesting permission to hold their annual company picnic at Centennial Park on Saturday, August 13th from 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Alderman Radtke made a motion the letter be received, placed on file and permission granted. Alderman Sapienza seconded the motion; motion carried.
Mayor Pro Tem Potthoff announced a brief recess to allow for the return of Mayor Harl. Mayor Harl joined the
Regular Meeting at 7:32 p.m. and the meeting resumed.
Mayor Harl asked to go into closed session to discuss professional ethics or performance when considered by an advisory body appointed to advise licensing or regulatory agency on matters germane to its field of competence.
Alderman Waldorf made a motion to go into closed session. Alderman Lukosus seconded the motion. City Clerk Dave Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Potthoff, Ferrari, Waldorf, Lukosus, Radtke, Sapienza, Payton and Ballard voting aye; motion carried.
Closed session began at 7:37 p.m.; ended 7:55 p.m.
Alderman Waldorf made a motion to re-open the meeting. Alderman Lukosus seconded the motion. City Clerk Dave Bartley called the roll with Aldermen Potthoff, Ferrari, Waldorf, Lukosus, Radtke, Sapienza, Payton and
Ballard present; Mayor Harl present.
Alderman Ferrari made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Alderman Radtke seconded the motion and motion carried. Meeting adjourned 7:56 p.m.