Seneca Township High School District No. 160 Finance/Personnel Committee met Wednesday, Feb. 1.
Here are the minutes as provided by Seneca Township HSD No. 160:
A meeting of the Finance/Personnel Committee was held on February 1, 2017 at 4:30p.m. The meeting was called to order with the following members present: Ron Frye Also present: Jim Carlson and Carolyn Lockridge
A. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
B. Finance
1. MVK Transportation Update
Dr. Carlson reviewed a comparison of the first semester costs from 20 15-l 6 and 2016-17. As projected, considerable savings have been realized by switching from Illinois Central to the Intergovenunental Agreement. Dr. Carlson also reported the three Superintendents have met to review the first semester. Changes will be implemented next year related to the percent each district pays for the bus lease and the overhead costs.
2. Insurance Update
Dr. Carlson stated meetings have been held with representatives with an insurance cooperative for property and casualty insurance and with the IASA sponsored medical insurance group. Both will provide bids for our upcoming insurance renewals.
C. Personnel
1. Superintendent Evaluation
The Superintendent Evaluation format and timeline were reviewed.
2. Summer Workers
Dr. Carlson reviewed the 2017 student summer workers recommendation. The same process as last year will be followed.
3. Retirement Letter
Dr. Carlson stated a letter of retirement effective July 1, 2017 was received from Amanda Beck, a special education teacher aide.
4. FMLA Request
Dr. Carlson reviewed a FMLA request from Kim (Sedlock) Foster for a maternity leave.
She will return to teach second semester summer school.
5. Succession Planning
Dr. Carlson discussed the updated Succession Planning document. Various scenarios in replacing open positions were discussed. Dr. Carlson stated he has held several meetings with Dan Stecken and as previously discussed, he will start training with Carolyn Lockridge during the 2017-18 school year one period every other day. It is anticipated that he will serve as the CSBO for the 2018-19 school year and continue to teach the dual credit history class until the Social Studies replacement is qualified to take over the class. The administration contract and projected salary for the CSBO position were also discussed.
D. Other
No other items were discussed.
E. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 5:33p.m.