
Illinois Valley Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Leland Community Unit School District No. 1 Board approves auditing firm for FY2017

Leland Community Unit School District No. 1 Board of Education met Wednesday, Jan. 18.

Here are the minutes as provided by Leland CUSD No. 1:



1. CALL TO ORDER President Plote called the regular meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.

2. ROLL CALL Present: Plote, Anderson, Crissip, Kinney, Riskedal, Todd, and Wold Absent: none

Also in attendance were Administrators Jodi Moore and Chris Bickel, District Bookkeeper Jason Zaleski, and Recording Secretary Andrea Niles.


4. BOARD SALUTES Salutes include the following: Mr. Bickel salutes Mrs. Grzanich for all the time she puts in coaching and sponsoring extra-curricular teams at school. This year Brooke is middle school cheer coach, high school cheer coach, and freshman class sponsor. Being only her second year of teaching at Leland, she has really jumped in to be an integral part of the school. She is brining lots of great new ideas to her classroom, as well. Mr. Bickel also salutes Mr. Barnes. This is Andy’s third year of teaching at Leland. He currently takes on coaching most of our middle school sports: soccer, boys basketball and girls basketball and is also doing a great job in the classroom. Mrs. Moore informed the board and gave a shout out to student Jon McIntosh that will be participating in the Individual Basketball Skills at the Special Olympics this weekend.

5. OPEN FORUM President Plote welcomed Margo Gudmunson, Kelsey Stegman, and Stu Bloom to the meeting. No discussion followed.

6. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Wold moved and Riskedal seconded the motion to approve the consent agenda as follows:

6.1 Regular Meeting Minutes for Open and Closed Session minutes and Truth in Taxation Hearing from December 21, 2016. 6.2 Monthly Bills for December and January as presented.

Ayes: Anderson, Crissip, Kinney, Riskedal, Todd, Wold and Plote. Nays: none

MOTION CARRIED on 7-0 vote. 7. APPROVAL OF FISCAL YEAR 2017 AUDITING FIRM Riskedal moved and Kinney seconded the motion to approve the fiscal year 2017 auditing firm of Gorenz and Associates.

Mrs. Moore recommends retaining Gorenz and Associates for the 2017 fiscal year. They have done a great job for us and were very helpful during the transition to our new bookkeeper. Mr. Zaleski and Mrs. Moore both find them very thorough and efficient.

Ayes: Crissip, Kinney, Riskedal, Todd, Wold, Anderson, and Plote. Nays: none

MOTION CARRIED on 7-0 vote.

8. APPROVAL OF THE 2017 GRADUATION DATE Anderson moved, and Todd seconded the motion to approve the 2017 graduation date for Sunday, May 21, 2017.

On a voice vote, motion carried 7-0.

9. APPROVE SECOND READING OF POLICIES 2:30, 2:120, 2:125, 2:200, 2:250, 3:40, 3:50, 4:10, 4:55, 4:60, 4:80, 4:110, 4:130, 4:150, 4:170, 4:175, 5:10, 5:60, 5:100, 5:125, 5:185, 5:190, 5:250, 5:260, 5:280, 5:330, 6:15, 6:50, 6:60, 6:140, 6:145, 6:160, 6:170, 6:310, 6:340, 7:15, 7:30, 7:50, 7:60, 7:70, 7:190, 7:250, 7:270, 7:305, 7:310, 7:315, 7:340, 8:30, 8:70, 8:100 Anderson moved, and Riskedal seconded the motion to approve second reading of policies in Sections 2 through 8 of the Policy Manual.

Mrs. Moore reminded the Board the majority of policy revisions are a result of the change from No Child Left Behind to Every Student Succeeds Act at the federal level. Most changes are language alignment. E-mailed versions of the updated policies have been sent to Board members. Mrs. Moore and Mr. Bickel will keep updated copies of Administrative Procedures and Exhibits, which has been removed from the updated policies, per Board request. Board members may request the entire policy manual be sent to them, if so desired.

Ayes: Kinney, Riskedal, Todd, Wold, Anderson, Crissip and Plote. Nays: none

MOTION CARRIED on 7-0 vote.

10. APPROVAL OF ADMINISTRATION REPORT Kinney moved, and Riskedal seconded the motion to approve the Administration Report as presented.

Mr. Bickel presented the Administration Report. He discussed implementing Block Scheduling next school year, a community-wide awards night, Panther Parent Night, dual credit course updates, and reviewed a recent incentive trip for middle school and high school students. Two possible examples for block scheduling were presented to the Board, with the A-Day, B- Day schedule looking more promising. Classes would be 85 minutes instead of the current 40-45 minutes, with five minute passing periods. Students would have four classes/day versus the eight periods they now have. A couple obstacles Mr. Bickel is finding while working a tentative schedule is our IVVC schedule and our Somonauk exchange. IVVC would need to move back to afternoon attendance. He contacted IVVC and they said that would be fine. Also, our Somonauk exchange is presenting somewhat of a problem while working out the block schedule. Mr. Bickel may need to make a couple special requests for timing of Ag courses for next year. He is hoping by implementing block scheduling with our current staff, this would open a couple more elective courses for our students. Noteworthy points to going to AB Block Scheduling are that there will not be any study hall periods and that the last 30 minutes of the day would be an RtI-type study hall. All high school students and teachers would be at a central location from 2:35-3:05 for study assistance. Seniors not on the D/F list would be eligible to leave early each day, and not attending the 2:35 RtI study hall. He plans to have a finalized schedule to present to the Board at the February Board Meeting.

This year we are going to do a community-wide awards night on May 11, 2017. Mr. Bickel has sent invitations to local organizations explaining that he would like to have a potluck-style dinner followed by the awards ceremony where they could honor deserving individuals in their group while the school will still hand out middle school athletic and middle and high school academic awards. He will be meeting with interested organizations to work out the details soon.

Panther Parent Night, an informational event for parents and community members to ask questions and touch base with administration, is tentatively set for Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 6:30 in the Media Center.

Mr. Bickel updated the Board on the Dual Credit program with Waubonsee Community College for our juniors and seniors. During fall semester, there were seven students that signed up for the program. Two students dropped and five completed/passed their courses. Of the five, one student was on-campus at WCC, while the other four utilized the on-line option. There are currently three students enrolled for spring semester – one still attending on-campus with two doing on-line courses. Mrs. Livingston will get numbers for next fall after she holds her Course Selection/Parent Night meetings on February 16th.

Fifty-one middle- and high school students were recently rewarded with an incentive trip to Luigi’s Pizza and Fun Center in Aurora. High school students that were invited to attend received Gold Cards for either Spring 2016 or Fall 2017 semester. To earn a Gold Card they must have achieved a 3.30 GPA or higher, zero discipline referrals, and less than three excused absences. Middle school students needed to have maintained at least 176 of their 200 assigned points from the first half of this school year. The hope for these types of trips is to motivate more students to ‘earn’ their Gold Cards!

Mr. Bickel also asked the Board their opinion on looking into posting an open position for a part- time Industrial Arts teacher. He would like to bring back the program and utilize our shop. Aside from a current inspection to make sure everything is up to code, the shop is in pretty good shape. There are possibilities of opening the program with neighboring districts and maybe even IVVC. Mr. Crissip inquired as to whether an adult education night/program could work if the shop were to become functional again. Mr. Riskedal wondered if we could just start out looking for a full-time teacher. Mr. Bickel thought we would need to start the program back at the beginning levels and build it up. The Board agreed that Mr. Bickel should contact IVVC to see if a joint program with them would be an option.

Included in his Administration Report, Mr. Bickel has an attendance report, a cafeteria/breakfast report, as well as upcoming important dates.

On a voice vote, the motion carried 7-0.

11. DISCUSSION OF QUARTERLY BUDGET REPORT Mrs. Moore presented the 2nd Quarter budget report. The overall status of the budget is right on track to date. With 79% of revenue collected (due to the LaSalle County tax payment at the beginning of the fiscal year this number is typically inflated for the first half of the year), and 55% of expenditures recorded half-way through the school year, the budget looks to be on target. Noting that LaSalle County pays out their installments after July 1st which then gets recorded in the proper fiscal year, whereas DeKalb County payments are sent out immediately and then crosses two fiscal years.

Of the 79% of revenue sources collected to date, state sources are behind approximately $100,000 in payments. Only 29% of state revenue has been recorded. Local sources, mainly property taxes, have recorded 87% of the $2.9 million budgeted and 67% of budgeted federal revenue has been recorded through the 2nd Quarter.

The Education Operating Fund covers 82% of expenses for the year as this includes salaries and benefits. To date 50% of the Education Operating Expenses have been recorded. Total expenditures recorded are $1,506,801 of the budgeted $2,936,575, which falls at 51% recorded through 2nd Quarter.

Overall, Mrs. Moore reports the District budget is operating right on track halfway through the fiscal year.

12. DISCUSSION OF BI-ANNUAL INVESTMENT REPORT Mr. Zaleski presented the bi-annual investment report to the Board. During the final quarter of the 2016 calendar year, our three investments earned a total of $87.21. This includes PMA MAX, PMA LIQ, and Leland Money Market accounts. PMA MAX and PMA LIQ current balance is $71, 039.10. The Leland Money Market account balance is $6,849.44.

There were also three CD’s that matured with PMA during the 4th Quarter of 2016. The interest amount of $4451.65 from all three transferred into the PMA MAX account. Purchase Price Duration Net Yield Net Interest Maturity Date

$249,300 182 Days 0.550% $681.83 11/14/16

$248,000 367 Days 0.802% $1,995.15 12/19/16

$248,200.00 367 Days 0.713% $1,774.67 12/19/16

The CD’s have been renewed as follows:

Purchase Price Duration Net Yield Net Interest Maturity Date

$249,200 181 Days 0.602% $743.73 5/15/17

$247,700 365 Days 0.900% $2229.30 12/19/17

$247,800 365 Days 0.860% $2130.82 12/19/17

The CD at First Midwest Bank matured on 12/25/16, as well. The principal and interest amount of $440,507.42 was renewed in a 6-month CD. Mr. Zaleski negotiated a rate of 0.700% for the CD (other banks offered a renewal rate of only 0.15%) which renewed on 1/10/17.

13. DISCUSSION OF ATHLETIC COOPERATIVE COMMITTEE MEETING The Leland-Earlville Athletic Coop Committee is made up of the Athletic Director, Building Principals, Superintendents (when necessary) and two Board members from each school. The Committee members then report back to their respective Boards.

Leland Board members serving on this committee are Andy Wold and Brad Riskedal. Claire Anderson attended the meeting in place of Brad as he was ill. Earlville has two new Board members assigned to the committee.

The meeting was held on January 12, 2017 to clarify the current contract, as well as spell out the background of the committee for new members. Discussion was held pertaining to inaccurate perception that Leland is not happy with the current Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement and is considering leaving the Coop. A date was set for the next meeting, January 23, 2017.

Claire reported one issue that has conflict is fundraising for uniforms. She said there appears to be communication break-downs between the districts. Andy said they agreed to make amendments to clean up the contract. Mr. Bickel listed agenda items for the next meeting could include writing the amendments to the contract or coming up with a new contract altogether. He also expressed interest in returning to a two-athletic director coop. Budgeting, fundraising, best facility vs. home facility scheduling, and athletic directors are all topics open for discussion. Adding Paw Paw to the Coop was discussed. The Committee agreed to allow Paw Paw students to join our teams on a season-by-season basis for now. 4. DISCUSSION OF FEASIBLITY COMMITTEE REPORT Mrs. Moore reported the Feasibility Committee met with the Somonauk Superintendent and two Board members to discuss entering a feasibility study and possible consolidation. Committee member Brad Riskedal reported the meeting went very well and that Somonauk is receptive to the idea of participating in a study together, but they feel it should be a larger study. The groups talked about doing a larger study with a 400-600 student consolidation as a goal. Al Kinney, committee member, said it was a very positive meeting and the lines of communication are wide open to meet again to continue discussions on an eventual feasibility study. The two groups decided to meet again in 6-12 months to re-visit specifics of a study. The groups touched on topics such as increasing course offerings and joining with other neighboring districts such as Earlville, Paw Paw, Indian Creek, and Serena to evaluate all the options for possible consolidation.

The Feasibility Committee also met with a sub-committee from Earlville on January 18, 2017 to re-open lines of communication, this time having a couple board members and Superintendents in attendance. Kinney reported Earlville Board members may still be interested in a 3-district feasibility study with Leland and Paw Paw, but they do not necessarily want a larger district. They are willing to sit in on tentative meetings with Indian Creek and possibly with Somonauk. Riskedal reported Earlville admits to heading into their current feasibility study focused on what they thought would work, they were unaware of all the consolidation options. Their main goal when following through with the current study with Paw Paw was that neither community wanted to lose their facility. The results of the Earlville/Paw Paw study should be ready in approximately three weeks. They are still not sold on the idea of a bigger district (400-600 students), they really want their biggest bang for their buck without a huge tax payer investment.

Mrs. Moore is setting a meeting between Indian Creek and Leland, of which Earlville would be willing to sit in on. She has also reached out to Serena, but has not heard back to date.

15. DISCUSSION OF ISBE APPROVAL OF THE 10 YEAR HEALTH/LIFE SAFETY REPORT Mrs. Moore updated the Board that ISBE has finally approved the 10-year report submitted by the architect. Administration will meet with Mr. Hecathorn to determine the level of priority for each item. Right now, the alarm panel, the CO detectors, and the boiler are items at the top of the list.

16. DISCUSSION ON ROE ANNUAL COMPLIANCE VISIT REPORT Mrs. Moore attached a letter indicating all identified items on the annual building inspection report have been taken care of and Leland CUSD 1 is now compliant. Mr. Hecathorn and staff were commended for keeping the building in good shape.

17. DISCUSSION OF ISBE 2017 FINANCIAL PROFILE DESIGNATION Leland CUSD 1 will likely receive a profile score of 3.90 out of 4.00 from ISBE for the 2015- 2016 audited data. The final report will come out sometime in February. The main reason the District is not receiving a 4.00 is due to the percentage of outstanding long-term debt to total long-term debt allowed. This is mainly attributed to construction of the Media Center. 18. EXECUTIVE SESSION Riskedal moved, and Wold seconded the motion to go into executive session to discuss matters related to the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. Also, discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06.05 ILCS 120/2(c)(21).

The Board evaluation of the Superintendent’s performance should be presented annual before March 1st. During closed session, the Board may review the goals and performance for the 2016- 17 school year and determine the process by which to complete the evaluation prior to March 1st.

The discussion of minutes is a look back at a 6-month period ending 18 month prior to the month of the current meeting. This review will include closed session minutes from January 2015-June 2016.

Ayes: Wold, Anderson, Crissip, Kinney, Riskedal, Todd, and Plote. Nays: none

MOTION CARRIED on 7-0 vote.

Before moving into closed session, Crissip requested the light on the flag outside the Gym entrance be fixed.

The meeting entered closed session at 8:37 p.m.

19. APPROVAL TO RELEASE EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES Wold moved, and Kinney seconded the motion to maintain the closed minutes of meetings held January 2015-June 2015.

Ayes: Riskedal, Todd, Wold, Anderson, Crissip, Kinney, and Plote Nays: none

MOTION CARRIED on 7-0 vote.

20. APPROVAL TO CONDUCT SUPERINTENDENT EVALUATION AND REPORT Kinney moved, and Riskedal seconded the motion to conduct the Superintendent’s Annual Evaluation.

This evaluation is to maintain performance expectations for the Superintendent. Mrs. Moore is currently under contract until June 30, 2020. Performance expectations will be clarified and adjusted as necessary. Ayes: Todd, Wold, Anderson, Crissip, Kinney, Riskedal, and Plote Nays: none

MOTION CARRIED on 7-0 vote.



Wold moved, and Riskedal seconded the motion to adjourn.

On a voice vote, motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.

Janet Plote, President Claire Anderson, Secretary


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