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Somonauk Community Unit School District No. 432 Board discusses possible consolidation with Leland School District


Somonauk Community Unit School District No. 432 Board of Education met Tuesday, Jan. 17.

Here are the minutes as provided by Somonauk CUSD No. 432:


The closed meeting of the Board of Education, Somonauk Community Unit School District No. 432, was held in the Somonauk High School Legacy Room at 6:26 p.m. on Tuesday, January 17, 2017. The following members were present: Corey Britt, Jason Diebold, Scott Horsch, Norm Johnson, Tom Nielsen, Michael Short and Amy Wiegman. Jay Streicher, Superintendent, was also present.

At 6:27 p.m., it was moved by Nielsen, seconded by Short that the Board of Education go into closed session for the purpose of considering the dismissal, appointment and employment of employees, including compensation, benefits and evaluation; student disciplinary matters; and the closed session minutes from December 19, 2016. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Diebold, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. Motion carried.

At 7:06 p.m., it was moved by Short, seconded by Nielsen that the closed session be terminated and the Board reopen in regular session. On a voice vote, all members present voted “AYE”. Motion carried.

At 7:08 p.m. President Nielsen called the Special Meeting to order. The following members were present: Corey Britt, Jason Diebold, Scott Horsch, Norm Johnson, Tom Nielsen, Michael Short and Amy Wiegman. Jay Streicher, Superintendent; Laura Hatch, High School Principal, and Christy Pruski, James R. Wood Elementary School Principal were also present. The floor was opened to public comments regarding the proposal to contract all food services functions currently performed by district employees.

At 7:36 p.m., it was moved by Nielsen, seconded by Horsch to adjourn the Special Meeting. On a voice vote, all members present voted “AYE”. Motion carried.

At 7:37 p.m., President Nielsen called the regular meeting to order. The following members were present: Corey Britt, Scott Horsch, Norm Johnson, Tom Nielsen, Michael Short and Amy Wiegman. Jay Streicher, Superintendent, Christy Pruski, James R. Wood Elementary School Principal, and Laura Hatch, High School Principal, were also present.

President Nielsen recognized any visitors for public comment. There were none.

Michael Frances from PMA reported to the Board on the financial projections for Somonauk School District. PMA’s software platform, 5 Cast, takes five years of audited financial information, along with projections of future tax levies, EAV’s, student enrollment, and any district assumptions to arrive at financial projections coming in the next few years. The EAV looks to go up almost 3.42% this year, which will not be known until March or April when the time period for property tax protests expires and the final figures are released by DeKalb and LaSalle Counties. The unknowns that have been making it difficult to formulate financial projections for the past few years are still the same, a potential property tax freeze and Tax Cap, possible changes to the way General State Aid to schools is calculated, and the TRS pension shift to school districts.


It was moved by Short, seconded by Wiegman, that the minutes of the “Closed Meeting” of December 19, 2016 be approved. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Diebold, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried.


It was moved by Short, seconded by Diebold that the Board approve the regular meeting minutes of December 19, 2016, the Treasurer’s Report for January, the list of invoices due, said lists and reports to be attached to and become a part of these minutes; the S.E.B. Convenience Account Report, the Sports Booster Report, Music Boosters Report, Cafeteria Report, and Enrollment Report. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Diebold, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried.

It was moved by Short, seconded by Nielsen to approve a reimbursement request from Board Member Wiegman for $165.88 in travel and parking expenses to attend the School Board Conference in Chicago. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Diebold, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried.


There was no S.E.F. report. The next meeting is scheduled for February 24, 2017.

There was no I.V.V.C. report. The next meeting is scheduled for February 1, 2017.

Superintendent Streicher reported on the meeting with Leland School District on January 3, 2017, to discuss the feasibility study of the districts consolidating. Mr. Streicher attended the meeting along with Board members Tom Nielsen and Norm Johnson. Earlville and Paw Paw are no longer a part of the bigger feasibility study, but are moving forward together on their own feasibility study toward consolidation. Consolidation could be forced on us by Springfield as a cost-saving measure and it is in our best interest to review our options before the decision is made by Springfield to force consolidations. The committee will meet again in six months after a state budget review to see about further exploration.

Superintendent Streicher showed a brief video of a proposal for a company called Apptegy to provide our website maintenance and robo call system. Discussion was held on obtaining pricing from other companies and also checking with other school districts on which companies they use and how happy they are with the services. SUMMARY ITEM 17.07.04 – PERSONNEL REPORT

Secretary Mike Short read the personnel report. It was moved by Short, seconded by Diebold that the Board approve the personnel report as presented. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Diebold, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried.


It was moved by Nielsen, seconded by Horsch that the Board authorize the Superintendent to begin the Tentative Budget for the 2017-2018 school year. On a roll call vote, the following members voted “AYE”: Britt, Diebold, Horsch, Johnson, Nielsen, Short and Wiegman. “NAY”: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried.

President Nielsen recognized any visitors for public comment. John Spoor addressed the Board concerning the pay freezes put in place several years ago that ended the five year and ten year longevity salary increases for our bus drivers. Matt Wilson addressed the Board and commended the Board and administrators for entering the consolidation feasibility study with Leland. Mr. Wilson also complimented Superintendent Streicher for looking into a new company to update our website and create an app that is user friendly and keeps everyone up-to-date on Somonauk School District.

Board member Britt asked if our attendance has been affected by the Norovirus that caused St. Charles East to cancel school due to the numbers of staff and students who were suffering from the virus. At this point, there have not been significant numbers of students absent.

It was moved by Nielsen, seconded by Wiegman that the meeting be adjourned at 8:53 p.m. On a voice vote, all members present voted “AYE”. “NAY”: None. ABSENT: None. Motion carried.

President Secretary