
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Illinois Valley Regional Dispatch Board reviews sick leave policy

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Illinois Valley Regional Dispatch Board met Tuesday, March 28.

Here is the agenda as provided by Illinois Valley Regional Dispatch Board:

Illinois Valley Regional Dispatch (IVRD)

C/O City of Peru

P.O. Box 299 | 1901 Fourth Street

Peru, IL 61354


The Illinois Valley Regional Dispatch Board (IVRD) will hold a meeting at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at the Peru Municipal Building located at 1901 4th Street, Peru, Illinois.


1. Call to order by Chairman Doug Bernabei

2. Roll Call:

Voting & Quorum Members: Chairman Bernabei, Harl (Miller), Hogan, King, Grove, Aleksy, Uranich, Bacidore, Finley, Porter, Knoblauch, Popurella, Boelk (Hunt), Smith, Rutishauser, Fisher

Non-Voting Members: City of Earlville, Earlville Fire Protection District, City of Spring Valley (Marini), Village of Leland, Utica Community Fire Protection District

3. Minutes – Approve IVRD Meeting minutes of February 21, 2017

4. Communications

5. Public Forum (Citizen Comments)

6. Committee Reports

A) Fire/EMS Operations (Bacidore/King/Popurella/Rutishauser/Brown/Bogatitis/Todd/Hanson)

B) Law Enforcement Operations (Uranich/Bernabei/Knoblauch/ Tom

Smith/Sangston/Plumlee/Stan Smith)

7. Financial Report

Motion to receive and place March financial reports on file and

to approve and pay bills in the usual manner

8. Old Business

Updates (Bernabei)

A) Console

B) Logger


D) Mapping

E) EMD Agency

F) TriTech 911


H) City of Spring Valley timetable – April 2017

I) Administrative phones Ficek

J) iFiber

K) Plantronics Headsets – 3 box units, 3 extra batteries and 20 headsets ($2,886.10)

9. New Business

Discuss FY17 Audit

Discuss FY18 Budget

Establish Fiscal 2018 LaSalle, Peru, Oglesby, Mendota per capita charge

Establish start of employee benefit year, i.e. May 1st or September 1st

Establish IVRD uniform policy

Motion to establish sick leave policy

A) In accordance with “Employee Sick Leave Act” that went into effect January 1, 2017, the use of sick leave may now be extended to family members, as set forth in the “Employee Sick Leave Act” on the same terms to which an employee is allowed to use sick leave, which is for their own non-work related illness or disability. The amount of sick leave hours to be used for a family member’s illness or disability shall not exceed 50% of earned hours in a calendar year.

10. Public Forum (Citizen Comments)

11. Executive (Closed) Session

Meetings to review closed session minutes including the semi-annual review of closed session minutes

pursuant to Section 2.06 of the OMA

 Closed Session Minutes of 3/10/16 Meeting

 Closed Session Minutes of 3/17/16 Meeting

 Closed Session Minutes of 4/5/16 Meeting

 Closed Session Minutes of 5/17/16 Meeting

 Closed Session Minutes of 6/28/16 Meeting

 Closed Session Minutes of 11/22/16 Meeting


12. Schedule Next IVRD Meeting

13. Adjournment