
Illinois Valley Times

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Peru Public Services Committee approves lift station pump repairs

Webp meeting372

Peru Public Services Committee met Monday, March 13.

The Public Services Committee addresses all matters regarding water, meters, sewers, streets, alleys, building, ground, cemeteries, landfill/compost sites, city parks and city garages.

Here are the minutes as provided by the committee:


DATE OF MEETING: Monday, March 13, 2017 TIME: 10:00 AM

PLACE OF MEETING: Peru Municipal Building

1901 4th Street, Peru, IL 61354

COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Alderman Waldorf Chairman, Alderman Mike Sapienza, Alderman Ballard and Mayor Harl. ABSENT: Alderman Jim Lukosus

OTHER PERSONS PRESENT: City Clerk Dave Bartley, PSM Jeff King, ASM Doug Bernabei, Electric Department General Foreman Kye Kaszynski, City Engineer Eric Carls, Alderman Potthoff, Alderman Payton, Mike Perry of Chamlin & Associates, Chris Perra of T.E.S.T., Ben Hohenstatt of News Tribune and Ashley Kostos.

MINUTES Chairman Waldorf made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2017 Public Services Committee Meeting. Alderman Sapienza seconded the motion; motion carried.



WATER & SEWER PSM Jeff King discussed pump repair needed at Arby’s lift station for a broken shaft. He stated to replace it would cost approximately $28,000. Chairman Waldorf made a motion to approve pump repair needed at Arby’s Lift Station in the amount of $7,110.32. Alderman Sapienza seconded. Roll call vote with Chairman Waldorf, Alderman Sapienza, and Alderman Ballard all voting aye. ABSENT: Mayor Harl and Alderman Lukosus; motion carried.

City Engineer Eric Carls addressed some questions that had come up at a City Council meeting about the tank painting. Carls explained the job was suspended due to weather and has not been authorized to start again. There are specific temperature and wind parameters that are required before painting can resume. Communication and coordination has taken place with the contractor and the job will take approximately three weeks to complete once work resumes.

T.E.S.T. None

STREETS & ALLEY Engineer Carls discussed installing an insert-a-valve on the water main located at the south-east corner of Route 6 & Peoria St. He explained it will minimize the impact to residents and businesses when we switch over to the new water line with the Peoria Street project. Carls is working on getting quotes and a permit.

ELECTRIC Electric Department General Foreman Kye Kaszynski discussed purchase of Power Matrix (meter testing) in the amount of $19,995.00. He explained currently meter testing is costing us approximately $5,000 for one week and is done two times a year. The Power Matrix would allow our employees to test the meters and training would be provided. This item will be placed on the agenda for discussion at the next City Council meeting.

Chairman Waldorf made a motion to approve the purchase of 27-Class 1 40’ poles from Thomasson in the amount of $8,520.93. Alderman Ballard seconded. Roll call vote with Chairman Waldorf, Alderman Sapienza, and Alderman Ballard all voting aye. ABSENT: Mayor Harl and Alderman Lukosus; motion carried. These poles are to replenish our stock.


AIRPORT PSM King reported there will be a meeting Friday March 17th at 10am to discuss the TPM event.

CEMETERY Engineer Carls reported the City is in the process of completing contracts and are anticipating mobilization around the end of April/beginning of May for the Mausoleum Rehab Project.

PARKS & RECREATION City Clerk Dave Bartley announced the Parks & Rec Board have the fireworks out to bid and have slightly increased the budget.


ENGINEERING City Engineer Eric Carls provided the following project updates:

• CMOM Plan- work continues; there are approximately three weeks of work left.

• 2017 General Fund- anticipating advertising for bids this week.

• 2017 MFT- anticipating a proposal in April; currently looking at different options for Church Street going south from Shooting Park Road.

• Peoria St. Phase 2- currently analyzing bids.

• St. John’s Storm Sewer- currently in final engineering stage.

• Plank Road- on hold for winter. Progress meetings will resume early April and work should resume in April or May.

• Tank Painting- on hold for winter.

• Mausoleum Rehab- working on contracts; work to begin end of April/beginning of May.

• Marathon Gas Demo- contracts will be executed soon; Ameren needs to retire a gas line and the Electric Department will be removing electrical service this week.

• Splash Pad- bid opening set for Tuesday, March 14th.



NEW BUSINESS PSM King reported about his involvement with assisting Naplate and Ottawa with tornado relief. While helping, he worked with Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network and learned about their services. It costs $100/year to join and surrounding communities like Ottawa and Spring Valley are enrolled. The network provides assistance when needed. He is working with the City Attorney to draft an ordinance and it will be voted on at the next City Council meeting.

10:20 a.m. Mayor Harl joined the meeting.

PUBLIC COMMENT Resident Mike Hart asked about the problems occurring at Arby’s lift stations and questioned the causes and money spent on repairs. PSM King reported one of the repairs was due to a total lift station repair. Engineer Carls the issues can primarily be described as mechanical issues with the lift station and a number of components that have been upsized over the years. He added the City is currently analyzing the situation and planning a deep sewer project to alleviate the lift station.


ADJOURNMENT Alderman Sapienza made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Chairman Waldorf seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.