
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Peru Design and Review Committee met March 29.

City of Peru Design and Review Committee met March 29.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Present: Paul Basalay, Doug Biederstedt, Matt Lamps, Mark Lucas, Mayor Scott Harl and Building Inspector Jeff King. 

Absent: Bob Johnson, Kris Giese, and Mike Debo. 

Others Present: Patrice Nimee of Salon Patrice, Alderman Lukosus, and Economic Development Director Bob Vickrey.

Chairman Paul Basalay called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.


Approval of minutes from September 24, 2016 meeting has been tabled to allow for some corrections.

Salon Patrice Day Spa: 

Paul Basalay asked the address of the salon. Patrice Nimee responded, 1525 Peoria Street. Patrice had an image of what the building looked like twenty years ago. The business has been there for twenty years. The color of the current awning is a faded magenta and the new color would be charcoal. Jeff King asked the color of the building, she responded light blue and white. Paul Basalay asked if there would be any graphics on the awning. Patrice responded she would just like to have the address on the awning and put decal graphics on the windows. Paul Basalay explained Jeff King would have to approve any signage. Jeff King said she could not do more than 80% of a window with graphics; Patrice responded that is fine. Paul Basalay asked about the size of the awning. Patrice said it would be the same size as the existing awning; the same frame will be used just new material. Paul Basalay confirmed the old color was magenta. Some paperwork for the façade program was finalized including price. Patrice has decided to go with the local company after receiving two similar quotes. Paul Basalay was of the opinion to stay local as well. Paul Basalay asked if anyone had concerns. A few members said it was fine; no concerns. Jeff King explained she was wanting to get it approved so she could utilize this fiscal year’s façade program. Mark Lucas made a motion to approve as submitted; Matt Lamps seconded. All present in favor; motion carried.

Open Discussion: 

Mayor Harl, referring to the new Commercial Façade Improvement Program that was passed out, said this is what was approved at the most recent City Council meeting and will have an ordinance to pass at the next City Council meeting. He stated in the old program roofs were allowed and that was taken out since it doesn’t approve the appearance. Additionally, the program now allows for a grant up to 50% of $75,000. Mayor Harl added the phone has already started ringing with interest in the program.

Paul Basalay asked, if you get more than enough applicants how do you decide who gets it and who doesn’t? Mayor Harl replied it is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Paul Basalay said he would like to see it who needs it more vs. who comes in first. He explained the first people to come in may not need it and actually be able to finance it on their own, but would get in quick since its free money. Furthermore, he thinks the ones who might really need it would be slower to come in and apply. Mayor Harl responded any changes or suggestions would need to be done now in order to get the information to the attorney to include in the ordinance. Paul Basalay suggested setting an application time period so you could review them; after that if the funds were not all used up they could try. Mark Lucas suggested if it was done that way and there were people who did not get awarded funds in a period they could be in the next. Paul Basalay clarified the application period could be the first six weeks of the year, applications would be reviewed, and then winners would be announced.

Mayor Harl said another ordinance is being drafted as well for the money City Council pledged to Westclox for façade work under this year’s program. Paul Basalay recommended having the suggested changes start next year. He believes once this gets out there will be a lot of interest and the money will be spent. Mayor Harl also shared, that under this program, businesses will have to use contractors who pay prevailing wage and receive at least three bids, since the program uses tax payers’ money.

More discussion continued regarding application time periods. It was decided this year will be first- come, first-serve due to the timing of the start of the new program. The suggested changes for applications to be turned in Jan 1st-Feb15th would take place under the next fiscal-year. Paul Basalay suggested the verbiage should be #1 under the “procedures”. He added there should be something in the information stating submittals after that time would be determined if funds were available.

Doug Biederstedt asked about landscaping. Paula Basalay said he thinks it would be good to include because it can really improve the looks. There was discussion about whether or not landscaping should be included and how much of the money would be allowed to be allocated to it. Matt Lamps asked about whether or not paving would then be included. Jeff King stated it would be difficult to landscape. After some discussion, it was determined landscaping and pavement would be determined case-by-case and it is not necessary to make any changes since it is already generalized what is included. Paul Basalay indicated following the goals listed in the façade program is how awards can be determined.

Jeff King initiated a discussion about Stor Galor. He reminded everyone when Stor Galor originally came to Design Review, right before Jeff was Building Inspector, he was asked to put slats in the fence. A resident across the street from Stor Galor has been contacting Alderman Lukosus on a regular basis, unhappy about their view. Jeff King said the owner of Stor Galor has gone to all of the contiguous neighbors and planted 48 trees and added green space and burms. The issue is since Design Review approved the slats in the fence is it an issue that needs to be re-visited. Jeff King added we need to get some pictures to see what it looks like now and add this to the agenda for next week so it can be re- visited. Paul Basalay said as long as it is a requirement from the meeting he either needs to add the slats or come to a meeting and address the issue. Alderman Lukosus added, in Mr. Farley’s defense, he has gone to all the neighbors, including the one who is unhappy but he was unable to talk to them. Jeff King said he sent Mr. Farley a letter letting him know he needs to comply with the requirements from the original Design Review meeting within 7 days of the receipt of the letter or ordinance violations could be issued. He also included the minutes from that meeting where it states what his original plans were to block the view for neighbors. Jeff King said he would get in contact with Mr. Farley to see if he could make it to the next meeting. Alderman Lukosus added we should at least give him a chance. There was some discussion about the location of the picture. Jeff King added Mr. Farley is an airline pilot so Jeff is unsure of Mr. Farley’s schedule. Paul Basalay indicated if Mr. Farley is unable to attend a meeting he can submit his requests in writing.

Mayor Harl added there is another issue that has recently come up, the sign at Art Deco Saloon, which was installed without a building permit or coming to Design Review. Jeff King told the owner he needs to come in for a permit and needs to attend a Design Review meeting. Mayor Harl said he also needs to attend a Planning and Zoning meeting to give him every opportunity to state his case. Jeff King stated one of the issues is he is in the right-of-way and will need a license for that; he drilled into the sidewalk to insert the sign. Paul Basalay said that is a state issue. Mayor Harl said it is against their ordinance.

Mayor Harl initiated a discussion about the City of Peru’s ordinance about window coverings. He brought up an empty building he saw in Washington, IL and whether or not the window coverings they had would be allowed in the ordinance. He gave an example of an empty building downtown Peru and working with them to do something similar to what he saw in Washington. Paul Basalay asked for clarification of what was in/on the windows in the picture Mayor Harl showed. Mayor Harl and Jim Lukosus described the window covering as a design put on the window to make the building appear occupied. Paul Basalay said he believes there is a different between art and signage. If someone came in and wanted to do something similar, it is not signage, but advertisements are different. Jeff King added there are a few places in Peru that currently are close to violating the ordinance with too much advertisements in windows. There was more discussion about the current sign ordinance.

Paul Basalay initiated a discussion about Dollar General. He stated it looks pretty good, but their ice machines are on City property. He asked if they will be moved to the other side, stating they do not look good there. Jeff King and Mayor Harl said they have discussed it. Mayor Harl said they do it that way at all of their stores. Paul Basalay said the ice machines were not shown in any of their plans and reiterated it does not look good along Peoria Street and should be moved to the other side. There was agreement among members and discussion and where it could be moved. Matt Lamps said if they don’t have enough room to move it they just won’t have the ice machines. Paul Basalay said other than the ice machines, he thinks it looks nice. Mayor Harl said they are doing their ribbon cutting on Saturday morning at 8 a.m.

Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.
