
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Seneca Community Consolidated School District 170 Board of Education met March 15.

Seneca Community Consolidated School District 170 Board of Education met March 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Education met for their regular scheduled meeting at 7:00 p.m. on March 15th, 2017 at the Seneca Grade School North Campus Board Room.

President Sangston called for roll call.

Present: Applebee, Bedeker, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston 

Absent: None

Bedeker moved to accept the regular and closed session minutes from the February 15th, 2017; seconded by Hovious.

Yeas: Applebee, Bedeker, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Hearing of Citizens: Principal Severson introduced to the Board of Education, February Student of the Month, Carter Feiner, the son of Nathan and Jycee Feiner.

Hearing of Teachers: Ann Las, 7/8 grade Social Studies teacher, explained the 7th grade is studying the Indian Removal Act and doing a writing assignment using primary sources. Her 8th grade class will be heading on a field trip to the Route 66 War Museum and will be beginning the WWII unit. Kathy Kilday, K-8 Art teacher, has her 7th-8th graders finishing their ceramics, while 6th grade is doing a two point perspective drawing. Third graders are doing Cajun Blue Dog art projects. The end of year Art Show will be on display the nights of the spring Band and Chorus performances. Mrs. Kilday will be taking her 7/8 art students to the Chicago Art Institute for the end of the year field trip. Julie Hamilton discussed with the board taking 68 grade students to Washington D.C. She is interested in doing a trip next year over spring break. She went over cost and information regarding trip specifics.

Thompson moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented: Education $474,444.71; Building $65,328.93; Transportation $16,029.54; IMRF $22,535.86; Tort $3,138.50, Totaling $579,972.63; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Applebee, Bedeker, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to pay the following monthly bills: Education $45,321.71; Building $31,101.45 Transportation $11,846.16; Tort $3,138.50; Total $91,407.85; seconded by Hovious.

Yeas: Applebee, Bedeker, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Supt. Misener announced the winner of the Excellence in Education awards for the Seneca Grade School. Congratulations to certified staff member Kelly Odum, 4th grade teacher and non- certified staff member Sarah Timmons, south campus secretary. They will be honored at a May 4th banquet sponsored by the Regional Office of Education.

Bedeker moved to approve the renewal of the service contract with DCI, at a cost of $7,554.00; seconded by Sulzberger. This agreement covers planned maintenance, database protection, remote support for HVAC system for both buildings as well as the security support for doors and cameras at the South Campus.

Yeas: Applebee, Bedeker, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Hovious moved to approve the quote from Raptor Technologies for the two visitor screening systems at a cost of $3,200.00; seconded by Quigley. The annual renewal cost for both systems will be $1,080.00.

Yeas: Applebee, Bedeker, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Sulzberger moved to approve the proposal from FPS to replace the facing on the 10 panel door system in the gymnasium; seconded by Hovious. The total cost of the project is $8,484.00. Work on the other four folding partitions will be done at a later date.

Yeas: Applebee, Bedeker, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Bedeker moved to approve the estimate from Commercial Specialties to replace partitions in the second floor bathrooms at South Campus at a cost of $12,635.00 for six bathrooms; seconded by Thompson. This is the last phase of the three year replacement project.

Yeas: Applebee, Bedeker, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Principal McGhee reported the end of the 3rd quarter report cards will go out this week. She recognized reading achievements at 1st and 2nd grades in the monthly STAR scores. Congratulations to the students and the staff on their achievements. She has been reviewing a math resource, Mafitic.

Principal Severson is reviewing five new math curriculum programs. Material will be studied and webinars scheduled for some programs. Looking for programs to support those student that are struggling and provide support for school and home. IXL skill building program is additional resource currently being trialed. He thanked Mrs. Wallin for the fine job working with students during the spelling bee. He congratulated Sean Rentauskas, 6th grade, Hailey Kennedy, 7th grade, Amber Vroman, 8th grade all SGS winners. He went on to acknowledge Hailey Kennedy who won 1st place at the IVC Conference Tournament. He also commended Mrs. Kiper, Ms. Zelko and the 7th and 8th grade girls volleyball teams for both having an outstanding season. He also congratulated “You Be the Chemist” students Amber Vroman, finishing in 5th place, Austin Marshall, placing 7th at the county wide competition. Principal Severson lastly congratulated Gavin Robertson for finishing 6th at the 185lb weight class at the State Wrestling Competition at Northern Illinois University this past weekend. The whole wrestling team and Coach Hamby did an outstanding job all season finishing strong with a 10-5 record.

Hovious moved to go into Executive Session at 8:06 p.m. for legal and personnel; seconded by Bedeker.

Yeas: Applebee, Bedeker, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to return to Open Session at 8:35 p.m.; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Applebee, Bedeker, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to rehire the following non-tenured certified staff members for the 2017-2018 school year; seconded by Quigley. North Campus teachers are Nicole Sprinkel, Kindergarten, Lacey DeBolt, 3rd grade and Laura Passerman, speech Pathologist. At the South Campus, 8th grade ELA teacher Christine Armstrong.

Yeas: Applebee, Bedeker, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved hire Julie Hamilton, assistant track coach position for the 2016-2017 school; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Applebee, Bedeker, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to hire Caitlyn Cox, dishwasher, for 1 1⁄2 hours during lunchtime for the 2016- 2017 school year; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Applebee, Bedeker, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Committee Report: Mr. Sangston acknowledged the research Mr. Hovious did finding the new Raptor system and feels it will be a useful tool for visitor security.

Communications: The YMCA team coached by Sara Olson thanked the board for use of the gym at North Campus for practices.

Old Business: Nothing to report

New Business: The annual SGS Foundation golf outing fundraiser will be held on July 9th, at the Dwight Country Club. Please contact the district office if interested in golfing or becoming a hole sponsor. The money raised goes directly to the SGS scholarship fund.

Thompson moved to adjourn at 8:45 p.m.; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Applebee, Bedeker, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Teachers Present: Ann Las

Kathy Kilday Julie Hamilton

Newspaper: Kate Reynolds
