Sandwich Public Library District Board of Trustees met March 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
I. Call To Order / Roll Call
Trustees Jennifer Boring, Becky Clemons, Denise Ii, Nancy Sanders, David Seymour, and Jane Wolf were present. Monica Sartori arrived at 6:50.
II. Additions /Deletions/ Amendments to Agenda- Treasurer's Report was added
III. Treasurer's Report
Becky reported that she had spoken with a representative from the bank that holds our Friends account and that the account will not go dormant as long as she had spoken to someone from the bank. We are good to go for another year even if there is no financial activity.
IV. Unfinished Business
Jane requested permission from the Board to contact all applicants for the Director's position and notify them of the status of the position. David moved and Jane seconded the motion to proceed with this notification. Motion carried.
Real Estate- Jennifer shared the amendment to the original sales contract stating the new selling price of $10,000 based on the significant repairs (namely the removal of the buried holding tank and the asbestos removal) outlined by potential buyer, Matthew Blocker. David made a motion to proceed with the sale of 107 E. Center St property at the new price of $10,000. Denise seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Ayes- Boring, Ii, Sanders, Seymour, Sartori, Wolf Nays-None Abstention-Clemons
V. New Business
Janitor resignation- Jane reported that she had met with Melissa Johnson who has given her two weeks notice effective March 31. Discussion followed about hiring a cleaning service. Nancy and Jennifer will meet to review options for replacing Melissa.
Computer Contract- Discussion was held on the status of On-Site Computer Co. services. Nancy will follow up on this as well as contact Stateline Technologies in Rockton for information.
VI. Executive Session
Denise moved and Monica seconded the motion at 7:16 to move into executive session
Motion carried.
5ILCS 120/2 (c) (1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.
David moved and Denise seconded the motion at 7:40 to leave executive session and to return to open session. Motion carried.
Upon returning to open session, Jane moved and David seconded the motion to officially hire Amanda Bennett with an annual salary of $53,000. There will be a three month probation period after which she will begin receiving benefits including an annual insurance stipend of $3000 divided into 26 pay periods. She will receive 13 vacation days and 10 sick days for her first year only. Amanda will begin her employment on May 1, 2017. All benefits will be reviewed at her first anniversary review. All of the above is contingent upon reference and background checks.
Roll Call Vote
Aye- Boring, Clemons, Ii, Sanders, Sartori, Seymour, Wolf Nay-None
The unanimous vote carried the motion and a new director of the Sandwich Public Library District was officially hired. Nancy and Jane will meet to draft hiring paperwork.
Nancy shared information that she had received from our lawyer on hiring a new director.
VII. Adjournment- Denise moved and Monica seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM. Motion carried.