LaSalle County Committee on Appointments and Legislation & Rules met May 1.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Citizen Comments
III. Legislation & Rules
1. Approval or Dispense of Previous Minutes for Legislation & Rules
2. New Business
• Travel Expense Form
3. Old Business
a) Review/Adopt/Amend on Rule Changes
b) Bids and Specifications
c) Freedom of Information/ Open Meeting Act
d) Website Statute requirements Minutes standard for web
f) Informal/Update for Committee Chair/Co-Chair future Mtg.
g) Agendas-Contract, Grant Reporting, Renewal Agreement/Leases
i) Medical Marijuana
j) Conceal Carried
k) LaSalle County Board Tentative Schedule
l) FOIA Software
l. Resolution: Amending Resolution of Board Rules
i. Departments Appointments/Agreements-Contracts and Resolutions/Ordinances
m. Ordinance: LaSalle County Board Rules
4. Senate & House Bill and State Statute (s)
5. Special Event
a. Special Event Policy for Events held in the Unincorporated Areas of LaSalle County
6. Seminar – Training -- Update
7. Recess/Adjourn
IV. Committee on Appointments
1. Approval or Dispense of Previous Minutes for Committee On Appointment
2. New Business
a) Committee Assignment for 2016-2018
b) Date/Times of Committee Meeting
3. Old Business
• Committee Assignments – Changes
• Committees
a) Ad-Hoc
b. Stormwater Management Committee (Maps)
4. Board Member Appointment
5. Appointments – Board Chairperson
6. Appointments
7. Appointments – Non County Levy
• Resolution: - Various
8. Public Act #99-0634 – County Report on Appointment of Local Public Entities
9. Recess/Adjourn,-40,792