
Illinois Valley Times

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Wallace Community Consolidated School District 195 Board of Education met March 29.

Wallace Community Consolidated School District 195 Board of Education met March 29.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Wallace Grade School Board of Education President Bill Vogel called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken and members present were: Vogel, Carroll, Keene, Mangold, Armstrong, and Miller. Absent was Evola.

Bill Keene made a motion and Tom Miller seconded to approve the minutes from the February 22, 2017 meeting. In favor, Vogel, Carroll, Keene, Mangold, Armstrong, and Miller.

Visitors present at the meeting were Walt Zukowski, Mollie Nagle, Toni Edgcomb, Jamie, Cara and Kaden Ericzon. Mr. Coates presented Caden Ericzon with the March Student of the Month Award. Caden was present with his parents Jamie and Cara to accept this award. Mr. Zukowski, the school’s attorney, updated the board on the new proposed legislations. Mrs. Edgcomb and Mrs. Nagle reported to the board on behalf of the teachers. They gave an update of the recent activities at Wallace.

Mr. Dennis Bute gave the treasurer’s report. Bill Keene made a motion and John Armstrong seconded to approve the treasurer’s report. In favor, Vogel, Carroll, Keene, Mangold, Armstrong, and Miller.

Mr. Matteson reviewed the monthly bills. Bill Keene made a motion and Doug Carroll seconded to approve payment of the bills. In favor, Vogel, Carroll, Keene, Mangold, Armstrong, and Miller.

Mr. Matteson gave the Superintendent’s report. He gave a budget update. He said the state is behind $227,012 in payments at this time. Mr. Matteson also said the expenditures are down 4/7% over March 2016, and February ended down 4%. March Corporate Personal Property Replacement Tax payment was up 80.7% over last March and total for this fiscal year is up 7.3% thus far. Mr. Matteson reported the investment account made $1,409 in February at an interest rate of 1.06%.

Mr. Matteson said the summer work project list is being put together. He also discussed the lawn mowing bids. Bill Keene made a motion and John Armstrong seconded to approve the lawn mowing bid from Tom McDonnell at a cost of $135 per mow. In favor, Vogel, Carroll, Keene, Mangold, Armstrong, and Miller.

Mr. Matteson informed the board that he was contacted by a representative from Jerry Long’s office about using the gym for a job fair the first week of August.

Bill Keene made a motion and John Armstrong seconded to approve the list of evaluators for certified staff. They are Mr. Matteson, Mr. Coates, and Stephanie Atchley (L.E.A.S.E.) In favor, Vogel, Carroll, Keene, Mangold, Armstrong, and Miller.

Doug Carroll made a motion and Rick Mangold seconded to approve the bus leasing bid from Blue Bird for 4 propane buses for a 3 yr. period. In favor, Vogel, Carroll, Keene, Mangold, Armstrong, and Miller.

Rick Mangold made a motion and Doug Carroll seconded to approve the 1st reading of the following policies: 4.15, 7.100, 4.130E, 7.100EZ, 2.100, 6.120, 3.70, 4.180, 5.70, 5.80, 5.110. In favor, Vogel, Carroll, Keene, Mangold, Armstrong, and Miller.

Mr. Coates gave the Principal’s report. He said that Family Reading Night was once again a complete success. There were approximately 274 students/parents in attendance. Mr. Coates also reported that Student Council raised $1400 for the tornado victims. Mr. Coates said that PARCC testing will begin April 3, 2017. The Robotics team will be going to Brookfield Zoo on March 31, 2017 with their finished project. Ed Curran from WBBM-TV 2 in Chicago will be here on April 11, 2017 to present a weather assembly.

Mr. Coates said the 3rd quarter ended on March 10, 2017. We had 182 students on the honor roll. Drew Hood and Adi Walker will represent Wallace at the state Science Fair. Mr. Coates said the Academic Team will be hosting a tournament on April 1, 2017 and the regional on April 26, 2017. He also reported registration packets for the 2017-18 school year will go home with students in May.

Bill Keene made a motion and John Armstrong seconded to approve the release of non-certified employees, Janet Lobracco, Cheri Ehret (kitchen) and Nan Schomas (kitchen). In favor, Vogel, Carroll, Keene, Mangold, Armstrong, and Miller.

Mr. Coates discussed the 2017-18 school calendar. John Armstrong made a motion and Doug Carroll seconded to approve the 2017-18 calendar. In favor, Vogel, Carroll, Keene, Mangold, Armstrong, and Miller. He also reviewed the end of the year dates.

At 8:00 pm Rick Mangold made a motion and Bill Keene seconded to adjourn the meeting. All in favor.
