Sandwich Public Library District met April 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the District:
I. Call To Order / Roll Call
Trustees: Jennifer Boring, Becky Clemons, Nancy Sanders, Jane Wolf. Denise Ii and David Seymour were absent. Monica Sartori arrived at 11:30 am
II. Additions / Deletions / Changes to Agenda
III. Unfinished Business
Director Visit- Amanda Bennett and her fiance', Scott, arrived at the library around 11:00 and met staff. Stacy toured them through the building and the Nancy and Jane toured them around the City of Sandwich pointing out the highlights of our "Fair City". They arrived back at Bull Moose for lunch.
IV. New Business
V. Adjournment
Jennifer moved and Jane seconded the motion to adjourn at 1:15 pm. Motion carried.