Village of Neponset Board met April 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Opened meeting with the pledge of allegiance and roll call, we then swore in the recently reelected mayor and 2 Board members, There were 2 speakers at the meeting tonight and about 30 residents, The first speaker was Frank Dunmire from the rural Water Assoc. to report on water rate study that we had them do last month, he explained the results in detail and answered questions from the audience. There is a copy of the report is at the Village hall if anyone would like to see it or get a copy.
The next speaker was Austin Taylor from N.C.I.C.G. to speak about the grant for the water tower, we have been granted the grant and N.C.I.C.G. will be there to help us through the steps we must do to complete this project which can take 2 years to complete, he also gave us some other information about how they can help the Village and said if we have questions just call. The mayor thanked him and he then addressed the audience to see if anyone had issues to discuss, someone asked him to bring up the speed limit sign on 1st. street just pass city limits and Dave Mueller will call the county to see if they can put up better more visible signs do to the number of speeders that drive on this street were little children are present.
Consent Agenda:
•Approved the March minutes with a motion from Gene Costin, and 2nd from Matt Kaiser, motion carried.
•Treasurer’s report for March was approved with a motion from Gene and a 2nd from Matt Kaiser, motion carried.
•Approved Bills for February with a motion from Gene and a 2nd from Sid Dev and a roll call vote, motion carried.
Committee Reports:
•Public works: Gene Costin: reported a problem with a drain tile at 1st. and main St. and Markus will take a look at it and let the mayor know what should be done. Gene also said it is time to get the maintenance agreement Proposal for street repairs and maintenance ready and approved through IDOT. Clerk will gather information and get it started.
•Police: Mandy Mueller: Mandy reported that she has spoke with our police and they think we need to find additional officers to be sure we are covering the hours we need. And she has been looking into it.
•Finance: Ken Snyder reported 4 wheelers and golf cart permits will be due on June 1st. clerk will put out a flyer to remind people to renew. Ken will get an estimate for what is needed to complete the 2nd bathroom in the community building and report is at the next meeting.
•Community Improvements and Events Barb Jannie: Barb’s term as board member is up at the end of this month and the Mayor and board thanked her for the time she has served on the board.
•Water and Sewer: Sid Dev reported the April 9th. Water shut down was to make repairs and turned the floor over to Markus to explain, Markus said we capped 1 hydrant and replaced another (which were both 1929 models) and water service was restored by 1:30 PM and the water test to clear boil order went well and boil order was over by Tuesday morning.
•Garbage & Ordinances: Matt Kaiser: Matt reported Al is retiring on May 1st. and also said he Okayed the purchase of a break switch for Garbage truck.
•Unfinished Business:
New Business:
•Mayors Report: Dave Mueller reported: soup supper made $700.00 for picnic day and also asked the board if they wanted to make a donation to Neponset Pride for flowers and Ken Snyder motioned to donate $100.00 and Matt 2nd the motion, motion carried.
•Executive Session: Went into Exe session at 8:15 to discuss Personnel. Returned from Exe Session and went back to regular session at 8:28 PM with a motion from Barb Jannie to hire Karen Tomsic for a salary of $400.00 per month from Water Dept and $400.00 per month from General fund with 2nd from Gene, motion carried. Next Barb motioned to raise Scott Chapman’s wages to $12.00 per hour with 2nd from Gene, motion carried. Barb motioned to hire Rick Clancy at $11-00per hour to do maintenance and mechanical work with a 2nd. from Gene, motion carried. Matt Kaiser motioned to hire Troy Weide for $11.00 per hour to drive Garbage truck and mowing, with a 2nd from Sid Dev., motion carried.
•Motion for Adjournment By: Gene Costin with 2nd. From Barb Jannie, motion carried meeting adjourned.