
Illinois Valley Times

Monday, January 13, 2025

Peru Public Library District Board of Trustees met April 13.


Peru Public Library District Board of Trustees met April 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Present: Jenifer Barr, Jean Carter, Laura Ferrari, Gail Grabowski, Linda Hiltabrand, Mary Lindenmeyer, Doug Olivero, Mike Watts, Director Charm Ruhnke

Absent: None

Call to order: President Mike Watts called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

Changes to the agenda:

Under 6. Correspondence add a. Per Capita Grant. Under 7. Librarian’s report and add b. Maud Powell Festival.

Public comments:

There were no public comments.

Approval of minutes of March 2017:

Gail Grabowski moved to approve the minutes of March 2017; Linda Hiltabrand seconded. The motion carried.

Financial report:

a. Approve disbursements for April 2017: Jean Carter moved to approve the disbursements for April 2017; Gail Grabowski seconded. The motion carried.

b. Approve financial report for March 2017: Jean Carter moved to approve the financial report for March 2017; Laura Ferrari seconded. The motion carried.


The file contained the Per capita Grant award letter for $7993.45.

Librarian’s report:

a. Election results: Director Ruhnke shared the April 4, 2017 election results with the trustees.

b. Maud Powell Festival: The library will once again participate in the festival set for August 18-19, 2017.

Prior meeting follow-up:

a. HVAC- Director Ruhnke contacted two architectural firms for information. There will be more to share at the May meeting.

b. Bake sale: Gail Grabowski reported the receipts from the TAG bake sale amounted to $411.80 for the baked goods and $156.00 for the basket raffle.

c. National Library Week: Director Ruhnke reported that events held during the week were successful.

President’s report:

Meeting schedule for FY2017/18: The meeting schedule for FY2017/18 will be approved at the June meeting.

Executive session: There was no call for an executive session.

Action and/or discussion items:

a. Adopt ordinance 16/17 009: Gail Grabowski moved to adopt the Collection Development and Management Policy (ordinance 16/17 009); Doug Olivero seconded. The motion carried.

b. Adopt ordinance 16/17 010: Jean Carter moved to adopt the Local History and Genealogy Policy (ordinance 16/17 010); Linda Hiltabrand seconded. The motion carried.

c. Adopt ordinance 16/17 011: Gail Grabowski moved to adopt the Circulation Policy (ordinance 16/17 011); Doug Olivero seconded. The motion carried.

d. Discuss trustee bylaws: The Trustee bylaws were discussed. An updated draft will be presented at the May meeting.

e. Discuss financial plan and other policies: Drafts of the Financial Plan, the Fund Balance Policy, the Supplemental Services Fund and the Special Reserve Fund Plan were given to the trustees for review. More discussion will follow at the May meeting.


There being no further business, the April 13, 2017 meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm.
