Ladd Community Consolidated School District 94 Board of Education will meet June 21.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1. Convene following the amended budget hearing
2. Roll call of members
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Correspondence
5. Approval of Consent Agenda
a. Approval of minutes the last regular Board meeting on May 17, 2016 and the Community Engagement Committee meeting on May 17, 2016
b. Approval of the Treasurer’s Report
c. Approval of the monthly bills
d. Informational Items
6. Invitation to address the Board of Education
7. Superintendent’s report
a. End of School
b. Collin & Gavin Brown’s Lemonade Stand for Pink Ribbon Club
c. Financial Update
d. IDEA Determination of Performance
e. Jennifer Manning presenting at Raising Student Achievement Conference
f. Discipline Report
g. Maintenance Report
8. Unfinished business
a. Building and Grounds update
b. Energy Efficient Lighting update
c. Board Professional Development
9. New Business
a. Board meeting Schedule
b. Grant update
c. Sex Equity Survey
d. Review milk bids
e. Review Book fees
f. 1st Reading of Policies 5:70 Religious Holidays, 5:80 Court Duty, 5:110 Recognition for Service, 5:140 Solicitations By of From Staff, 5:170 Copyright, 7:30 Student Assignment and Intra-District Transfer, 7:150 Agency and Police Interviews, 7:200 Suspension Procedures, 7:210 Expulsion Procedures, 7:220 Bus Conduct
10. Action Items
a. Approve Prevailing wage resolution
b. Approve parking lot bid
c. Approve the amended 2015-16 budget
d. Abate $38,000 from Working Cash Fund to Operation and Building Maintenance Fund
e. Approve Early childhood Grant
f. Approve milk bid
g. Set milk, lunch and breakfast prices
h. Set registration fees for 2016-17
i. Approve Geri Miller and Michelle Zeko to pay any late bills in June to close 2015-16 school year
j. Hire supervisors, coaches and sponsors for 2016-17 including technology coach, technology coordinator, district special education coordinator, A.M. supervisor, lead teacher, athletic director, cross country coach, 7/8 boys’ basketball coach, cheerleading sponsor, 7/8 girls’ basketball coach, track coaches, track supervisor, speech coach, drama coach and student council sponsor
k. Adopt Policies 5:280 Duties & Qualifications, 5:90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting, 6:50 School Wellness,
7:190 Student Behavior
11. Adjournment