
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

LaSalle County Zoning Board of Appeals will meet June 21

LaSalle County Zoning Board of Appeals will meet June 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

I. Call to Order II. Approve or Dispense of Previous Meeting Minutes III. Open Meeting

A. Petition for a Special Use #17-04-SU (Manlius Twp.) Kline Parcel # 24-17-105-000 

B. Petition for a Special Use #17-05-SU (Grand Rapid Twp.) Grand Ridge Energy, LLC (Wind Farm) 

[see below parcel #] 

PIN # PIN # PIN # PIN # PIN # 28-11-201-001 28-11-407-000 28-12-101-014 28-12-102-009 28-12-305-000 28-11-201-002 28-11-408-000 28-12-101-015 28-12-104-000 28-12-306-000 28-11-201-003 28-11-409-000 28-12-101-016 28-12-200-000 28-12-307-000 28-11-202-000 28-11-410-000 28-12-101-017 28-12-201-000 28-12-308-000 28-11-203-000 28-12-101-010 28-12-102-005 28-12-302-000 28-12-401-000 28-11-403-000 28-12-101-011 28-12-102-006 28-12-304-000 28-12-402-000 28-11-404-000

C. Petition for a Special Use #17-06-SU Grand Ridge Energy, LLC (Wind Farm) 

[see below parcel # & Township]

Parcel # Parcel # Parcel # Parcel # 28-01-104-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-10-401-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-22-203-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-27-300-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-01-107-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-11-101-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-22-300-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-28-107-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-01-109-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-11-103-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-22-301-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-28-202-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-01-200-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-11-301-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-22-401-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-28-203-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-01-203-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-11-304-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-22-404-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-28-205-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-01-400-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-11-305-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-22-405-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-28-206-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-02-100-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-13-201-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-23-300-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-17-104-000 Brookfield Twp 28-02-101-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-13-202-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-23-301-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-17-106-000 Brookfield Twp 28-02-102-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-13-203-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-23-400-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-17-107-000 Brookfield Twp 28-02-201-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-13-301-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-24-303-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-17-111-000 Brookfield Twp 28-02-205-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-13-303-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-24-304-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-17-112-000 Brookfield Twp 28-02-206-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-13-400-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-24-406-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-17-113-000 Brookfield Twp 28-02-300-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-14-100-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-24-407-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-17-303-000 Brookfield Twp 28-02-301-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-14-101-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-26-102-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-17-305-000 Brookfield Twp 28-02-400-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-14-202-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-26-104-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-18-108-000 Brookfield Twp 28-02-404-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-14-203-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-26-105-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-18-109-000 Brookfield Twp 28-03-100-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-14-204-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-26-201-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-18-110-000 Brookfield Twp 28-03-101-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-14-309-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-26-301-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-18-204-000 Brookfield Twp 28-03-200-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-15-101-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-26-302-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-19-305-000 Brookfield Twp 28-03-301-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-15-200-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-26-303-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-19-306-000 Brookfield Twp 28-03-400-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-15-400-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-26-403-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-19-401-000 Brookfield Twp 28-03-401-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-15-401-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-26-404-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-19-402-000 Brookfield Twp 28-04-200-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-21-204-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-27-101-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-20-104-000 Brookfield Twp 28-09-301-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-21-300-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-27-102-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-20-105-000 Brookfield Twp 28-09-404-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-21-301-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-27-201-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-20-302-000 Brookfield Twp 28-10-100-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-21-400-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-27-203-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-20-304-000 Brookfield Twp 28-10-201-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-21-401-000 GrandRapids Twp 28-27-204-000 GrandRapids Twp 29-20-305-000 Brookfield Twp

V. Recess/Adjourn Meeting
