
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Seneca Community Consolidated School District 170 Board of Education met May 17.

Meeting 09

Seneca Community Consolidated School District 170 Board of Education met May 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Starved Rock Cycling Assn. presented one girl’s and one boy’s 10-speed mountain bikes to two Seneca Grade School students. The bicycles were donated by Dick and Donna Virgo in memory their son Rick Virgo Jr., an avid biker and member of the cycling club, a graduate of Seneca Grade School, Seneca Township High School. Bob McCullough presented a certificate with a picture of Rick standing in the Mississippi River after having completed a week long, 450 mile long ride across Iowa. The bikes, helmets and locks were presented to Alexander Jurinek, a fifth grader and Vincent Sanches, a sixth grader.

The Board of Education met for their regular scheduled meeting at 7:08 p.m. on May 17th, 2017 at the Seneca Grade School North Campus Board Room.

President Sangston called for roll call.

Present: Hovious, Mancuso, Thompson and Sangston.

Absent: Applebee, Quigley, and Sulzberger

Thompson moved to accept the regular, closed session and reorganization minutes from both the April 19th, 2017 and May 3rd, 2017 meetings; seconded by Hovious.

Yeas: Hovious, Mancuso, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Hovious moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report as given by secretary: Education $501,759.86; Building $86,476.60; Transportation $17,103.62; IMRF $22,535.86; Tort $2,417.00; Totaling $624,958.04; seconded by Thompson.

Yeas: Hovious, Mancuso, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Thompson moved to pay the following monthly bills: Education $47,254.32; Building $51,467.23; Transportation $13,996.07; Tort $2,417.00 Total $115,134.62; seconded by Hovious.

Yeas: Hovious, Mancuso, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Hearing of Citizens: Principal Severson introduced the final student of the month awards for 2016-2017. They are January student of the month, Ava Terry, March student of the month Gavin Robertson, April student of the month Addison Olson, and May student of the month A.J. Stiegler. All nine students will be honored with their parents on Saturday, May 20th at a breakfast at the south campus.

Quigley arrived at 7:14 p.m.

Hearing of Teachers: Nicole Sprinkel, kindergarten teacher talked about the Discovery Museum, Kindergarten open house, final report card testing, and finishing the end of year memory books. Her students especially enjoyed reading and learning about the life cycle of the butterflies and finally getting to release them outside. Tiffany Hughes, reading specialist, brought several examples for the board of the many ways staff are using the new poster maker at the south campus. She also shared the many pictures of the door contest held at the south campus. This year’s them was “Recycle”. She also participates with the IDNR travel trucks program. She showed the board members the many items that give students hands on wildlife knowledge.

Hovious moved to approve the renewal of the 2017-2018 membership and fees to the IESA as presented; seconded by Thompson.

Yeas: Hovious, Mancuso, Quigley, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Hovious moved to approve the enVision Math quote for sixth, seventh and eighth grade math textbooks and software in the amount of $17,321.38, seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Hovious, Mancuso, Quigley, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Hovious moved to accept the quote from Design & Signs by Anderson for replacement of the Seneca Grade School North Campus outside sign to full color LED illuminated sign at a cost $22,568.00; seconded by Quigley. This electronic sign will be similar to the one at the South Campus.

Yeas: Hovious, Mancuso, Quigley, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Quigley moved to accept quote from DCI to replace the HVAC controls at both buildings at a cost of $32,802.00, seconded by Hovious. DCI recently reloaded the software due to programing issues, current controls and graphics are over 15 years old..

Yeas: Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Supt. Misener discussed the issues with the south campus Chiller. It is the original unit from when the build was built. It runs on 8 motors, which several are going bad and uses R-22 Freon which will be harder to find since it is no longer used. It is a large expense to replace but in the long run maybe a better option. The Board directed Supt. Misener to seek bids and a timeline for replacing the unit this summer.

Principal McGhee highlighted the official last week of the school year which included step- up day for preschoolers and 4th graders. Field trips for Kindergarteners to the Children’s

Museum, 1st grade to Miller Park Zoo, 2nd grade went to JJC Theater “Robin Hood” and planetarium, 3rd grade to Disney Nature movie “Born in China” and 4th grade to the LaSalle Historical Society one room school House. She thanked Kent Weber, Jeff Maierhofer and the Seneca Township FFA for the many opportunities for learning given to students at the FFA Farm. First Grade went fishing, tie dyed shirts, a nature hike and made s’mores while third grade had a petting zoo, “Cold Blooded Creature” exhibit and made ice cream with the Seneca High School FFA students. She congratulated the winners of the fourth grade spelling bee, 3rd place, Nate Sprinkel, 2nd place Kirstyn Skaggs and 1st place to Clara Bruno. A Couple other noteworthy events included the Mother’s Day Tea for preschoolers and the Kindergarten “Mother Goose” open house. Teachers were overwhelmed and thankful to P.S.O. for a thoughtful week long of events for teacher appreciation week. Principal McGhee thanked the board for generous support in sponsoring the Jesse White Tumblers. She congratulated Logan Beland, Alaina Applebee, Elizabeth Sprinkel, Hudson Hartwig, Hayden McDonald, Franki Meyers, Addison Applebee, Neavah Countryman, Clara Bruno, and Mylee Meyers all who attended the Young Author’s celebration with Mrs. Lain.

Principal Severson reminded everyone that 8th grade graduation is Friday, May 19th, at 7:00 p.m. at the South Campus. Voices will be sponsoring the dance after graduation. He thanked the P.S.O. for sponsoring the 8th grade trip to Great America on Thursday. On Tuesday the 7th graders will be at the Museum of Science and Industry. The SGS track season concluded last weekend with the IESA state track meet. In all, 17 participates qualified for 12 different events. Many athletes ran their personal best, while three athletes came home with medals. Congratulations to Audrey Jenkins, who placed 5th in the 800 meter run and broke a school record, Amber Vroman placed 3rd in the 8th grade pole vault and broke the school record, and Noah Quigley placed 6th in the discus.

Thompson moved to go into Executive Session at 8:02 p.m. for legal and personnel; seconded by Hovious.

Yeas: Hovious, Mancuso, Quigley, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Thompson moved to return to Open Session at 8:40 p.m.; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Hovious, Mancuso, Quigley, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Thompson moved to accept retirement letter from Sandra McGeorge, part time kitchen help, effective at the end of the 2017 school year, with regret; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Thompson moved to accept retirement letter from Deanna Berg, food service manager, effective June 30, 2019, with regret; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Hovious, Mancuso, Quigley, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Thompson moved to accept resignation letter from Jeanne Lueth, part-time school nurse, effective Wednesday, May 24th, 2017, with regret; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Hovious, Mancuso, Quigley, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Thompson moved to accept resignation letter from Amy Wiertz, technology assistant, effective Friday, May 26th, 2017, with regret; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Hovious, Mancuso, Quigley, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Thompson moved to accept retirement letter from Joanne Stubblefield, full-time housekeeping, effective June 1st, 2017, with regret; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Hovious, Mancuso, Quigley, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Thompson moved to hire Gena Wallin, cross country coaching position for the 2017-2018 school year; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Hovious, Mancuso, Quigley, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Committee Report: Nothing to Report

Communications: Rhonda, Denise, Debbie, Sarah, and Dianne, all sent thank you to the board of education for the beautiful flowering planter received during Secretary’s Day. The SEEA members and Pam Steiner thanked the board for the Raider Nation waterproof vinyl pouches received during Teacher Appreciation Week.

Old Business: Nothing to Report

New Business: Seneca Township High School students receiving foundation scholarship awards were: Cole Westmoreland, Matilda Edwards, Rachel Sangston, and Sarah Cameron. SGS Foundation golf outing will be held, Sunday, July 9th, at the Dwight Country Club.

Thompson to adjourn at 8:45 p.m.; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Hovious, Mancuso, Quigley, Thompson and Sangston.

Nays: None

Teachers Present: Tiffany Hughes

Nicole Sprinkel

Newspaper: Kate Reynolds
