
Illinois Valley Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Leland Community Unit School District No. 1 Board of Education met May 17.

Webp meeting372

Leland Community Unit School District No. 1 Board of Education met May 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order President Plote called the regular meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.

2. Roll Call Present: Plote, Anderson, Kinney, Riskedal, and Shumway Absent: Todd and Wold

Also in attendance were Administrators Jodi Moore and Chris Bickel, District Bookkeeper Jason Zaleski, and Recording Secretary Andrea Niles.

3. The Pledge of Allegiance

4. Board Salutes Salutes include the following: Mr. Kinney salutes Mr. Bickel for the recent Community Awards Night; he felt there was a great turn out at the potluck dinner and the awards ceremony. Mr. Riskedal said he felt the representation of all the community groups was excellent. Ms. Plote salutes Andrea Niles and Student Council for all their work with prom walk and post prom. She also commended the Junior Class and their sponsors for a successful prom. Mr. Bickel salutes April students of the month: James Henne, elementary; TJ Henschler, middle school; and Jeanna Schlesinger, high school. He acknowledged Andrea Niles for extra work she put in for recent prom activities, as well as her help with the Community Awards Night, Cathy Brown and Michelle Scheller as Junior Class sponsors for prom, and staff members Ms. Dean and Ms. Hawk for attendance at prom. He thanked all the community organizations that participated in the Awards Night. Mr. Bickel gave a final shout out to the CIA (PTO group) for everything they provided throughout Teacher Appreciation Week.

5. Open Forum President Plote welcomed Amy and Brian Cameron, Cathy Brown, Chris Bland, Angie Koontz, Jennie Smith and Stu Bloom to the meeting.

Mrs. Cameron addressed the Board requesting their position on a recent article published in the Earlville Post regarding the Leland and Earlville Sports Co-op. Mrs. Plote responded with a prepared statement indicating the Board stands firm in wanting to come to an agreement to continue the sports co-op. She said the committee will continue to look at the facility usage, cost structure, including making long-term investments in each of our facilities. She noted the Board is concerned about playing all indoor sports at Earlville and the impact that will have on our student council’s fund-raising process to help with Homecoming, Prom and other school activities. She remained clear on one thing and that is to do what is best for the student athletes. She is hopeful the committee and both Boards will come to a mutual agreement. Mrs. Cameron also asked the Board to please look into the reasons why there is such diminished interest and participation in sports.

Ms. Koontz addressed the Board, she said for two-fold reasons. She spoke as an Earlville School Board member, and also as counselor from Somonauk High School. Earlville is interested in fulfilling the current agreement, but will be looking to make changes for the next agreement. She then expressed concern over scheduling conflicts between Leland and Somonauk and why the enrollment numbers for 2017-18 Ag classes at Somonauk are down. Mr. Bickel indicated he was not aware of any conflicts, and in fact, commended the cooperation of both schools for working out a schedule for next year. If the enrollment numbers for Intro to Ag students is lowered, several students have indicated they are interested in taking the new Industrial Arts course. Mrs. Moore confirmed there are no unresolved issues with the schedules.

6. Approval Of Consent Agenda Riskedal moved and Anderson seconded the motion to approve the consent agenda as follows: 6.1 Regular Meeting Minutes for Open and Closed Session from April 19, 2017. 6.2 Monthly Bills for April and May, as presented.

Ayes: Anderson, Kinney, Riskedal, Shumway, and Plote. Nays: none

Motion Carried on 5-0 Vote.

7. Approval Of Reading Of 2017-2018 Parent/Student Handbook Kinney moved and Anderson seconded the motion to approve the reading of the 2017-2018 Parent/Student Handbook.

There are several minor changes in this first reading of the 2017-2018 Parent/Student Handbook. Mrs. Moore explained if there are further changes, they would be a result of mandates from summer legislation. Administration listed a few noteworthy changes: -PRESS updates on ELL -Head lice attendance requirements -Extra-curricular code of conduct -PE exemption requirements -Middle school grading period changing from trimesters back to semesters -Excused vs unexcused absences

The Board was provided an electronic copy of the handbook.

Ayes: Kinney, Riskedal, Shumway, Anderson, and Plote. Nays: none

Motion Carried on 5-0 Vote.

8. Approve Tentative Amendments To The Fy 2017 Budget Anderson moved and Riskedal seconded the motion to approve the amendments to the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget.

Mrs. Moore explained the budget is a working document, which is why we have amendments to the approved budget at the beginning of the fiscal year. She is not anticipating any adjustments at this time. Snow removal and vehicle fuel were two expenses that came in under budget. There is now an additional special education expense for student placement at an external school. Also, the budget for curriculum materials will need to be adjusted to account for the addition of a Spanish classroom teacher, and also to reflect the proposed curriculum purchases on this month’s agenda.

Ayes: Riskedal, Shumway, Anderson, Kinney, and Plote. Nays: none

Motion Carried on 5-0 Vote.

9. Approval Of 2017-2018 Professional Development In-Service Program Anderson moved and Riskedal seconded the motion to approve the proposed 2017-2018 professional development in-service program.

Mr. Bickel, Mrs. Moore and the School Improvement Team have worked to implement a program emphasizing the new curriculum materials in math and science. All grade levels will be utilizing the Discovery Ed curriculum which includes its own professional development program. Go Math, the proposed K-8 math curriculum, provides teachers with in-depth support and embedded professional development videos and tips. Stephanie Atchley from Lease will be working with faculty going over special education laws, 504 plan regulations, and co- teaching/co-planning between special education and core classroom instructors.

Ayes: Shumway, Anderson, Kinney, Riskedal and Plote Nays: none

Motion Carried on 5-0 Vote.

10. Approval Of High-School Wide Title I Status Anderson moved and Shumway seconded the motion to approve moving the high school title program from targeted to school-wide status.

Mrs. Moore gave a little background on the Title I Program. Some of the background research needed to move the District from targeted Title I to school-wide Title I includes documenting interventions on low income students. At least 40% of the district’s population must qualify as low income families to receiving school-wide Title I funding. With the move from Targeted Assisted Programs to school-wide Title I, the District will have more flexibility while using those funds. Expenditures will still follow all ISBE guidelines as well as federal accountability for appropriate use.

This is the first time the high school met the qualifications for Title I status, this will take effect for the 2017-2018 school year at the high school level. The elementary school had previously qualified. Once a school qualifies for Title I funding, they will always qualify.

Ayes: Anderson, Kinney, Riskedal, Shumway, and Plote. Nays: none

Motion Carried on 5-0 Vote.

11. Approve The Proposed Curriculum Materials Anderson moved and Kinney seconded the motion to approve curriculum materials that have been on display for the required 30 days as follows:

From Discovery Education: online science curriculum for grades K through 12 and a social studies curriculum for grades 8-12 Cost: $23,090 for 6 years - $2533/year

From Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: the Go Math! Hybrid (print and online support and interventions) split for grades K-5 and grades 6-8 Cost: K-5 $26,825 for 6 years 6-8 $10,946 for 6 years.

Discovery Education will divide the total cost into payments over the 6 years, HMH will not divide the payments.

Ayes: Kinney, Riskedal, Shumway, Anderson and Plote Nays: none

Motion Carried on 5-0 Vote.

12. Approval Of Bank Depositories For FY 2018 Riskedal moved and Anderson seconded the motion to approve the recognition of PMS, First Midwest Bank, Heartland Bank, Resource Bank, First State Bank, and Pioneer Bank as identified bank depositories for Leland Community Unit District #1 for fiscal year 2018.

Currently all deposits are with PMA and First Midwest Bank. Approval of this list, will allow the District to contact the other institutions for best rates when investments are due for renewal.

Ayes: Riskedal, Shumway, Anderson, Kinney, and Plote. Nays: none

Motion Carried on 5-0 vote.

13. Approve Summer Maintenance Employment Kinney moved and Anderson seconded the motion to employ five seasonal employees, at minimum wage for the summer maintenance schedule for 40 hours/week.

The positions will be offered to the same five employees as last summer before posting the openings.

On a voice vote, the motion carried 5-0.

14. Approval of Cafeteria Prices for Fiscal Year 2018 Anderson moved and Riskedal seconded the motion to set and approve cafeteria menu prices for FY 2018.

The Board approved proposed cafeteria price changes at the March meeting, but voted to postpone voting on milk prices and second serving charges. The lunch price increase is necessary to comply with the Paid Lunch Equity Mandate. After further discussion with Mrs. Osborne and reaching out to area schools regarding their cafeteria prices, the proposed prices for 2017-2018 fall within reason:

K-5 lunch: $2.65 6-8 lunch: $2.85 9-12 lunch: $3.00 Adult lunch: $4.15 (no change from 2016-2017 prices) Breakfast: $1.90 (no change from 2016-2017 prices) Milk: $0.40 Second Serving: $0.75

Ayes: Riskedal, Shumway, Anderson, Kinney, and Plote. Nays: none

Motion Carried on 5-0 Vote.

15. Approve Posting Of Milk And Bread Bids Anderson moved and Shumway seconded the motion to approve the posting for milk and bread bids for the 2017-2018 school year.

This is an annual requirement for all districts.

On a voice vote, the motion carried 5-0.

16. Approve Contractual Agreement With Hillmann Pediatric Therapy, P.C. For 2017-2018 Anderson moved and Kinney seconded the motion to approve the contractual agreement for physical and occupational services with Hillman Pediatric Therapy, P.C. for the 2017-2018 school-year.

Ayes: Shumway, Anderson, Kinney, Riskedal and Plote. Nays: none

Motion Carried on 5-0 Vote

17. Approve Agreement With Alpha Controls & Services, Llc For Replacement Of The Building Management System Anderson moved and Riskedal seconded the motion to approve the proposal from Alpha Controls & Services, LLC to upgrade the current facility universal controller system.

Mrs. Moore and Mr. Bland both spoke on the current state of the building management system, a 20 year old system from Niagara Framework Universal Network Controller. This system has reached the end of its life cycle and it is recommended to replace the system Before the current one breaks down. Replacement of the system during summer months would assure no disruption in attendance days that might be possible during the school year. The proposal from Alpha Controls offers the best system for our facility for $19,149. The proposal includes an addition to the project of updating the control units for the Media Center at a cost savings of approximately $2,500. The proposal to update the Media Center is $9,281.

Ayes: Anderson, Kinney, Riskedal, Shumway, and Plote. Nays: none

Motion Carried on 5-0 Vote.

18. Approve The Addition Of Extra-Curricular Activity Account Anderson moved and Kinney seconded the motion to approve the addition of an extra-curricular activity account to the list of District Activity Accounts.

This account would be to unify all the existing athletic activity accounts and merge them into a single activity account. Mr. Zaleski hopes this account would be used in a similar manner to an athletic boosters account. It would be available for middle school and high school programs, both athletic and non-athletic, as the need arises. He also said this would be a trial period for athletic fundraisers that have seemed to multiply in recent years. Mrs. Plote asked if there was a minimum or maximum amount set on the account. Mr. Zaleski said not at this time.

Ayes: Kinney, Riskedal, Shumway, Anderson and Plote Nays: none

Motion Carried on 5-0 Vote.

19. Establish And Approve Board Regular Meeting Schedule For 2017-2018 Anderson moved and Riskedal seconded the motion to approve the dates and times for the regularly scheduled Board meeting calendar for Leland CUSD #1.

The June 2017 meeting is in the current fiscal year and is set for June 21, 7:30 pm in the Conference Room. Moving forward, and keeping the meeting day on the third Wednesday of each month, a list of proposed dates follows:

July 19, 2017 August 16 September 20 October 18 November 15 December 20 January 17, 2018 February 21 March 21 April 18 May 16 June 20

Upon discussion, the Board selected to move the Board of Education meetings to the Media Center on the proposed schedule of dates, and revising the start time from 7:30 pm to 7:00 pm.

On a voice vote, the motion carried 5-0.

20. Approve First Reading of Policies: 2:100, 3:70, 4:15, 4:180, 5:70, 5:80, 5:110, 5:120, 5:140, 5:210, 5:230, 5:285, 5:300, 5:320, 6:70, 6:185, 7:100 Anderson moved and Shumway seconded the motion to approve the first reading of policies 2:100, 3:70, 4:15, 4:180, 5:70, 5:80, 5:110, 5:120, 5:140, 5:210, 5:230, 5:285, 5:300, 5:320, 6:70, 6:185, 7:100.

Mrs. Moore reported all the policy changes are Press recommended updates. Most are minor wording and footnote changes for compliance.

On a voice vote, the motion carried 5-0.

21. Approval of Administration Report Kinney moved and Anderson seconded the motion to accept the Building Principal Administration Report.

Mr. Bickel shared the IVVC awards and recognitions presented to Leland students at their May 11th awards banquet:

Over the course of the school year the following committees meet to review school policy and to remain in compliance with school code including the mandate for parent teacher advisory committee members (PTAC) ;

Safety/Crisis Committee - 11/8/2016

Wellness Committee - 4/18/2017

Student Support Committee (SAP Team) - Meets regularly to review student progress and plans.

Concussion Oversight Team - 4/18/2017

Joint Committee - 3/9/17

Discipline Committee (Through School Improvement Team)

Curriculum Committee (Through School Improvement Team)

School Improvement Team Dates - 8/19, 10/26, 11/2, 12/7, 1/25, 2/8, 3⁄8, 5/3, 5/17

Mr. Bickel reported the Community Awards Night was a success and all feedback was positive. His hope is that this will be an event the school and community will make a priority in future years and will plan on continuing to have on the second Thursday of May. There were approximately 160 community and school members at the dinner portion and 240 in attendance at the awards ceremony. Almost all community organizations participated in the event.

Senior Trips – This year the Senior Class will have three day trips planned:

5/15 - Chicago

5/16 - East Dundee (Paintball)

5/17 - Starved Rock

Prom/Post Prom - Prom was held on 5/6 at Pitstick’s Pavilion and was hosted by the Junior Class. The prom theme this year was the Roaring 20’s. There were 49 attendees (Students and adults). Thirty-six students participated in the prom walk that was put on by the Student Council. Thirty-nine students attended the post prom event that took place at Sky Zone in Naperville, which is sponsored by SADD.

Online Registration - Online Registration is open for the 2017-2018 schoolyear. All fees have been updated. Families have the opportunity to pay all fees and register through the school website or in the office. The district will still hold open registration days on Aug. 1st and 2nd. We will accept paper registration forms for this year but the hope is to move to all electronic in the future.

State and Local Testing - All State and local testing has concluded for the 16-17 school year. The following tests were given and data will be presented on all when available.

Test Grade level State/Local Test Administered

PARCC 3-8 State 3/6-3/24

SAT 11 State 4/5/16

PSAT 8/9 & 10 9 and 10 State 02/22/17

Illinois Science Assessment 5,8, and 10 State 4/19/17

AIMS WEB K,1 Local Aug, Jan, May

MAP K-10 Local Aug, Jan, May

Mr. Bickel presented enrollment reports electronically to the Board and included a list of upcoming dates:

5/21 - Graduation (2:00pm)

5/25-26 - HS Finals

5/26 - Last Day of Student Attendance

5/30 - Teacher Institute Day

Mrs. Moore discussed a standing agreement with Prairie Crossing in Shabbona for using Leland School as an alternative emergency/crisis safe site. This is renewed every ten years.

On a voice vote, the motion carried 5-0.

22. Discussion of Somonauk Grading Scale Mrs. Moore explained that Leland High School uses a 90-80-70-60 grading scale and a 4.0 grade point scale. Letter grades are used and assigned a point value: A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1. For high school students taking courses at Somonauk, their letter grade transfers over to be used on report cards and on student transcripts. Somonauk uses this grading scale:

A 100-93 B 92-85 C 84-76 D 75-70 F 69 and below

Students are made aware of the grading scale difference when they begin their Somonauk courses. A problem arises when we have students taking Honors courses in Somonauk, as they are weighted grades – an A earns 5 grade points. She recommends the Board consider making a policy specifically for students that enroll in advanced, or AP courses at Somonauk. The students are losing the advantage of the weighted grade for the GPA, and also risking earning a lower point value for GPA calculation due to the tighter grading scale Somonauk uses. The policy could allow for the numerical percentage earned in the course to transfer to Leland, and then the student would earn the letter grade consistent with the Leland grading scale for a more fair calculation of GPA.

23. Discussion of the Food Service Audits There were two separate food service audits conducted this year. ISBE hired a third party to review procedures of Leland School following filing mandates for compliance with federal regulations. The only action was explaining why we had not been adhering to the Paid Lunch Equity calculator prior to setting lunch prices. The second audit was more comprehensive. The written audit results have not been shared to date. However, administration was told there were only minor paperwork adjustments. Mrs. Moore will share audit results with the Board once they are received.

24. Discussion of Athletic Co-op Committee Mrs. Plote gave the Board’s statement on the recent article published in the Earlville Post earlier during open forum. No further discussion was held.

25. Discussion of Feasibility Committee The Feasibility Committee has not met since the last board meeting. Mrs. Moore has contacted Somonauk and Serena Districts to determine when their new Boards will be ready to meet and discuss possibilities for a feasibility study. Earlville is also in agreement to meet in the fall for the discussion. Indian Creek Board has already voted to participate in a study.

26. Discussion of Facilities Committee The Facilities Committee has not met recently. As part of the 10-year Life/Health Survey, Mrs. Moore and Mr. Hecathorn have met with some masonry contractors to discuss what updates and repairs will be needed. Other items that will need attention over the summer include CO wiring, obtaining painting proposals, replacing some of the doors, and updating the fire alarm panel.

27. Discussion of Custodial Opening Mr. Bickel reported there have been two candidates that applied for the head custodial position. Interviews will be scheduled.

28. Executive Session Riskedal moved and Anderson seconded the motion to go into executive session to discuss matters related to the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.

Ayes: Riskedal, Shumway, Anderson, Kinney, and Plote. Nays: none

Motion Carried on 5-0 vote and the meeting entered closed session at 9:10pm.

29. Motion To Approve Superintendent Performance Evaluation For Jodi Moore Riskedal moved and Kinney seconded the motion to approve Superintendent Jodi Moore’s performance evaluation.

Ayes: Kinney, Riskedal, Shumway, Wold, Anderson, and Plote Nays: none

Motion Carried on 6-0 Vote.

30. Motion To Approve Principal Contract Agreement For Chris Bickel Riskedal moved and Kinney seconded the motion to approve the Administrative Contractual Agreement for Chris Bickel.

Ayes: Riskedal, Shumway, Wold, Anderson, Kinney, and Plote Nays: none

Motion Carried on 6-0 vote.

31. Motion To Approve Additional Action Item(S) Resulting From Executive Session Wold moved and Riskedal seconded the motion to approve Amanda Dean as the Junior Class sponsor for the upcoming 2017-2018 school year.

Ayes: Shumway, Wold, Anderson, Kinney, Riskedal, and Plote Nays: none

Motion Carried on 6-0 vote.

32. Adjournment Wold moved, and Riskedal seconded the motion to adjourn.

On a voice vote, motion carried 6-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:55 pm.



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