
Illinois Valley Times

Monday, January 13, 2025

Seneca Community Consolidated School District 170 Board of Education met June 21.

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Seneca Community Consolidated School District 170 Board of Education met June 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Education met for their regular scheduled meeting at 7:10 p.m. on June 21st, 2017 at the Seneca Grade School North Campus Board Room.

Vice President Thompson called for roll call.

Present: Applebee, Mancuso, Quigley, and Thompson.

Absent: Hovious, Sangston, and Sulzberger

Quigley moved to accept the regular and closed session minutes for the May 17th, 2017 meeting, seconded by Applebee.

Yeas: Applebee, Mancuso, Quigley, and Thompson.

Nays: None

Hearing of Citizens: No Comments

Hearing of Teachers: Patty Wagner, 7th Lit./Lang. teacher, discussed a couple of the service projects the students did at the end of the school year. The students took pride in cleaning up part of the canal and helping “Feed My Starving Children” organization. Looking forward to next year not a lot will change but she will be implementing iXL, an ELA software that will focus more on grammar and spelling lessons. Heather Corrigan, Preschool teacher will be looking forward to implementing next year with her students the Engage NY math. At this point there are still openings in the three year old program. New student registration to be held Friday, July 28th, 2017.

Quigley moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report as given by secretary: Education $504,708.33; Building $95,618.79; Transportation $47,654.59; IMRF $22,535.86; Capitol Projects $12,000.00. Totaling $680,832.17; seconded by Mancuso. Supt. Misener also let the board know that Mike Vezzetti will be at the July board meeting to give the annual review of investments.

Yeas: Applebee, Mancuso, Quigley, and Thompson.

Nays: None

Mancuso moved to pay the following monthly bills: Education $64,887.48; Building $57,944.89; Transportation $43,141.65; Capitol Projects $12,000.00 Totaling $177,974.02; seconded by Hovious.

Yeas: Applebee, Mancuso, Quigley, and Thompson.

Nays: None

Quigley moved to approve the prevailing wage requirement for LaSalle County; seconded by Mancuso.

Yeas: Applebee, Mancuso, Quigley, and Thompson.

Nays: None

Mancuso moved to approve the 2016-2017 North and South Campus safety drill reports as presented; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Applebee, Mancuso, Quigley, and Thompson.

Nays: None

Quigley moved to accept the low base bid for South Campus Daikin chiller from Ruyle Mechanical, Peoria, IL at a cost of $153,687.00; seconded by Applebee. It will line up closely with the unit that is being replaced. Four contractors submitted bids. Work should be completed before school starts. A crane will lift out the old chiller, additional concrete work will need to be done and programming.

Yeas: Applebee, Mancuso, Quigley, and Thompson.

Nays: None

Superintendent Misener updated the board on maintenance and housekeeping summer projects. The new wax stripper machine that was purchased has speeded up waxing and using less chemicals. The south campus folding partitions and bathroom stalls work has been completed. The construction of the parking lot at the baseball field should start right after July 4th.

Principal McGhee thanked the P.S.O. for the sponsoring Expect more activities and rewards for the students. The teacher talent show is always a highlight for students the last day of school. Principal McGhee recognized the 5 students that had perfect attendance this year; Taylor Miner, 2nd grade, Clara Bruno, 4th grade, Addison Frye, 4th grade, Aubrie Jackson, 4th grade and Casey Klinker, 4th grade. She has been busy working on schedules, state reporting and ordering materials for the new self-contained preschool room. Summer school will begin July 17th and roughly 35 students at the North Campus will be attending. All summer classes K-8 will be held at the North Campus.

Principal Severson also thanked the P.S.O. for sponsoring the 8th grade Great America field trip and students t-shirts. P.S.O. was also generous and supported the fifth thru seventh grade picnic at the park with food and games. The athletic coaches have sponsored many open gyms and camps for our girls volleyball, girls and boys basketball teams during the month of June.

Mancuso moved to go into Executive Session at 7:30 p.m. for legal and personnel; seconded by Applebee.

Yeas: Applebee, Mancuso, Quigley, and Thompson.

Nays: None

Quigley moved to return to Open Session at 8:08 p.m.; seconded by Mancuso.

Yeas: Applebee, Mancuso, Quigley, and Thompson.

Nays: None

Quigley moved to accept the resignation from Sarah Timmons, A.D./psychologist secretary for the upcoming school year, with regret; seconded by Mancuso.

Yeas: Applebee, Mancuso, Quigley, and Thompson.

Nays: None

Quigley moved to accept the retirement letter from Sue Hetelle, 3 hour housekeeping position for the upcoming school year, with regret; seconded by Mancuso.

Yeas: Applebee, Mancuso, Quigley, and Thompson.

Nays: None

Quigley moved to hire Mary Steenbergen for the technology assistant position, effect July 1st, 2017; seconded by Mancuso.

Yeas: Applebee, Mancuso, Quigley, and Thompson.

Nays: None

Quigley moved to hire Terri Helland, 2 hour cafeteria position, effect for the 2017-2018 school year; seconded by Mancuso.

Yeas: Applebee, Mancuso, Quigley, and Thompson.

Nays: None

Communications: JoAnn Stubblefield thanked the board for the gift card received at her retirement. Board received several thank yous from SGS Foundation Scholarship winners; Cole Westmoreland, Rachel Sangston and Matilda Edwards.

Old Business: S.G.S Foundation Golf Outing will be held Sunday, July 9th and are looking for more golf teams.

New Business: School Board Convention will be held November 17-19. RSVP to Dianne if you can attend.

Quigley moved to adjourn at 8:20 p.m.; seconded by Mancuso

Yeas: Applebee, Mancuso, Quigley, and Thompson.

Nays: None
