Bureau Valley Community Unit School District 340 Board of Education met July 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Determining that a quorum was present, President King called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 pm and directed the Secretary to call the roll.
Roll Call
Present: Johnson, King, Olds, Siltman (via phone), Wiggim
Absent: Yepsen
It was moved by Olds and seconded by Johnson to appoint Karen Sierens as secretary Pro-tem.
Voice Vote Motion Passed
There was no public comment.
The demolition of the Buda building was re-bid. On July 6, 2017, new demolition bids were accepted and
opened. Twelve contractors had attended the pre-bid meeting earlier, however only four contractors turned in bids. Burke Excavating Inc turned in the lowest bid of $295,395.00. Other bids were as follows: Hood Demolition and Excavation for $348,000, Valley Construction for $499,954 and Alpine
Demoltion for $512,600.
It was moved by Wiggim and seconded by Olds to approve the demoltion bid of Burke Excavation Inc for $295,395 as presented.
Roll Call
Ayes: King, Johnson, Olds, Wiggim
Nays: Siltman
Motion Carried 4-1-1 Absent
King announced that the Building Committee would be touring buildings and looking for projects that need completed. He also reported that the asbestos removal in the Buda building was on schedule. King also informed those present of some community meetings that will be held this week to inform the public about the proposed bond issue.
King then asked the board members if they had questions regarding the new hires that needed to be discussed in executive session. Seeing none, it was moved by Olds and seconded by Wiggim to approve employment of Sheri Litherland as ¼ Time District Curriculum Director, Eric Gardiner as BVHS English Teacher, Samual (Scott) Popejoy as BVHS Math Teacher, Nancy Bucalo as BVS Junior High ELA/Math Interventionist and Lisa Wilt as BVHS Paraprofessional.
Voice Vote: Motion Passed
It was moved by Johnson and seconded by Wiggim to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Voice Vote: Motion Carried