
Illinois Valley Times

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Princeton Elementary School District 115 Board of Education met June 26.

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Princeton Elementary School District 115 Board of Education met June 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regular meeting of the Princeton Elementary District #115 Board of Education was held Monday, June 26, 2017, at Logan Jr. High. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Judd Lusher. The roll was called with the following members in attendance: Steve Bouslog, Mark Frank, Doris Hamilton and Terry O’Neil. J.P. Aley and Elizabeth Arkels were absent. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Superintendent Tim Smith and Recording Secretary Lisa Bettner were also in attendance. Administrator Amanda Carr was present as well.

Agenda Amendments: None.

Public Participation: None.

Program / Recognition: Mrs. Carr presented the new Homework Lunch program that will be used this year. Students will go during their lunch hour to receive help finishing homework, or additional help with homework. This will not be a disciplinary measure, but rather a positive experience for students to complete homework if they are unable to do so outside of the classroom.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion made by Mr. O’Neil, second by Mrs. Hamilton, to dispense of Executive Session. All ayes. Motion carried.

Approval of Agenda: Motion made by Mr. O’Neil, second by Mr. Frank, to approve the Agenda. All ayes. Motion carried.

Approval of Consent Agenda Items: Motion made by Mr. Frank, second by Mrs. Hamilton, to approve the Consent Agenda. Roll call vote. All ayes. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent. Motion carried.

Administrative/Staff Presentation: None.

Superintendent’s Report:

Mr. Smith gave the end of May financial report in detail. The state owes $718,316 to us at this time. (Education Fund is $608,414 and Transportation Fund is at $109,902).

Mr. Smith spoke with State Rep. Dan Swanson and an Assistant for Weaver regarding the formula change being presented.

Informational Items:

Mr. Bouslog and Mr. Lusher met with Tim for a Finance Committee Meeting. It appears that we are not going to need to use anticipation warrants even if the State does not make another payment. The committee talked about the next 12 months finances, and will keep the Tax Anticipation Warrants on the agenda.

Action Items:

Mr. Frank made a motion, second by Mr. O’Neil to approve the Prevailing Wage Resolution. Roll call vote. All ayes. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent. Motion carried.

Mrs. Hamilton made a motion to accept the resignation of Erica Rodefer, Transportation Secretary, with regret. Mr. O’Neil seconded the motion. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mrs. Hamilton, second by Mr. O’Neil, to approve the hiring of Brittney Borovicka, Paraprofessional at Jefferson. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mrs. Hamilton, second by Mr. O’Neil, to approve the hiring of Samantha Quanstrom, 3rd grade teacher, at Lincoln. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mrs. Hamilton, second by Mr. Frank, to approve the hiring of Lindsay Philhower, Special Education at Logan Junior High. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mrs. Hamilton, second by Mr. O’Neil, to approve the hiring of Cassandra Gunawan, Language Arts at Logan. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mr. O’Neil, second by Mrs. Hamilton, to approve the hiring of Amy Novak, Paraprofessional at Douglas. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mr. O’Neil, second by Mrs. Hamilton, to approve the hiring of Kylee Gutshall, Douglas Before School Supervision. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mrs. Hamilton, second by Mr. O’Neil, to approve the hiring of Eileen Behrends, Logan Lunch supervision. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mrs. Hamilton, second by Mr. O’Neil, to approve the hiring of Anne Johnson, Logan Lunch supervision. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mrs. Hamilton, second by Mr. O’Neil, to approve the hiring of Christie Lucas, Logan Lunch supervision. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mrs. Hamilton, second by Mr. O’Neil, to approve the hiring of Andrew Strickler, Logan Lunch supervision. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mr. O’Neil, second by Mr. Frank, to approve the hiring of Amanda Jecklin, Lincoln Paraprofessional. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mr. O’Neil, second by Mrs. Hamilton, to approve the hiring of Brittany Harzheim, Paraprofessional for the BEST Program. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mr. O’Neil, second by Mr. Bouslog to approve the 2017-18 Board Calendar. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mr. Bouslog, second by Mr. O’Neil, to approve the 12-month employee salary increases up to 3%. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mr. Bouslog, second by Mr. O’Neil to approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mr. Bouslog, second by Mr. Frank, to approve the Appraisal Cost of $1200 for property adjacent to Jefferson, by Farm Credit Services. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mr. O’Neil, second by Mr. Frank, to approve the Speech Therapy contract with Communication Associates in the amount of $70 per hour for evaluations, therapy session, parent conferences, staffings and staff meetings. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mr. O’Neil, second by Mrs. Hamilton, to approve the Speech Therapy contract with Jennifer Donnelly, in the amount of $61 per hour for evaluations, therapy session, parent conferences, staffings and staff meetings. Roll call vote. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent. Roll call vote.

Motion made by Mr. Frank, second by Mr. Bouslog, to approve the milk bid with Prairie Farms in the amount of.2445 cents for White and.26 cents for Chocolate Milk. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mr. Bouslog, second by Mr. Frank, to approve the bread bid from Bimbo Bakeries, of $1.65 for White Bread, $1.72 for Hamburger Buns, and $2.86 for Hot Dog Buns. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Motion made by Mr. Bouslog, second by Mrs. Hamilton, to approve the update to the District Wellness Policy as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Aley and Mrs. Arkels absent.

Future District / Board Considerations: Mr. Bouslog asked about meeting dates for the Board Self-Evaluation. This item will be discussed with Ms. Martinez, and dates decided upon in the near future.


Motion made by Mr. O’Neil, second by Mr. Bouslog, to adjourn at 6:15 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried.
