
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sandwich City Council met August 14.

Sandwich City Council met Aug. 14.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Approval of Minutes from the Regular Meeting of July 24th, 2017 and the Committee-of-the-Whole Council Meeting of August 7th, 2017.

Approval of August Semi-Monthly Bills in the total amount of $ 154,576.19

Mayor Olson:

(1) Clean-up at 1251 E. 6th Street

(2) Financial Assistant request for applications / resumes

(3) Fuel Tanks – Intergovernmental Agreement

Foster, Buick, Conklin, Lundgren & Tritt Law Group:

City Clerk:

City Treasurer:

Director of Public Works Engineer Horak:

(1) Brush Pickup: Ward 2

(2) 2017 Lisbon Street – Green to Main Reconstruction Project:

a. Recommendation of approval of pay request #1 in an amount of $189,647.10 to H. Linden & Sons Sewer and Water, Inc. of Plano, IL.

b. Traffic control update

(3) 2017 Street Maintenance Project (17-00000-01-GM):

a. Lions Road work completed – new striping pattern for bus right turn lane

b. Sandy Bluff Road and pavement patch on Main Street scheduled for August 14th

(4) 2017 Center Street Lighting Project:

a. Delivery of poles is scheduled for week of August 14th. Work is scheduled to be completed prior to Labor Day.

(5) Discussion of August 9th water main break on Wells Street in front of 615 S. Wells Street

(6) 16-00000-01-GM: 2016 Concrete Street Maintenance punch list to be completed in August  2017

(7) 16-00000-02-GM: 2016 Hot-Mix Asphalt Street Maintenance punch list to be completed soon

(8) Revisions to Section 74-168 of the Municipal Code prohibiting parking at any time.

a. (5) On the south side of Lions Road from the eastern right-of-way line of Main Street to a point 150 feet east of the eastern right-of-way line of Cindy Lane.

b. (12) On the north side of Lions Road from a point 150 feet east of the eastern right-of-way line of Main Street to a point 500 feet east of the eastern Wells Street right-of-way.

c. (13) On the west side of Wells Street from the southern right-of-way line of Lions Road to a point 75 feet south of said southern right-of-way line of Lions Road.

Chief Bianchi:

(1) Ordinance 2017-12 entitled “An Ordinance Amending Chapter One, Section 1-5 of the Municipal

Code of Sandwich, Illinois to Add Subsection (d) Regarding Collection Fees and Costs”. As authorized under State law (65 ILCS 5/1-2-1), this ordinance would change the City Code to allow the City to recover costs associated with collection activity from violators.

(2) Resolution 17-08 entitled “A Resolution Authorizing a Collection Services Agreement with Municipal Collections of America (MCOA)”. This Resolution would allow the Mayor to hire a collection agency to collect municipal fines and penalties in certain situations.


Alderwoman Chmielewski:

(1) Discussion to review no parking during school hours between Sunrise and Webb

(2) Discussion on crosswalks on S. Main Street

Alderman Dell:

Alderman Kelleher:

Alderwoman Killey:

Alderman McMahon:

Alderman O’Sullivan:

Alderman Redden:

Alderman Robinson:

New Business:

Audience Comments:

