
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, January 12, 2025

City of Peru Park and Recreation Committee met July 11.

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City of Peru Park and Recreation Committee met July 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Ray Zborowski called the meeting to order at 6:32

Attendance: Board Chairman-Ray Zborowski, Board Members- Janice Grabowski, Steve Michelini, Bill Steve, Linda Dzierzynski, and John Fusinatto and Recreation Director- Seth Brannan

Absent: Simon Kampwerth Jr.

I- Guest

Peru Alderman-Mike Sapienza

II- Previous Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes of June 13, 2017 Meeting was made by Steve M and seconded by Bill S. The motion passed unanimously.

III- Revenue and Expense Report

Bill S reported on the revenue and expense report dated June 30, 2017. A motion to approve was made by Steve M and seconded by Janice G. The motion passed unanimously.

IV- New Business

Communications: Janice G discussed that she is working with Jeff Shaw of Little League on details of the letter pertaining to future Little League projects. The letter is to be presented to the Mayer and Peru City Council.

Ray Z reported on an email received in regards to a Minor League baseball organization coming to the area. Seth B will follow up to see what the proposal entails and report back to the board members.

Pickleball Rules: The proposed pickleball rules were discussed and it was decided that established court rules were not needed at this time.

Recap of Movie in the Park: Discussion of the events held the night of June 16th included cheer camp presentation, library storytelling presentation, Boy Scout concessions, and movie. Overall the night was a great success for all involved, with many kids and families in attendance. There was discussion to possibly move events/presentations closer together next year.

Recap of Touch a Truck: Discussion of attendance, community involvement, Boy Scout concessions, and the bounce house was held. There was a nice representation of trucks, emergency vehicles, and equipment in which many people seemed to enjoy. The bounce house and concessions were also very popular at the event. There was discussion to enhance and push back the start time of the safety demonstration next year.

Recap of Fireworks: Discussion of the vendors, bounce house, car show, attendance, and duration and of display of fireworks. There was a great turn out of people at the mall as well as various other observation locations. Utilization of the bounce house and vendors were also observed to be a success. All proceeds from the Car Cruise, in the amount of $350, was donated by the Car Cruise at the Peru Mall back to the Peru Parks and Recreation department.

J and M Displays: Discussion was held in regards of J and M Display, to provide concessions (fireworks) for the succeeding next two years, subject to an annual evaluation. Further discussion will be tabled until next month’s meeting.

Update on Summer Programs: Seth B presented an update on the summer recreation programs. A chart is being kept so show attendance at each of the camps. The camps have been a huge success thus far as there have been over 400 different kids involved with several attending multiple camps/programs. Camps will continue throughout the month of July.

Ax Church/Hope Week: There was discussion of volunteer work in the city parks performed by Ax Church. Volunteer work included, but not limited to, painting benches, painting playground equipment, painting the wall at the cemetery, and staining the dock at Baker Lake. Ax Church will be recognized and thanked with a letter and gift.

New Board Member: John Fusinatto was recognized as a new Peru Park and Recreation board member. John F was appointed by the City of Peru Mayor with the advise and consent of the City Council.

Disk Golf: Ray Z will go to the City Council meeting on July 24th with Pete E in support of disc golf. The date of July 10th was postponed until July 24th.

28th St Park: Discussion to add signage to 28th Street Park, recognizing it as such, was had. A motion to add signage was made by Steve M and seconded by Bill S. The motion passed unanimously.

V- Unfinished Business

T-Ball: Discussion of allowing Little League Baseball to take over the T-Ball program was had. A motion to turn over T-ball was made by Steve M and seconded by Janice G. The motion passed unanimously.

VI- Public Comment


VII- Adjournment

A motion to adjourn was made at 8:00 by Linda D and seconded by Janice G. The motion passed unanimously.
