
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Ottawa Playground and Recreation Board met July 13.

Webp meeting 06

City of Ottawa Playground and Recreation Board met July 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Recreation Board Members Present: Steve Kuhn, Phil McNally, Maribeth Manigold, John Levy, Austin Monroe, Kevin Quick, Randy Bretag, Danielle Piagentini, Brian Porter (Mark Astle,

Director of Recreation and Tracy Bianchi, Riordan Pool Director).

Others attending the meeting: Commissioner Less

Guests: none

Recreation Board Members Absent: None

1. Maribeth moved to approve June minutes. Austin second. Motion passed.

2. The board tabled acceptance of the June Pool and Recreation financial statements until the statements were complete with both Revenue and Expenditures.

3. Pool: Tracy reported on the following:

a. Opening day and attendance in June

b. The concession stand profit in June.

c. The number of swim passes and rentals

d. The revenue derived from entrance fees

e. James Jobst’s injury

4. Commissioner’s report: None

5. Director’s Report:

a. Adult Softball

i. Rain had caused a number of rescheduling concerns in June, but most games had been made up.

ii. People initially complained about the new bat rules, but the complaints have mostly subsided.

b. Summer Recreation Programs

i. Programs

1. Mark reported that all but four camps were completed.

2. 1696 registrants registered for camps to this point.

ii. Parks

1. Parks had been well attended overall as had Monday and Friday afternoon swim.

2. Special Events: 90 kids at Peck Park Picnic, 180 at the morning movie, 360 at the magic show, 145 at skate party. These were all equal to or had higher attendance than last year.

c. Website – Mark thanked Austin for his help redoing the Rec website. Mark reported on increased efforts to use social media as a communication tool.

6. Old Business – Striping a Lincoln Douglas tennis court for Pickle ball has been completed.

7. Long Range Planning and Board Goals

a. Construction in Progress – none

b. Park Inspections – None

c. Long Range Plans – None

d. Bike Paths – Mark was to pay the bill for the Rec board share of the bike lane striping.

e. New Subdivisions and city acquisitions –None.

8. Committee Reports

a. By-laws (Austin) – None

b. Financial (Kevin) – Kevin reported that the board had $17,000 obligated but not yet spent.

c. Parks (John) – None.

d. Programs – (Phil)

i. Phil reported on the Ottawa Youth Soccer League’s request to reserve Whitney Field and the Lincoln Douglass South Soccer field Saturdays 8/19 through 10/21 for games only. By acclamation the board approved the request.

ii. Phil asked the board to approve $1000 to OBB to cover Whitney Field Maintenance costs. John moved to give OBB $1000. Kevin Second. Roll Call: All Ayes (Phil Abstained). Motion passed.

e. Pool (Danielle) – None.

9. New Business – Rotary is looking for a new project. The board discussed possibilities.

10. Meeting adjourned.
