
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Seneca Community Consolidated School District 170 Board of Education met August 16.

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Seneca Community Consolidated School District 170 Board of Education met Aug. 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Board of Education met for their regular scheduled meeting at 7:00 p.m. on August 16th, 2017 at the Seneca Grade School North Campus Board Room.

President Sangston called for roll call.

Present: Applebee, Hovious, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Absent: Mancuso and Quigley

Thompson moved to accept the regular and closed session minutes for the July 19th, 2017 meeting; seconded by Hovious.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Hearing of Citizens: No Comments

Hearing of Teachers: Hope Fabris, RTI math teacher, talked about the new Matific program and the training teachers at north campus received today. This additional curriculum will meet additional needs for our students in math. She will also be heading to Waltham on Friday for more training on Eureka Math. Margi Monahan, 2nd grade teacher, also commented on the Promethean board training teachers received today. It was great to have a refresher course and learn a few new tips on using this tool in the classroom. She is looking forward to the start of the new school year.

Thompson moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report as given by secretary: Education $506,378.67; Building $82,014.23, Transportation $1,251.99; IMRF $17,902.20; Tort $790.00; and Capital Projects $134,792.88; Totaling $743,129.97; seconded by Hovious.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to pay the following monthly bills: Education $125,825.61; Building $46,422.16; Transportation $586.49; Tort $790.00; Capitol Projects $134,792.88 Total $308,417.14; seconded by Sulzberger.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Hovious moved to approve the listed policy revisions; 2:210, 2:260, 4:70, 6:80, 6:180, 6:210, 6:290, 6:330, 7:80; 7:160, 7.275, and 8:70; seconded by Thompson.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Quigley arrived at 7:08 p.m.

Supt. Misener updated the board on the progress of summer projects. The chiller is in and working well and Ryle has completed the punch list while DCI have programed and trained maintenance on controls. The parking lot by baseball field is complete and has been striped and ready for use. The new electronic sign at north campus is working and Mrs. McGhee is looking forward to using it.

Hovious moved to approve the 2017-2018 tentative board budget and will hold budget hearing at 6:55 p.m. on September 20th, in the Seneca Grade School District Board Room; seconded by Thompson.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to approve the 2016-2017 certified staff compensation report as presented and will be posted on the district website; seconded by Sulzberger.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Quigley moved to set the 8th grade graduation for Friday, May 18th, at 7:00 p.m. at the south campus gymnasium; seconded by Thompson.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Board reviewed the insurance quote from Prairie State Cooperative and The Horton Group. Hovious moved to accept the quote from Prairie State Cooperative and switch property/liability and workers compensation coverage with a roughly $10,000 savings; seconded by Thompson.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to approve the memorandum of understanding stating that the teacher’s contract, language in Article V of the professional staff contact, does not cap or limit sick days; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Hovious moved to approve the State of Illinois Joint Cooperative Purchasing Program Resolution; seconded by Sulzberger. This resolution will give the district access to special pricing for school eligible equipment.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Principal McGhee touched base on the August 8th preschool screening. Twenty-seven students were screened by LEASE. It was great to see a lot of parents come on Wednesday for the kindergarten open house. She is looking forward to the Thursday Open House from 5:00-6:00 at the north campus and 6:00-7:00 at the south. Ice Cream will be served after the open house. Parents should have received a letter in the mail explaining how to sign up for their preschool school meeting online this year. She also commented how beneficial both Matific and Promethean Board training was for teachers on Wednesday. Matific will be a useful tool to utilize and help students move forward in math.

Principal Severson really liked the positive energy in the building on Wednesday when teacher came back to school. Teachers were busy training on the new math series and tomorrow will be working in the classroom and at many team meetings. Students will be taught a new skill building grammar using the IXL program in the English department and an addition module will be added to the science program. He reviewed the new student enrollment at the south campus. It is a positive note after so many years seeing a decline this year classrooms will see an increase in size. Ms. Zelko and Mrs. Yerly have the girls softball team off to a positive start. Mrs. Wallin the new cross country coach has eighteen student athletes participating this year so far. The baseball teams have twelve boys on each of the “A” and “B” teams which is great for the program while other schools are having a hard time filling two teams. At the open house Mr. Severson will be covering several changes which include moving from quarter grading periods to trimesters.

Hovious moved to go into Executive Session at 7:45 p.m. for legal and personnel; seconded by Sulzberger.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to return to Open Session at 8:27 p.m.; seconded by Hovious.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to accept the resignation of Michelle Castelli, teacher aide, effective July 25th, with regret; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to accept the resignation of Jo Drazkowski, part-time housekeeper, effective July 19th, with regret; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to hire, Cathy Larsen, part-time nurse, for the 2017-2018 school year; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to hire Crystal Fessler, for part-time housekeeper, to fill the vacant position that was open when Sue Hetelle resigned; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to hire Stacey Powell, part-time day housekeeping position, for the 2017-2018 school year; seconded by Quigley. In additional Julie Juricic will take over the full-time housekeeper, at the south campus, to fill the open position when Joanne Stubblefield retired

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to hire Amy Waitekus to fill the preschool bus driving position when Stacy Powell moved to the day-time cleaning position; seconded by Quigley. Amy has been working for the district as a substitute driver in the past.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to accept the resignation of Teri Helland, 2 hour cafeteria worker; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Thompson moved to hire Tammy Raikes, teacher aide, for the 2017-2018 school year; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Committee Report: Nothing to Report

Communications: None

Old Business: Nothing to Report

New Business: No new business.

Thompson moved to adjourn at 8:32 p.m.; seconded by Quigley.

Yeas: Applebee, Hovious, Quigley, Sulzberger, Thompson and Sangston Nays: None

Teachers Present: Hope Fabris, Margi Monahan
