
Illinois Valley Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Waltham Community Consolidated School District 185 Board met July 26.

Webp hall

Waltham Community Consolidated School District 185 Board met July 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Board President Jim McCabe called the Waltham Elementary School Board meeting of July 26, 2017 to order at 6:05 p.m.

Roll Call: Board Members present: Rick Hardy, Buffy Hoskins, Kathy Jereb, Nicole Mertes, Brian Shofner, and Jim McCabe. Board Members Absent: Jason Depenbrock

Also Present: Mrs. Kristine Eager, Superintendent, Mrs. Melanie Lukacsy, Principal

Pledge of Allegiance: All

Visitors: Tom Collins (News-Tribune), Nina Mitchell (Teacher Rep), Jana Berman (Teacher), Russell Krause (Russell Construction), and Linda Moyer-Halm (Community Member)

Approval of Consent Agenda: Buffy Hoskins moved, second by Brian Shofner to approve:

Minutes of the Meetings of:

June 28, 2017-Regular & Executive Board, District Bills, Treasurer’s Report, Destruction of Audio Recordings, Approval of Hazardous Transportation Resolution. Roll Call Vote: “Yeas” –Rick Hardy, Buffy Hoskins, Kathy Jereb, Nicole Mertes, Brian Shofner, and Jim McCabe. “Nays” – None. Motion carried with 6 yeas, 0 nays.

Reports, Updates and Informational Items:

1. Facilities – Mrs. Eager reported: Summer work is coming along nicely, everyone is working very hard and the buildings will be ready for the first day of school; the WEEF committee has approved a grant to gut and reorganize the North Library; while the Science room has not leaded, there is one in the Tech Closet and the Music room-but they feel it can be patched; and the water softener at North has sprung a leak in a hose and is sucking up blackish water, waiting on John’s Sales & Service to give us an estimate.

2. 4th Quarter Financials – Even with some missing funds from the State, we ended the year in the positive.

3. Registration Update – Starting the school year with 221 students.

4. Math Curriculum – Mrs. Lukacsy gave a brief synopsis on the Eureka Math program that will be replacing the Envision Math currently being used.

5. Legislative Update – SB1290 passed both the House and the Senate and is still sitting on the Governor’s desk waiting for his signature; we have TIF agreement meetings coming up and the extensions should be in place and ready to go, then we will be ready to move forward on our building plan.


6.1-Mr. McCabe asked the Board members to let Mrs. Hewitt know ASAP as to whether they will be attending the Board dinner during the Triple I Convention.

6.2-Mr. McCabe and his family will be hosting the annual Waltham back to school dinner at their house on August 15, 2017.

6.3-The Board discussed setting up a Planning & Goals Committee of the Whole meeting.

Action Item Prior to Executive Session:

7.1 Set Planning & Goals Committee of the Whole Meeting: Buffy Hoskins moved, second by Nicole Mertes to set August 7, 2017 at 5 p.m. at Waltham South as the Planning & Goals Committee of the Whole meeting. Motion carried with 6 yeas, 0 nays.

Executive Session: Nicole Mertes moved, second by Brian Shofner to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss appointment, employment, compensation, performance or dismissal of specific personnel, and review of minutes lawfully closed at 6:30 p.m. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21) Motion carried with 6 yeas, 0 nays.

Closed Session Roll Call: Rick Hardy, Buffy Hoskins, Kathy Jereb, Nicole Mertes, Brian Shofner, and Jim McCabe.

Motion to Return to Open Session: Brian Shofner moved, second by Buffy Hoskins to return to Regular Session at 6:59 p.m. Motion carried with 6 yeas, 0 nays.

Action Items After Executive Session:

9.1 Approve AD Contract: Brian Shofner moved, second by Kathy Jereb to approve the AD Contract for Mr. Seth Brannan as presented. Motion carried with 6 yeas, 0 nays..

9.2 Resignation: Brian Shofner moved, second by Buffy Hoskins the Executive Session minutes from January – June, 2017 remain confidential and therefore closed to public inspection. Motion carried with 6 yeas, 0 nays.

9.3 Adjustment of Salary/Benefits: Rick Hardy moved, second by Nicole Mertes to increase the hourly wage of Mr. Shaun DeFore, Head of Maintenance/Custodian to $20.85, in lieu of Health Insurance Benefits retroactive to July 5, 2017. Motion carried with 6 yeas, 0 nays.

Motion to Adjourn: Kathy Jereb moved, second by Brian Shofner to adjourn at 7:01 p.m. Motion carried with 6 yeas, and 0 nays.
