Village of Sheridan Board of Trustees met July 10.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
The Board of Trustees met on the above date with the following members present: Peggy Arneson, Bill
Clemens, Larry Ryg, Jon Walker, Randy McMurray and Jeff Wilhelm.
Bills for June in the amount of $47,901.16 were presented for payment. Jeff Wilhelm added a bill for
$3,500 to Stephen’s Tree Service for cleanup from recent storms. Randy McMurray motioned to
approve the bills as presented. Bill Clemens 2nd. Motion Carried.
Minutes for June 2017 were presented. Bill Clemens motioned to approve the minutes as written. Peggy
Arneson 2nd. Motion Carried.
Randy McMurray gave the finance report with an ending balance of $1,100,071.58. Jon Walker
motioned to approve the finance report. Jeff Wilhelm 2nd. Motion Carried.
Cathy read a card from the Robert Rowe Library thanking the maintenance men for beautifying the
flower beds at the library. The Community Club will host a Back to School Bash on August 12th from 3
until dusk with a movie showing at dusk due to the July 3rd Welcome Burger being rained out. The village
will pay for the movie. The Fox River Lutheran Church would also like permission to host a “Party in the
Park” for local families on August 19th from 8-3PM. The board had no issues with this. Cathy will notify
Committee Reports:
Jeff Wilhelm, Streets Committee, stated that micro lapping will be done on the streets within the next
30 days. He stated that everything went well on the 4th of July.
Jon Walker, Sewer Committee, had no report.
Larry Ryg, Zoning Committee, had 1 fence permit for $110.00.
Bill Clemens, Police Committee, gave the police report for June 2017.
Peggy Arneson, Parks Committee, had no report.
Old Business: None
New Business: Patty Smith introduced herself as the new director of the Robert Rowe Library since
Debbie Smith has retired. She told them of some new items available at the library. They now have a
device called a hotspot available for library cardholders to check out. They also have a talking book
program for people with visual problems. There are no fees for these devices. Cathy will add this
information to the upcoming infoline.
Jeff Wilhelm received a bid for crack sealing several areas in town. He would like to change a few streets
on the map and pursue other bids also.
Jeff Wilhelm would like additional tree work done other than the contract with Steve Piper and Sons.
Jeff Wilhelm motioned to authorize extension of the tree funding subject to finance committee
approval. Peggy Arneson 2nd. Motion Carried.
Mayor Figgins introduced an Ordinance Authorizing Mayor and Clerk to Execute Contract for Illinois
Municipal League Risk Management Association. Peggy Arneson motioned to approve Ordinance 2017-
23. Jon Walker 2nd. Motion Carried.
Mayor Figgins introduced A Resolution Approving Recommendation for Payment to H & H Builders Inc.
for Steel Siding Replacement of Village Garage. Jeff Wilhelm motioned to approve payment for
Resolution 2017-24. Jon Walker 2nd. Motion Carried.
Public Comment: None
At this time Mayor Figgins announced that the board would enter executive session to imminent
litigation under Section 2(c)(11) of the Open Meetings Act.
A roll call vote was taken:
Peggy Arneson-yes
Bill Clemens-yes
Larry Ryg-yes
Jon Walker-yes
Randy McMurray-yes
Jeff Wilhelm-yes
Upon return to regular session there being no further business to discuss Jeff Wilhelm motioned to
adjourn the meeting. Larry Ryg 2nd and the meeting adjourned.