
Illinois Valley Times

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Wallace Community Consolidated School District 195 Board met July 26

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Wallace Community Consolidated School District 195 Board met July 26.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

Wallace Grade School Board of Education President Bill Vogel called the meeting to order. Roll call was

taken and members present were: Vogel, Mangold, Keene, Armstrong, and Carroll. Absent were Evola

and Miller.

Bill Keene made a motion and John Armstrong seconded to approve the minutes from the June 28, 2017

meeting. In favor, Vogel, Mangold, Keene, Armstrong, and Carroll.

Visitors present at the meeting were Mike Vezzetti. He gave an annual report on our investment


Dennis Bute gave the treasurer’s report. Bill Keene made a motion and Doug Carroll seconded to

approve the treasurer’s report. In favor, Vogel, Mangold, Keene, Armstrong, and Carroll.

Mr. Matteson reviewed the monthly bills. Doug Carroll made a motion and Bill Keene seconded to

approve payment of the bills. In favor, Vogel, Mangold, Keene, Armstrong, and Carroll.

John Armstrong made a motion and Bill Keene seconded to destroy closed session verbatim from

December 2015 and prior. In favor, Vogel, Mangold, Keene, Armstrong, and Carroll.

Mr. Matteson gave the Superintendent’s report. He gave a 2017 budget report. He reported our

investments earned 1.27% in June. We made $604 in June and $14,357 for the year. The Corporate

Personal Property Replacement Tax payment for July was down 3.1% compared to July 2016.

Mr. Matteson said the north gym was stripped and resealed recently. He also said the audit is scheduled

for August 7, 2017. This will be done by Hopkins and Associates. Representative Jerry Long will be

holding a job fair here on August 2, 2017.

Bill Keene made a motion and Doug Carroll seconded to approve the milk bid for the2017-18 school year

to Prairie Farms. In favor, Vogel, Mangold, Keene, Armstrong, and Carroll.

Mr. Coates gave the Principal’s report. He discussed Professional Development for the 2017-18 school

year. He reviewed the curriculum work and the state-mandated trainings.

Mr. Coates also discussed personnel. He said the Special Education Aide needs for this upcoming year is

one less than last year at this time. The RTI and classroom aides will continue to cover lunch supervision.

Mr. Coates reviewed the coaching positions for the 2017-18 year. We are still in need of a 5th/6th grade

volleyball assistant coach. Mr. Coates reviewed the upcoming dates. Open House 8/16, Kindergarten

Open House 8/17 and Kindergarten Curriculum Night August 23, 2017. Curriculum night for grades 1-4

will be held on August 30, 2017.

John Armstrong made a motion and Rick Mangold seconded to approve the hiring of all aides and also of

Megan Besse and Angel White for the 2017-18 school year. In favor, Vogel, Mangold, Keene, Armstrong.

and Carroll.

John Armstrong made a motion and Rick Mangold seconded to accept the resignation of Bill Vogel as

basketball coach. In favor, Mangold, Keene, Armstrong, and Carroll.

Rick Mangold made a motion and John Armstrong seconded to approve the budget hearing date

September 27, 2017 at 7:00PM. In favor, Vogel, Mangold, Keene, Armstrong, and Carroll.

Doug Carroll made a motion and Bill Keene seconded to approve the tentative budget to be on display in

the office. In favor, Vogel, Mangold, Keene, Armstrong, and Carroll.

Doug Carroll made a motion and John Armstrong seconded to approve Joel Hambleton as the school

treasurer. In favor, Vogel, Mangold, Keene, Armstrong, and Carroll.

At 8:53AM John Armstrong made a motion and Bill Keene seconded to adjourn the meeting. In favor,

Vogel, Mangold, Keene, Armstrong, and Carroll.
