Putnam County Community Unit School District #535 Board of Education met July 17.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
Media Center Putnam County Primary School
Vice President Mr. Copeland called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Call to Order
The meeting continued with the Pledge of Allegiance. Pledge of
The following members were present to answer roll call: Mrs. Baker, aye; Mr. Copeland,
aye; Mr. Mallery, aye; and Mrs. Shore, aye. Mr. Gibson, Ms. Glenn and Mrs. Popurella
were absent.
Roll Call
No adjustments. Adjustments to
The Agenda
No audience participation. Audience
Hearing of
None. Correspondence
Mr. Mallery moved and Mrs. Baker seconded the motion to approve the consent agenda:
regular and executive session minutes of June 2017; regular and executive session
minutes of special meeting on June 22, 2017; bills for July 2017; financial reports for
June 2017; Treasurer’s Report for June 2017. All ayes, motion carried.
Consent Agenda
No reports. Principals’
There were no investment updates nor a transportation report.
State funding: Mr. Carlson reported that the state owes the district the same amount as
last month. Also reported was the fact that the state has passed a budget but the trigger
for school funding is held captive by Senate Bill 1. Further information will be reported
as it becomes available.
Budget update: Mr. Carlson reported that the district is in good standing with only 87%
of budgeted expenditures having been spent.
There was 1 FOIA request.
Mr. Mallery moved and Mrs. Shore seconded the motion to approve the Extra-Curricular
Policy Handbook. All ayes, motion carried.
Old Business
ROE Life Safety Compliance visit: The reports are on BoardBook. Mr. Carlson reported
that the district was compliant in all 4 buildings.
New Business
At 6:36 p.m. Mrs. Baker moved and Mrs. Shore seconded the motion to adjourn to
executive session for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline,
performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the district. All ayes, motion carried.
At 7:01 p.m. Mr. Mallery moved and Mrs. Baker seconded the motion to return to open
session. All ayes; motion carried.
Mr. Mallery moved and Mrs. Baker seconded the motion to accept the honorable
dismissal resolution of a full-time educational support personnel member and re-employ
in a different full-time position. All ayes, motion carried.
At 7:02 p.m. Mr. Mallery moved and Mrs. Baker seconded the motion to adjourn. All
ayes, motion carried.